A Multimedia Learning System For Selected Topics of Physics

A Multimedia Learning System For Selected Topics of Physics.


Background of study

Nowadays, our world functioning is largely based on Information Technology. The usage of computers in Physics instruction began in the seventies [1].

Since then, lots of research efforts have been devoted to studying various emerging technologies and their impact on the learning process.

Learning systems (also known as Virtual Learning Environments or VLEs) are being developed for use in the educational as well as corporate sectors.

Over the years various contributions have been made from the commercial as well as open-source communities. Today there are a good number of learning systems in existence.

Some of which are open source while a good number of them are commercially available.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements………….  III

Abstract…………. V

Table of Contents……………….   VI

List of Figures……………….   IX


1       Introduction………………. 1
  • Background………………..       1
  • Aims and Objectives…………..        5
  • Research Questions……………………………………………………………………………………………       6
  • Thesis Structure…………………………………………………………………………………………………..    6
  • Expected Contributions……………………………………………………………………………………….     7
2       Brief Review of the State of Physics Education in the 21st Century…………………………….           9
  • Background………………………………………………………………………………………………………..     9
  • Reasons for decline in enrollment of Physics Majors………………………………………              10
  • Problems with the traditional Physics Curriculum 11
  • Change in the overall perception as regarding the usefulness of Physics……                        12
  • A change in the students……………………………………………………………………                            12
  • Usage of Computers in Physics Education………………………………………………………………    13
  • Motivation for choosing to develop a Multimedia Learning System for Newtonian Mechanics in this work 15
  • Popularity of Newton’s Laws……………………………………………………………………….                                                 15
  • Common misconceptions from beginning students……………………………………………                                           16
3       State of the Art of Learning Systems for Physics Education in General and Newtonian Mechanics in particular……….. 19
  • Tools for Data Acquisition and Manipulation……         19
  • Open-Access Educational websites…….. 20
  • Integrated VLEs and microworlds…….  22
  • Problem Statement: How does one effectively motivate students (African) to study Physics?      27
  • Issues facing the use of Multimedia Learning Systems as a tool for Physics Instruction       28
  • Computer acting as a master over student instead of the reverse        28
  • Lack of full Intellectual Engagement on the part of the Student…….    30
  • Replacing the former methods of instruction with the computer………   31
  • Forgetting the students’ point of view in favor of designers…    32
  • Analysis of related works on Multimedia Learning Systems for Physics Instruction… 33
  • Justification of research question……….  35
  • A new approach to Physics Instruction: A Multimedia Learning System for Newtonian Mechanics   36
  • Why a Multimedia Learning System for Newtonian Mechanics?…… 36
  • Skill Analysis……..38
  • Basic Skills………….39
  • Theoretical Skills…………..39
  • Experimental Skills……….40
  • General Skills………….  40
  • Learner Preferences………………… 41
  • Active versus Reflective Learners………… 42
  • Sensing versus Intuitive Learners………42
  • Visual versus Verbal Learners……42
  • Sequential versus Global Learners… 42
  • Design Principles……43
  • Teachers as facilitators not as knowledge transmitters…. 43
  • Learning must take place in a collaborative environment…. 43
  • Active involvement of learners is key…….44
  • Proper procedures for assessment…….45
  • Implementation………46
  • Detailed description of our Multimedia Learning System…46
  • Welcome screen and Introduction component…. 47
  • Newton’s Second Law Simulator (N2 Simulator)…. 49
  • Visual Examples…… 51
  • Self-Assessment………..  51
  • Evaluation…………. 52
  • Conclusions…………….. 54
  • Summary of work and results……  54
  • Challenges………… 55
  • Future Work……….. 55
  • References………..57

Appendices     60


Teresa Martin-Blas (2009). E-learning Platforms in Physics Education, Technology Education and Development, Aleksandar Lazinica and Carlos Calafate (Ed.), 

Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moodle [Accessed 1st November, 2011 1:42A.M.]
Available at:   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_learning_environment     [Accessed   28September 2011 2:00 P.M.]

Hamada, An Integrated Virtual Environment for Active and Collaborative e-Learning in Theory of Computation; IEEE Transactions on learning technologies, vol.1, No.2, April-June 2008.

F.Redish, J.M. Wilson. Student programming in the introductory physics course: M.U.P.P.E.T. Amer. J. Phys. 61, 222-232, 1993.

Awodele O., Kuyoro S.O., Adejumobi A.K., Awe O. and Makanju O., Citadel E-learning: A New Dimension to Learning System; World of Computer Science and Information Technology Journal (WCSIT) ISSN: 2221-0741, Vol.1, No. 3, 71-78,

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