Influence of Sales Promotion on Consumer Patronage of Noodles (A Study of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka )

Influence of Sales Promotion on Consumer Patronage of Noodles.


This study focused on influence of sales promotion  on consumer patronage of noodles  in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka.

Sales promotion is a key ingredient in marketing campaigns, consists of a collection of incentive tools, mostly short term, designed to stimulate quicker or greater purchase of particular products or service by consumers or the trade.

Based on the above the objective of this study is to determine the influence price packs, context and coupons on consumer patronage of noodles.

A survey research design was employed. The population of the study was 399 consumers of noodles, 283 respondents returned their questionnaire. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson moment correlation.

The findings revealed that all the independent variables ( price packs, contest and coupons) had significant relationship with costomer patronage.

Finally, the study recommended that noodles industries or companies should continue to ensure that they use price packs, contest and coupons to influence customer patronage by maintaining their current effort and improve on them when necessary.       


Background of the Study

Sales promotion is a key ingredient in marketing campaigns, consists of a collection of incentive tools, mostly short term, designed to stimulate quicker or greater purchase of particular products or service by consumers or the trade.

Sales promotion can also be defined as a marketing activity that adds to the basic value proposition  behind a product (i.e getting more for less) for a limited time in order to stimulate consumer purchasing, selling effectiveness or effort of sales force (Aderemi 2013).

According to Nkamnebe (2007), sales promotion is a direct inducement which offers an extra value or incentive for product to the sales force, distributors, or the ultimate consumers.  With this we realize that sales promotion should be directed to the sales force, middlemen and the ultimate consumer.

The business environment has become very competitive in the 21st century. The environment is very complex and consumer preferences keep changing because of low switching cost in the market .

In addition, the increased competition in the fast moving consumer product industry, particularly the noodles market has worsened the fight for customers, thus making survival difficult. Many new players have joined the market, worsening the already competitive market structure.

However, the initial failure by many of these fast moving consumer product companies to understand the relevance of promotion made their survival difficult but currently almost every firm seeks to increase the sales of its product through an effective promotional tool of which consumer sales promotion is one of them.


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