Assessment of Influence of Consumer Information Awareness on Homemakers’ Decision Making in Selecting Family Goods and Services in South-east, Nigeria

 – Assessment of Influence of Consumer Information Awareness on Homemakers’ Decision Making in Selecting Family Goods and Services in South-east, Nigeria – 

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The study investigated the influence of awareness of consumer information on homemakers‟ utilization in decision making for selecting family goods and services in South-East of Nigeria.

The specific objectives were to: determine the available sources of consumer information for homemakers selection of goods and services;

ascertain levels of awareness of consumer information of homemakers in selecting family goods and services; determine levels of awareness sources of consumer information for selecting goods and services;

determine extent of utilization of consumer information for purchasing goods and services, determine socio-economic factors affecting homemakers‟ decision on selection of goods and services; determine factors that influence homemakers‟ decision making on the selection of goods and services.

There were six research questions and six hypotheses formulated in line with the objectives. The population of the study was 1031 which was also the sample size for the study.

The study used descriptive survey design. A questionnaire titled consumer information awareness was designed and used by the researcher for data collection in this study.

The data was analyzed using frequency and percentages for Bio data. Mean and standard deviation were used for educational qualification and level of income of the respondents and the six research questions. 


A consumer is a person who purchases goods and services produced by someone else. Anyakoha and Eluwa (2008) defined a consumer as any person who makes use of goods and services to satisfy personal or household needs.

An individual or a business firm or government unit can purchase goods and services to fulfill her desire. Consumers can be classified according to their current position in the consumption processes; either as potential, realized and non-consumers (Tanko, 2012).

A potential consumer buys product without having a need, it could be to display wealth or to boost ego. A non-consumer buys product to resell, because it is to resell, he/she may not go far in search of information about the products.

A realized consumer buys to satisfy needs. Generally, a homemaker is a gender-neutral term for a housewife or a husband who is responsible for domestic activities in the family, but in the context of this study only female homemakers were used.

In the olden days, homemakers as consumers did not require information in selecting goods and services because they were produced within the families.

In recent times, due to advancement in technology better products are being produced. People now purchase goods instead of producing articles for their own needs and desires.

This development makes it essential to provide homemakers with the information that will help them in selection of goods and services.


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