Influence of Culture on the Acceptance of Health Care Services

 – Influence of Culture on the Acceptance of Health Care Services – 

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The study was conducted on the influence of culture on the acceptance of health care services among the people of Anua Community. Uyo Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

Three research objectives were formulated to guide the study, which are: To identify cultural factors that influence the acceptance of health care services in Anua Community;

Io identify the cultural practices that are harmful to health, and to suggest ways to improve consumer’s acceptance of health care services in Anua Community.

Review of literature was based on the three objectives, using descriptive research design and simple random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of one hundred and fifty (150).

Data was collected using a twenty (20) itemized structured questionnaire. The instrument was validated and suggested to reliability test. Results were obtained and analyzed using frequency distribution tables and bar charts.

The result revealed that the cost of health services from traditional health attendants was cheaper, readily available and easily accessible which has a huge influence on their acceptance of health care services in the hospital.

Based on this finding, it was recommended the government should improve and integrate traditional medicine in medical practice and also make health care service in hospital more affordable to improve consumer’s acceptance.


Cover page-        i

Tile page–             ii

Certification– –        iii

Abstract–              iv

Dedication–         v

Acknowledgement —  –  vi

Table of Content–    vii

List of Table– —          x

List of Figures–         xi


1.0       Introduction– —          1

1.1       Background of study–         2

1.2       Statement of problem–  4

1.3       Research Questions–  —      4

1.4       Objectives of the Study–          5

1.5       Significance of the Study–      5

1.6       Scope of Study–             6

1.7       Operational definition of terms–       6


2.0  Literature Review–        7

2.1 Conceptual  Review–       7

2.2 Theoretical Review–       12

2.3 Application to the Study  —          13

2.4 Empirical Review–          14


3.0 Research Methodology–  —     18

3.1 Research Design– —    18

3.2  Research Setting–            18

3.3 Target population–          18

3.4 Sampling Size Determination–            19

3.5 Sampling Technique–   19

3.6 Instrument for data collection —   –    20

3.7 Validity of instrument —   —        20

3.8 Reliability of instrument– —      20

3.9 Method of data collection–    21

3.10 Method of data analysis–          21

3.11 Ethical consideration–    –        21


4.0 Results–    —     22

4.1 Presentation of result using charts and tables–        22

4.2 Answering research questions–    —        24


5.0 Discussion of Findings–   –        34

5.1 Identification of key findings–            34

5.2  State  what is Implied with literature support —      35

5.3  Align of findings of previous studies cited —           36

5.4 Implication to nursing–            37

5.5 Limitation of the study–        38

5.6 Summary–       38

5.7 Conclusion–                39

5.8 Recommendations–        39

5.9 Suggestions for further studies–        40



Letter of Introduction



Culture is a way of life of a group or society which is learned and shared by its members, it is the entire social heritage the individuals receive from the group he belongs.

It plays on important role in health because cultural factors influence the widely accepted concept of illness among Nigerians (Erinosho 2015).

A society’s attitudes to acceptance of health care services and disease are closely bound up with the culture.

The culture of a society denotes trails which are shared by significant number of individuals and which are transmitted from generation to generation within that society by teaching and learning (Erinosho 2015).

Illness is defined medically to mean any state of disturbance in normal functioning of the total system within an organism keeping his working system unsteady.

In Nigeria, there is a degree of consensus that many disease are predisposed to by socio-cultural factors such as demons, sin, witchcraft. Because of this belief people tend to go to traditional medicine doctors and spiritual churches first for cure before seeking help in the health care institutions.

Health care delivery system exists to provide services and resources for better health, this refers to all those personal and community services for prevention and treatment of disease and promotion of health.

The health of the people is strongly influenced by their cultural belief despite the quality and availability of health services.

Culture provides an individual with patterns of behaviour the health of the members of a society is closely related to the cultural practices inherent in that area.

The belief in witchcraft and supernatural power a causes of illness is very common and deeply rooted in our society with consequent influence on the acceptance of health care services.


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