Prevalence of Ectoparasites Infestation Of Chicken In Three Poultry Farms In Awka

Prevalence of Ectoparasites Infestation Of Chicken In Three Poultry Farms In Awka.


The study examined the Prevalence of Ectoparasites on poultry chicken in three selected poultry farms in Awka  and Mgbakwu towns, Awka South and Awka North Local Government Area, Anambra State between the month of June and August 2017.

A total  of 300 chickens were examined  in the three poultry farms namely; Aroma poultry farm, Chidoka poultry farm and Polytechnic Mgbakwu poultry farm.

Both the skin and plugged feathers were thoroughly searched for the presence of ectoparasites, all the ectoparasites found were collected into specimen bottle and are identified using a stereoscopic microscope.

The result indicates that (52.0%) of the chicken haboured ectoparasites infestation with polytechnic Mgbakwu poultry farm which recorded the highest prevalence, followed by Chidoka poultry farm (38.1%)  then by Aroma poultry farm (9.7%).

The result showed higher infestation in female (53.3%) than males (46.6%). Ectoparasite specie encountered most  was Menacanthus stramineus (33.3%) followed by Echinophaga gallinacean (29.1%). The ages of the chicken ranges from chicks (1 week old) to layers (9 month old).

The study also showed that  at (p>0.05%) significance, the infection of the ectoparasite on the chicken were not dependent on sex but there were high significant difference on ages of the chicken at (p<0.05%).

Therefore, application of integrated control strategy, good management practices and high level of proper hygiene practices were recommended.


Chicken production specifically plays important socio economic roles and significant contributions to human food production. Poultry production is an integral part of a balanced farming system; it has a unique position in the rural household economic supplying high quality protein to the family (Angiereyiri et al., 2015).

The poultry population was estimated at around 150 million with a large majority of local chickens and a minority of exotic breeds (FAO, 2000).

Following the outbreak, the poultry sector witnessed a brief decline before settling and today despite many problems, the poultry sector is again in expansion (Oscar Agricultural Consultant Limited, 2008).

Chicken constitutes about 70% of poultry production and Nigeria produces about 300,000 tons of poultry meat and 650,000 tons in egg per annum while Nigeria poultry association stated that Nigeria produces above 1.25 million tons of egg per year as against 650,000 tons, FAO (2013).

It was as well surveyed that most cocks sold in Awka market were derived from the northern states of the country, a strong indication that ectoparasites of chicken may be country-wide problem (Ikpeze et al., 2008).

Ectoparasites which are parasites that live on the surface of a host organism (chicken) are mostly invertebrate EG arthropod (insects and arachnids).

They are common in the tropics because of the favourable climatic conditions for their development and the poor standards of poultry husbandry (FAO, 2013).

Ectoparasitism has been identified as one of the major factors that threaten scavenging village chicken production systems in developing countries (Zumani, 2011).


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