Participatory Budgeting: An Effective Control Tool for Attaining Managerial Functions and Organizational Corporate Goals

 – Participatory Budgeting: An Effective Control Tool for Attaining Managerial Functions and Organizational Corporate Goals –

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The need for participation by staff or subordinate managers in the budgetary processes and the use of budgeting as an effective control tool in any organization cannot be over emphasized. This topic was chosen because of the need for increased participation in budgetary processes in order to nip in the bud the continued adverse budget variance and non implementation of budget figures.

Obviously, full participation by users and implementers of budget details aid in speeding and actualizing management functions and organizational goals. Regrettably, this very important tool is not effectively put to use by some line managers and departmental heads, thereby jeopardizing the cumulative impact of budget, threatening good performance which lead to decline in liquidity of cash budgets in most Nigerian organization.

This study investigated whether both companies apply participatory budgetary procedures in their operations, that is, whether process of democratic deliberation and decision-making, in which not only line managers and departmental heads.

In carrying out this task, the researcher had to carry out surveys through the use of questionnaires and oral interview with two key officers of both companies, also the use of product moment coefficient of correlation was used in testing the formulated hypotheses and the use of frequency table for analyzing the collected data. After carrying out the research, the researcher arrived at some findings.

The major findings showed that, the Nigeria Bottling Company Plc Owerri and Emenite Limited each installed a participatory budgetary system among other managerial tools. Furthermore, it was discovered that the system in both companies is laden with a number of errors like lack of cash budget, which gave rise to most of the problems associated with the ineffective operations of the company.


The need for continuity and hitting break even point have made modern business organization face with unimaginable competition surrounded with precarious decision which threaten the going concern concept of the business. These have made it possible for the need to build in the comedy of system concept; where synergy is advocated and participation of sub units remain primeval in planning or budgeting.

To this end, business managers in the private, public, profit and non-profit making concerns, including the households now indicate sources of available materials and allocate through budgeting, the most efficient way of meeting a future needs. A budget may be prepared for an organization as a whole or for its sub units. A budget that represents or embraces the entire organization is termed as master budget.

A budget is that futuristic action/ profit plan stated in quantitative terms within a time frame. Budgets express the degree of efficiency and effectiveness which management, putting all available scarce resources to best use, intends to attain, in pursuit of corporate goals Nzelibe (1990), sees budget as a technique for allocating working capital in terms of raw materials and manpower needed in the most effective and economic manner.

Again, Hand (1985), stated that budgeting entails the setting of targets. It is a technique which is widely used in business and which affects all levels of management. The budget of a business is like a household budget which provides for estimated income (wages, salaries and other incomes) and for anticipated expenditure (food, school fees, clothing, rent etc) within a specified period.


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