Evaluating Attractions in Animated Movies/Tv Shows amongst Viewers in Aun Community

 – Evaluating Attractions in Animated Movies/Tv Shows amongst Viewers in Aun Community – 

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This study was conducted to find out why people watch animations more than others such as Hollywood, Bollywood or Nollywood movies.

In finding out the total number of people registered spring 2018, the registrar of the school was conducted to get a concise and factual number of students registered. In addition, based on the response from the registrar, the total number of 976 undergraduate and 75 graduate students was provided which gives a sum of 1051 students.

In addition, based on the Taro Yamane Formula, the sample size, margin of error and confidence level was generated.

Furthermore, the problem of the study was to find out why people or students watch animations so much and the effective it has on them.

In addition, the objectives however was aimed at identifying the attractions that animation holds for viewers, then examine the attractions and finally, find out the factors responsible for viewers holding unto those attractions.

Likewise, the theories used by the researcher are Uses and Gratification Theory by Blumler and Katz in 1974 and Social Cognitive Theory by Albert Bandura in the 1960s. 


Animation is defined as a movement of illusion, a definition that dates back to the 19th century. “During the mid and late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the art forms of visual still and motion media began its impact on America and the world” (Ross & Morrison, 2011).

In addition, the first actual break of animation was in 1914 by the legendary cartoonist, often referred to as “The Father of American Cartoons, Winsor McCay.

He believed that animated characters have a strong effect on viewers’ attention without the assistance or sales pitch. Using, that as a premise, McCay created the first animation “Gertie the Dinosaur”. However, stated that that the innovative part of the design was that McCay could interact with it.

Furthermore, Gertie started out as an act of “Vaudeville” (chalk talk), whereby McCay spoke for both the character and himself. Therefore, giving the animation the illusion of life in a projector, before the use of “cell-animation”.

He used the cell-animation to transfer Gertie into the first animation success story. Furthermore, in 1920’s animators began to rise such as with the creation “Queen Fall for the Same Cat” (Israel, 2018).

In addition, the evolution and success of Winsor McCay animation (Gertie the Dinosaur) and Charles Lindbergh’s animation, inspired animators such as Walt Disney (Mickey mouse), Tex Avery, Chuck Jones, Friz Freling and Robert McKimson (Israel, 2018).


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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