An Assessment of the Physical Distribution of Soft Drink

An Assessment of the Physical Distribution of Soft Drink.


Distribution of soft drinks in Nigeria simply implies the system through which the soft drinks are brought to the prospect final consumer within the Nigeria economy.

To carefully examine the attitude, feelings and reactions of consumers towards the physical distribution of soft drinks. And to examine the actual channels of physical distribution of soft drinks.

This research work will be highly beneficial and appreciated in many ways or areas of educational and human developments.

It would be beneficial to traders of soft drinks consumers and merchants who have one intensions of consuming soft drinks and industries, especially coca-cola, Onitsha.

The physical distribution of soft drinks in Nigeria have improved the technical equipment and its usage, it encourages the economic growth of the Nigeria economy.

The management of these soft drinks industries should constantly organized workshops, seminars and conferences for on public relationship and normal consumers approach.


Title page                                                                i

Approval                                                                  ii

Dedication                                                               iii

Acknowledgments                                                   iv

Tale of content                                                        v

Abstract                                                                  viii



1.1   Background of the study                                1

1.2  Statement of problem                                      7

1.3   Purpose of the study                                       8

1.4   Significant of study                                         9

1.5   Research Questions                                        11

1.6   Scope of the study                                          12

1.7   Definition of terms                                          13


  • A brief introduction 15
  • Improvement of technology 17
  • Review of current literature 19
  • Provision of job opportunities 24
  • Improvement on infrastructural Development 24
  • High transportation costs 27
  • The remedies to the problems 39
  • Evolving consumers preference and taste 40
  • Factors affecting the consumer 43


  • Design of the study 50
  • Area of the study 51
  • Population of the study 51
  • Sample of the study 52
  • Instrument for data collection 52
  • Distribution and reveal of instrument 54
  • Method of data analysis 55


4.0   Data Presentation and Analysis                     56

4.1   Discussion of finding                                      68

CHAPTER FIVE Summary, conclusion and recommendation

5.1   Summary of Finding                                       71

5.2   Conclusion                                                      73

5.3   Recommendations                                          74

5.4   Limitations of the study                                 76

5.5   Suggestions further research                         77

Reference                                                                78

Appendix A                                                      79

Questionnaire                                                 80


Background of the Study

Distribution of soft drinks in Nigeria simply suplies the system through which the soft drinks are brought to the prospect final consumers within the Nigeria economy.

Soft drinks are produced by the soft drinks industries within and outside the country and carefully distributed to the final consumers in order to complete the production processes.

In the physical distributed to the final consumers in order to complete the production process. In the physical distribution of these soft drinks, basically,

two various classified channels can be pinpoint or drawn, normal 3 – ways distribution channels (ie Manufacturers, Wholesales, Retailers – Consumers) and 2 – ways distribution channel (i.e. Manufacturers, Wholesales/Retailers – Consumer).

In the former, manufacturers of soft drinks carry their products in bulks of different brands to the deport owners (ie the wholesalers) and they in turn carry to the were shops or restaurants owners (ie the retailers) and these people sell directly to the final consumers in smaller quantities.

While, in one latter, the manufacturers of the soft drinks, big hotels and restaurants where the final consumers buy or to the depots, where the final consumers can equally buy for big occasions.

There are many different soft drinks industries all over the world. Some concentrate on one brand of drink, while some operate on assorted brands in order to meet their customer/consumer targeted objectives.

Though, there are (3) principally recognized companies in the soft drinks production and distributions – (a) coca-cola company (b) Pepsi company and (c) Cadbury Schweppes.


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