Monostaining Of Kidney And Liver Tissues With Extracts Of Tumeric (Curcuma Longa) And Zobo (Hibiscus Sabdariffa)

Monostaining of Kidney and Liver Tissues with Extracts of Tumeric (Curcuma Longa) and Zobo (Hibiscus Sabdariffa).


Monstaining is a special kind of staining procedure that highlights single cells.

Most stains used in histopathology are synthetic, toxic and costly for use hence this study was carried out at the histopathology laboratory of Imo state university to research more on the probability of replacing routine toxic and costly stains for natural,

non toxic, less costly and effective stains that can highlight observably single cellular structures when viewed microscopically.

Twelve sections were used for this study (6 liver and 6 kidney sections), obtained from the federal medical center Owerri of which was divided into four groups of liver and kidney sections respectively.

This division was according to stains to be used on both sections either with haematoxylin and eosin or prepared adjusted PH extracts of zobo and turmeric viz:

The group 1 (3 liver sections) were stained with haematoxylin and eosin, group 2 (3liver sections) stained with zobo and turmeric plant extracts, group 3 (3kidney sections) stained with haematoxylin and eosin stains and group 4 (3kidney sections) stained with zobo and turmeric plant extracts.

After analysis it was concluded that zobo and turmeric were not very good stains in highlighting single cell structures when compared to routinely used haematoxylin and eosin stains.


A stain is a dye consisting of a colored ion (a chromophore) and a counter ion to balance the charge. Attachment of the chromophore part of the dye complex to a cellular component represents the staining reaction.

Monostaining or Monochrome staining is the use of a single colour stain to colour tissues. It is mainly used on bacterial cells (Gurr, 2010).

Simple staining implies the use of only a single stain, which is usually sufficient to reveal the morphological features of most microbial cells, including relative size, shape, and characteristic arrangements for groups of cells.

It is possible to see structural details by staining with a single dye if the sections are sufficiently thin. To obtain additional information, various specialized differential staining procedures have been developed.

Examples of monostains used includes Heidenhain’s iron-hematoxylin which is a classical method of this type,  Eriochrome cyanine R an anionic hydroxytriarylmethane dye that has various uses as an industrial colorant, a reagent in analytical chemistry and a biological stain.

Hyman and Poulding’s method advantage which taken of the existence of red and blue dye-iron(III ) complexes with affinities for different components of animal tissues or an epoxy or polyester resin, Alkaline toluidine blue and so on (Baker, 2002; Bettinger and Zimmermann, 2001)

Pathology may be used broadly to refer to the study of disease in general. Pathology addresses four components of disease: cause (etiology), mechanisms of development (pathogenesis), structural alterations of cells (morphologic changes), and the consequences of changes (clinical manifestations)(Stanley, 2010).


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