Problems of Effective Service Delivery In Government Owned Establishment

 – Problems of Effective Service Delivery In Government Owned Establishment –

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This work has the primary objective of studying the various problems of effective service delivery in government-owned establishment a case study of Anambra broadcasting service (abs).

The sample selected for the study was one hundred and thirty-five (135) out of the total population of four hundred (400) which comprises both the junior and senior staff of the establishment.

Data for this study were gathered by means of questionnaires which were distributed to the respondent and collected by the researcher himself.

One hundred and thirty-five (135) questionnaires were distributed to the staff of abs but only one hundred and twenty-five were retrieved at the end.  The researcher found the use of percentage as the most appropriate method of analyzing the data collected.

Findings revealed that inadequate fund, absolute equipment and managerial inefficiency are some of the problems facing abs awka.  Based on the findings, the researcher therefore made the following recommendations: provision of the adequate fund, sound equipment adequate working materials to the establishment to help solve the problems often encountered in the establishment.

The researcher then concludes that the provision of the adequate fund and sound equipment will help the establishment to achieve their objectives.


Title         i

Approval       ii

Dedication          iii

Acknowledgement      iv

Table of contents    vi

Abstract         x 


1.0   Introduction     1

1.1   Background of the study  2

1.2   Statement of the problem   4

1.3   Purpose of the study    5

1.4   Significance of the study      6

1.5   Research questions       7

1.6   Scope of the study        8

1.7   Definition of Terms    9


2.1   The Concept and definition of effective management         12

2.2   The concept of Government owned establishment       16

2.3   Compared public and private owned establishment       20

2.4   Reasons for poor service delivery in Government owned establishment    23

2.5   Ways of ensuring effective service delivery in Government owned establishment   27

2.6   The roles of (ABS) Anambra Broadcasting Service Awka to the Nation Development       34

2.7   Summary of Related Literature36


3.0   Research Methodology       37

  • Brief outline of the study 37
  • Design of the study 38
  • Area of the study 39
  • Population of the study 39
  • Sample size 39
  • Instruments for data collection 40
  • Validation of the instrument 41
  • Distribution and retrieval of the instrument 41
  • Method of data analysis 42 


4.0   Data presentation and analysis of data         43

4.1   Introduction                                                    43

4.1   Discussion of the findings                              49 



5.1   Summary of findings                                      52

5.2   Conclusion                                                      54

5.3   Recommendations                                          56

5.4   Limitations of the study                                 58

5.5   Suggestions for further studies                      59

References                                                      60

Appendix                                                         63

Questionnaires                                               64


This work is based on problems of effective service delivery in a government-owned establishment with particular reference to Anambra Broadcasting Service (ABS) Awka.

Effective service delivery is a pre-requisite for the growth and survival of any government-owned establishment. It is pertinent to know that ineffective service delivery in any government-owned establishment hamper the achievement of its target objectives and growth.

Management in many establishment especially government-owned is faced with numerous problems which in turn affects the effective service delivery of such an establishment.

It is therefore in the light of the forgoing that aroused my interest to embark on this research study with a view to finding out the causes, effects and suggest solutions to the problems of effective service delivery in government-owned establishment with particular reference to Anambra Broadcasting Service ABS Awka.


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