Effect of Oil Types On The Physio-Chemical And Organoleptic Qualities of Akara

Effect of Oil Types on the Physio-Chemical and Organoleptic Qualities of Akara.


Akara is a tasty snack enjoyed by different sections of the population.  This project investigated the effect of oil type on the sensory and chemical properties of akara produced from three different oil samples.

The cowpea samples were soaked, washed, dehulled, grind, mixed with ingredients, and fried in the various oil samples.

The results of sensory evaluation and proximate analysis indicate a level of significant difference, with WOW, XOX and YOY having the following results Protein 10.39a, 9.36b, 9.26b, fat: 22.72b, 27.85a, 26.56a, Ash: 1.86ac, 1.74bc,

2.06a, Fibre: 3.27a, 3.3a, 3.18a, moisture 50.33b, 51.76b, 7.33b respectively, also sample Wow showed the most significant difference amongst the samples on the basis of organoleptic property.


Title page





Table of contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

  • Literature Review
  • History of cowpea
  • cowpea
  • Growth habits
  • Cultivation
  • Characteristics of cowpea
  • Utilization and nutritional qualities
  • Diseases
  • Varieties
  • Harvesting
  • Drying and storage
  • Uses of cowpea
  • Types of oil used for frying
  • Soyabean oil
  • Unsaturated fatty acid in soyoil
  • linoleni acid
  • oleic acid
  • saturated fatty acid in soyoil
  • Stearate acid
  • Palmitate acid
  • Groundnut oil
  • palm kernal oil
  • Effect of frying on oil
  • Anisidine value
  • Polar components
  • Colour of oils
  • Smoke point
  • Evaluation of frying medium used in he production of Akara
  • Use of charcoal as a frying medium
  • Use of firewood as a frying medium
  • Use of gas burner

Chapter Three

  • Materials and methodology
  • Materials/apparatus
  • 3.1.2. Methodology
  • Quality parameters of the proximate analysis of the akara
  • Determination of protein
  • Determination of fat content
  • Determination of crude fibre
  • Determination of total ash
  • Determination of carbohydrate
  • Determination of moisture content

Chapter Four

  • Result an discussion
  • Result of proximate composition of akara fried with different types of oil.
  • Result of the organoleptic scores of akara fried with different types of oils

Chapter Five

  • Conclusion and recommendation
  • Conclusion
  • Recommendation




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