An Appraisal of Illiterate Mothers Perception On Birth Control

An Appraisal of Illiterate Mothers Perception On Birth Control.


This study was undertaken to find out the attitude of illiterate mothers in Onitsha North L.G.A toward birth control. This project tries to find out why these illiterate mothers neglect birth control thus produce as many children as possible even to their own detriment.

To make this study successful, questionnaires were used to collect the necessary data. In answering the question, the data collected and information gathered were analysed using the sample percentages.

The result revealed that they produce many children because they have no idea of the existence of an organized instruction on birth control, some didn’t like the idea of birth control and some their husband didn’t like to practice birth control.

On the basis of these findings some recommendations were made on how to motivate people to accept and practice birth control.


Title page                                                                  i

Approval page                                                         ii

Certification                                                            iii

Dedication                                                               iv

Acknowledgement                                                  v

Table of content                                                      vi

Abstract                                                                     ix

Chapter One

1.0   Introduction                                                    1

  • Background of the study 1
  • Purpose of study 6
  • Statement of the problems 7
  • Research Question 7
  • Significance of the study 8
  • Scope of the study 9

Chapter Two

Literature Review                                                      10

Importants of birth control                                     10

Birth control devices                                                14

Reasons for not practicing birth control               21

Chapter Three


  • Research population                             29
  • Sample and sampling techniques      30
  • Instrument                                             30
  • Method of data analysis                      30

Chapter Four


4.1   List of findings                                                  36

4.2   Discussion of findings                                     37

Chapter Five


5.1   Summary                                                                38

5.2   Conclusion                                                             39

5.3   Recommendations                                               40

References                                                                      42

Appendix                                                                         44

Questionnaire                                                                 45


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Derek Llewellyn,     (1971) Human Reproduction and Society. London Faber and Faber.

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