A Model of an Online Student Admission System for Federal Unity Colleges

A Model of an Online Student Admission System for Federal Unity Colleges.


Education encompasses our lives and as the foundation of our society, it has importance that cannot be overlooked at. Student admission momentous role in the activities of any school because, no students, no school.

The numerous benefits of digitalization have made applying for admission these days to be computerized such that a prospective student uses the web to apply. But the processes of admitting a student that applied aren’t digitalized.

Those applications are humanly screened and not digitally screen. Online admission system will not only accept applications from prospective students but, the received applications will be screened digitally and humanly.

The human screen rules will be automated to enable the digital screening of applications to know the fulfillment of the requirement by each applicant.


The quest for education and knowledge has gained a great momentum and thanks to technology. It has given education a boost, from online admission application system to online lecturing system, technology is virtually seen in the corners of education.

Education encompasses our lives and it has formed the foundation of our society. Education helps to stimulate our minds and mold inquisitive minds into intellectuals. Higher learning takes the intellect to the next level, providing a deeper understanding of the world around us.

Admission seeking through application is a process all prospective students must undergo. This process has been manned by manual process despite the digitalized process of student application. This research intends to automate this process of admitting students via the automation and simulation of the standard admission rules of federal unity colleges.


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