Design and Implementation of Timetable Generating System

Design and Implementation of Timetable Generating System.


The lecturing staff usually spends a lot of time in timetable generation and timetable management. The software program to be design for this project work will captures all parameters used in creating a school lecture timetable and automatically creates one with its timetable generation tool.
This school lecture timetable generation software also considers the availability of courses and other resources while creating levels in the department (e.g. NDI, NDII, HNDI, and HNDII). Moreover, changes can be easily made in the timetable as and when necessary depending on the availability of courses.
Since the inception of the ogitech, the lecture timetable schedule has been done manually. Relying on manual schedule posses a lot of disadvantages. In order to overcome some setbacks in the method used by the department this project design is brought up titled automated timetable generator.


In order to get a lasting solution to the problems encountered in the existing procedure, one must clearly enumerate and understand some of the problems facing the manual generation of lecture timetable.
These include: Time Consumption: In order to set a timetable by the lecturers of the institution, it is possible for time to be wasted.
Duplication of record: In the process of setting an exams timetable, it is possible for duplication of courses to occur.
Error-Prone: Since the records are paper-based works information, it is possible for some paper works to get lost.


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