Assessment of The Contributions of Women’s Associations To Rural Development In Nsukka And Obollo-Afor Education Zones of Enugu State

Assessment of The Contributions of Women’s Associations To Rural Development In Nsukka And Obollo-Afor Education Zones of Enugu State.


The study was aimed at assessing the extent of the contributions of women’s associations to rural development in Nsukka and Obollo-Afor Education Zones of Enugu State.

To guide the study, four research questions were formulated with the intention of ascertaining the extent of women’s associations to the educational, economic, socio-cultural and political development of rural communities in Nsukka and Obollo-Afor Education Zones of Enugu State.

Also, three null hypotheses were tested at .05 level of significance and used to guide the study. Descriptive survey research design was used.

The population of the study was 1,354 members of women’s associations in Nsukka and Obollo-Afor Education Zones from where a sample of 987 was drawn using simple random sampling technique.

The instrument used for the study was a 28-item self-designed questionnaire called Assessment of the Contributions of Women’s Associations to Rural Development Questionnaire (ACOWRUDEQ).

The instrument was face validated by three experts and its reliability was ensured using Cronbach alpha estimate. Reliability co-efficient of .94 was obtained.

Weighted mean and standard deviation were used in analyzing the collected data. Copies of the instrument were administered to the respondents through direct delivery technique.

Findings of the study revealed that women’s associations contribute to a high extent on the educational, economic, socio-cultural and political development of rural communities.


Title Page           i

Approval Page           ii

Certification            iii

Dedication           iv

Acknowledgements          v

Table of Contents          vi

List of Tables           viii

Abstract            ix


Background of the Study         1

Statement of the Problem         7

Purpose of the Study          8

Significance of the Study         9

Scope of the Study          10

Research Questions          10

Hypotheses           11


Conceptual Framework         12

Concept of assessment          12

Concept of rural development         16

Concept of women associations         26

Theoretical Framework         43

Management by objectives (MBO) model       43

Community development theory        48

Review of Related Empirical Studies                         51

Summary of Literature Review                 56


Design of the Study          59

Area of the Study          59

Population of the Study         60

Sample and Sampling Technique        60

Instrument for Data Collection        61

Validation of the Instrument         61

Reliability of the Instrument         62

Method of Data Collection         62

Method of Data Analysis         63

CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS                64

Research Question One                64

Research Question Two                 66

Research Question Three                 69

Research Question Four                 72

Summary of Major Findings                 73


Discussion of the Findings                75

Educational Implications of the Study              81

Conclusion                  83

Recommendations                 84

Limitations of the Study                85

Suggestions for Further Research               85

Summary of the Study         86

REFERENCES          87

APPENDICES          93

Appendix A: Questionnaire                                93

Appendix B: Population and Sample Distribution                    96

Appendix C: Questionnaire Return Rate                    97

Appendix D: Computations                       98

Appendix E: Validates’ Comments                      111


Background of the Study

The contributions of women in advancing development have been widely acknowledged. UNESCO (2005) noted that African women form an indispensable part of human resources for development.

Without their contributions, African countries cannot be expected to be maintained at the present low level not to talk of any development progress arising thereof.

Women play active role in development. According to Ijere (1992), women form the backbone of rural development. They are found in agriculture and even outside it.

In the household, they hold an unassailable pre-eminence tending to the children and even the husbands.

Lending credence to the above, Odo, Onyishi and Aba (2007) stated that women throughout the world are strong and active contributors to the development of the societies.

They engage in considerable work outside their homes although this is rarely recognized in national statistics. They went further to state that the degree in disorganization and chaos that occurs when they are absent in their house confirm the extent of their importance.


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