People Make Time For What They Want

– People Make Time For What They Want –

Is it true that people make time for what they want in their lives?  What does that mean for your life? Read through as we answer these questions.

People Make Time for What They Want

Whenever someone doesn’t make time for me, I begin to think about the different possible causes.

The first question that comes to mind is, “Are they angry with me?”, “Did I do something wrong?”

Aren’t I deserving of their attention? Or do they have more pressing matters to attend to right now? The list goes on and on!

It’s perhaps arguable whether people create time for what they desire. Still true that people devote their time and attention to causes that they care about.

More Details!!

People have a lot on their minds and to do in their lives.

It always gets to the point where a person doesn’t have much time for themself.

As a result, they choose to spend whatever time they do have alone.

Sometimes people are simply in a phase of life where they want or need to concentrate solely on themselves.


But then, people always make time for what they want!!

 1. You Make Time for the Things That Are Important to You

The people who say they’re too busy are filling their time with more important things.

Although they’re busy, if they wanted to make time for you, they’d find a way.

It can be tough to hear when worded so bluntly, but this honest truth will encourage you to reassess your priorities more accurately.

2. Give Attention to those who Value and Make Time for you

We don’t always get the attention of those we wish we did.

But we do get attention from people who really do value us and consistently make time for us in a positive way.

Keep in mind that someone has a decision to make about how they spent their time.

They had a number of options on how to spend that time.

And out of a hundred or even thousands of options, they chose you at that moment.


3. People Are Always Seeking Value

When you’re trying to take up someone’s time, they are always thinking “what’s in it for me?” Don’t believe anyone who says otherwise. 

We are all inherently ‘selfish’ in this way. It doesn’t matter that you want to talk to them. They need to see the value in engaging with you

Therefore, one of the best life lessons you can learn is to lead with the value you’re presenting.

People are less likely to be busy if they want what you have to offer.

4. Reduce Time to Those who aren’t Giving Time to you

Time and attention should be a two-way street.

When you go out of your way to give someone your time and attention, it’s understandable to expect them to do the same at some point.

The dignity we should all have in not feeling we need to desperately grab someone’s attention in life. You are worthy of receiving attention without having to put so much effort into it.

5. It’s a Turn-Off if you’re always too Available

Most smart folks anticipate you to say you’re too busy from time to time, especially if you’ve just met.

If you always wanted to be with them, they’d assume you don’t have anything else essential going on in your life.

That’s a major turn-off, especially in the dating world. If someone tells you that they are too busy to talk to you, the best thing you can do is give them some space.

You’ve got a lot going on in your life. At the very least, give the impression that you’re busy.

When you do this, you might be shocked at how frequently that man or woman contacts you subsequently.


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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