Design and Implementation of Web-Based Traffic Management System

Design and Implementation of Web-Based Traffic Management System.


This introductory chapter sets the frame for the research. It begins with an introduction to the study and looks at the background of the project. It goes further to identify the research problem, the research objectives and questions, scope of the system and project organization.

The History of Traffic Management System started in 1972 to centrally control the freeway system in the Twin Cities metro area.

The Traffic Management System aims to provide motorists with a faster, safer trip on metro area freeways by optimizing the use of available freeway capacity, efficiently managing incidents and special events, providing traveler information, and providing incentives for ride sharing. (The Minnesota Department of Transportation).

Cities and traffic have developed hand-in-hand since the earliest large human settlements. The Same forces that draw inhabitants to congregate in large urban areas also lead to sometimes intolerable levels of traffic congestion on urban streets.

Cities are the powerhouses of economic growth for any country. According to Bartone et al. (1994), around eighty percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth in developing countries is expected to come from cities. For the purpose of economic activities, it is imperative to facilitate movements.


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