Getting No Feedback After Applying for a Job online?

– No Feedback After Applying for a Job –

Often you might be wondering why you never hear anything back after you hit ‘send’ on the email with a resume attached or on the on-line job application. The deck is definitely stacked against the job seeker. So how do you breakthrough? Keep reading…

Waiting is torturous, and experiencing radio silence while waiting is downright brutal but unfortunately, it isn’t unheard of.

To help calm your nerves (at least a little), you should know that career expert says there are a few logical if annoying reasons an employer didn’t respond to your application.

Reasons For No Feedback

Here are my top reasons you’re not hearing back after applying for a job:

1. The job was already filled

Sometimes companies post job openings as a formality, despite already having an internal candidate in mind for the position, says Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter, executive resume writer and owner of Dallas-based coaching firm Career Trend.

These employers often have company policies that require them to post job openings to the public, “so in reality, there isn’t effectively a position available,” Barrett-Poindexter says.

Besides, some employers don’t take down job postings after they’ve been filled. Why? “A lot of times jobs get posted and then picked up by other job boards, so employers don’t always know where their job postings are,” explains job search and interview coach Melanie Szlucha. Thus, the importance of applying as soon as you see a job you like.

2. The hiring manager was flooded with applications

Put simply, “some hiring managers just don’t have the time to look at every job application they receive,” Barrett-Poindexter says. This frequently occurs when an employer receives hundreds of applications for a position but only has one person reviewing them.

3. You didn’t follow instructions

Job postings often state what candidates have to submit with their application. Applicants should follow these instructions to the letter, says job search and social media coach Miriam Salpeter.

For example, “maybe the employer required you to submit a cover letter, but you didn’t,” says Salpeter, “or the employer asked you to submit your resume as a PDF but you submitted it as a Word document.”

Moreover, “a lot of employers will use job application instructions as a test to see how closely candidates read directions,” Szlucha says. So if an application requires three writing samples and you only supply one, guess what?

You’re not going to be considered for the position. “You can’t say that you’re detail-oriented and then fail to follow the instructions in the job posting,” Szlucha says.

4. Your Salary Requirements were too high

Some states, such as California, Delaware, and Massachusetts, have made it illegal for companies to ask job candidates about their salary history, but that ban isn’t in place nationwide and, unfortunately, many online systems don’t let you skip questions, which means have to put something down for your current salary.

However, if your number is leaps and bounds outside of how much money the company has allocated for the position, your application may not even reach the hiring manager’s desk, Barrett-Poindexter says.

The upshot? Some employers say what the salary range is in the posting, so, if you know the job you’re interviewing for pays less than what you’re making and you’re OK with that, say so on your application.

5. Your resume wasn’t tailored to the Job Description

Today, many employers use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to vet job applications. These software programs screen resumes by searching for certain keywords, which typically appear in the job posting.

To pass this initial test, use the job ad as a guide. If the job posting says the employer is looking for an experienced professional who is “fluent in data analytics,” use the phrase “fluent in data analytics” (assuming you in fact are!) on your resume. The ATS will pick up on the phrase and realize it matches up with the job description.

6. You weren’t the right fit

This one tends to be the bitterest pill to swallow. In many cases, you won’t hear back from an employer because you simply weren’t a good match for the position.

Or there was someone who was an even better match than you were. It happens. It stinks. But it doesn’t mean you’re hopeless by any stretch.

How You Can Get Noticed

This is how the best candidates can land interviews and top tier job offers without even sending a resume.

1. Research interesting companies on social media.

Find out who the recruiters are and follow them. Many will tweet new postings, so watch their streams and jump on anything for which you are qualified.

And if they tweet news saying the company’s had a great quarter, retweet the news with a positive comment. “No Feedback After Applying for a Job”

2. Consider starting a blog.

It’s a social world; time to build a trail of breadcrumbs leading to you. Include the blog, and links to any especially relevant posts, in your emails to recruiters with whom you’re working.

3. Get professional help with your resume.

Either a resume writer or an SEO expert can help you increase your odds of getting through the talent management software.

If you can’t afford this step, read the top career blogs for advice. “No Feedback After Applying for a Job”

4. Don’t wait until you’re out of work to find your next job.

I realize for many people this isn’t possible or might even be offensive, but your chances of finding the next job are best when you’re still employed.

5. Network.

Old advice, but still true. Be visible, be upbeat, be informed about industry trends and news in your area of expertise.

Finding a job is tough, no question. I’ve talked to other recruiters who say they only respond to 30% of applicants.

The odds are good you’ll be in the more than 60% who hear nothing a lot of the time. Don’t take it personally it’s not a rejection of you, it’s a reflection of the times. If you don’t hear back, know you’re not alone.

Finally, be proactive. If you request feedback and still don’t get a reply, don’t hound the hiring manager. “No Feedback After Applying for a Job”

Move on. As much as it pains you to see that job slip from your grasp, know that there are plenty of other awesome opportunities out there. Need some help? Join Monster today.

If you are not getting the response you want in your job search but have no idea what you’re doing wrong it’s time to go back to the basics and make sure you’re not making the following classic mistakes.

This I believe is worth sharing, kindly share it with your friends on social media handles.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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