Impact of Labour Turnover on the Productivity of Academic Staff in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (2000-2009)

Impact of Labour Turnover on the Productivity of Academic Staff in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (2000-2009).


This research was necessitated the huge amount of money annually budgeted to fund Nigerian Universities, and the fact that the quantum of money expended does not have significant impact on labour turnover.

Support funds generated from internal and external sources to complement government effort do not improve the labour turnover condition. To address these problems, the study assesses the impact of labour turnover on the productivity of academic staff in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.

In addition, it also evaluates factors responsible for and assesses the perception of academic staff on the significance of labour turnover factors in the University. To achieve the stated objectives, descriptive/survey research method was adopted for the study.

The main instruments used to collect relevant data for the study were questionnaires and documentary sources. Questionnaire responses were collected and analyzed. Chi-Square technique was employed to test the three hypotheses formulated for the research.

The study  found that responses on factors that determine labour turnover, show that remunerations particularly for the academic staff of the University consider or inform their decision to stay in service. It was also revealed that contribution received from internal and external sources have positive relevance to labour turnover.

This study also recommended that adequate funding is needed in order to enhance effective learning and research and the retention of academic staff. There should also be judicious utilization of support funds generated internally and externally by the University management.

TABLE OF CONTENTS             

Title page………………. i

Dedication…………. ii

Declaration……….. iii

Certification………….. iv

Acknowledgement………….. v

Table of Contents…….. vii

List of Tables…… xi

Abstract…………………. xii


  • Background to the study…… 1
  • Statement of the problem……….. 2
  • Research Questions………… 5
  • Objectives of the study……….. 5
  • Hypotheses formulation……… 6
  • Significance of the study……… 6
  • Scope and Limitation of the study…………….. 7
  • Definitions of operational terms……………. 8
  • Plan of the study………………… 8


  • Introduction……. 10
  • The Concept of Labour Turnover… 10
  • Causes of Labour turnover……… 12
  • Classifications of labour turnover……… 16
  • Measurements of Labour turnover……… 20
  • Effects of Labour Turnover….. 25
  • Ways of Controlling Labour turnover……… 28
  • Review of Previous Studies on Labour turnover….. 32
  • Theoretical Framework……………. 34


  • Introduction…………… 37
  • Research design……… 37
  • Population of the study……… 37
  • Sample Size and Sampling technique…… 38
  • Sources of Data collection…… 39
  • Method of Data analysis…… 39
  • Justification of the study……… 41


  • Introduction……………….. 42
  • Administration of Questionnaire & Analysis of Response…….. 42
  • Presentation of Data……… 44
  • Hypotheses Testing………… 56
  • Discussion of the findings……….. 61


  • Summary………….. 63
  • Conclusions………… 64

Recommendations       65


Education is a necessary factor for the development of any nation. It involves all efforts geared towards acquiring, improving and establishing knowledge. The University is the peak of manpower development since as a tertiary institution its responsibility is that of conducting research and the advancement of knowledge.

Thus, Education remains the bedrock upon which man builds his civilization, solves the problems of existence and overcomes the challenges of his environment. This realization has led to the high demand for educated manpower by both developed and developing nations.

The result of this has been the expansion of higher education through the establishment of more government sponsored higher institutions in Nigeria. However, deteriorating condition of service in the university system and the high demand for sound educated manpower in the society has over the years led many academic staff to leave the services of the university.

Those who have remained are normally engaged in one private practice or the other. This situation may persist as long as the university is unable to offer attractive salaries and research opportunities which would encourage greater commitment by the staff.


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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