42+ Famous People & Celebrities with INFJ Personality Type

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test identifies the INFJ personality type as one of the sixteen personality types. INFJs are considered the most uncommon personality type, accounting for just 1% of the general population.

This personality type is frequently referred to as “the guardian” or “the counselor.” They are thoughtful, kind, and creative individuals.

INFJs excel at understanding abstract concepts and big-picture thinking. Careers in the arts, literature, counseling, or politics are frequently appealing to them.

INFJs are renowned for their intimate friendships with a select group of people. They are also renowned for having a keen intuition and the ability to perceive potential in others.

INFJs frequently have a strong sense of justice and are driven to improve the world. I strongly relate to all of these characteristics as a writer and artist who also happens to be under the sign of Libra.

How Do I Know If I Am An INFJ Personality?

If you think you may have this personality, you can take a test at The Typefinder Personality Test. The test is free and takes only a few minutes to complete.

The INFJ personality type is one of the rarest types. A very small percentage of people have this type.

Now that we have a better understanding of this personality, let’s look at some real-life and fictional people who possess this personality trait, and see what kind of company you’d keep!

42+ Famous People with the INFJ Personality

1. Fyodor Dostoevsky

The writings of this Russian short story writer, novelist, essayist, and journalist, also known by the name Dostoyevsky, are astounding masterpieces. He is among the finest novelists and most important authors in the history of literature.

2. Mahatma Gandhi

Indian political figure Mahatma Gandhi strove to free India from British domination.

When he organized a peaceful resistance movement, he rose to fame. He participated in a hunger strike for almost 21 days as part of his nonviolent protest.

3. J.K. Rowling

The author of the Harry Potter books is a British national. When she wrote the first novel, she was a single mother who was receiving aid. The Harry Potter books are currently the best-selling book series ever.

4. Oprah Winfrey

Media tycoon and host of American talk shows. She is the world’s richest self-made lady. Oprah frequently uses her fame to advance charitable causes.

Her talk program paved the way for Americans to discuss mental health in this country. Additionally, Oprah started a school for females in Africa.

5. Kobe Bryant

An American basketball player, he is regarded as one of the best basketball players of all time and spent his entire 20-year career with the Los Angeles Lakers. Bryant was renowned for his ferocious work ethic and love of the game.

6. Dr. Seuss

Author and cartoonist from the United States, well known for his children’s novels like Green Eggs and Ham and The Cat in the Hat.

7. Martin Luther King Jr.

American civil rights activist best renowned for his racial equality-promoting speeches

King received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, a year before being assassinated in 1968.

8. Carl Jung

The Swiss psychologist Carl Jung is the creator of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test. Analytical psychology was created by him.

The collective unconscious idea, which holds that people have a common mental structure, is what makes Jung most famous.

9. Princess Diana

Princess of Britain who wed Prince Charles, the presumptive heir to the British throne

She started supporting humanitarian causes and working to eliminate landmines after they got divorced. Diana lost her life in a vehicle accident in 1997.

10. Mother Teresa

The Missionaries of Charity are a charitable religious order that an Albanian Catholic nun started. In 1979, she received the Nobel Peace Prize.

11. Nelson Mandela

First black president of South Africa and anti-apartheid activist from that country

He was imprisoned for 27 years due to his political involvement. He negotiated the end of apartheid after being freed, and he later was elected president of South Africa.

Mandela presided over South Africa as president from 1994 to 1999.

12. Abraham Lincoln

President of the United States who presided over the country during the American Civil War

His Gettysburg Address, which is regarded as one of the greatest addresses in American history, and his abolitionist beliefs are what made him most famous.

13. Bill Gates

American business tycoon, philanthropist, novelist, and investor

Gates served as Microsoft’s CEO before becoming its chairman. He is among the wealthiest persons on the planet.

Gates has committed his energy and money to charity endeavors, such as polio eradication.

14. Princess Leia

A fictional character from the Star Wars film series

She represents the planet Alderaan as a princess and is opposed to the Galactic Empire as well as the Rebel Alliance.

She exhibited INFJ traits in her devotion to her friends and her commitment to the Rebel cause.

15. Frodo Baggins

A fictional character from J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic high fantasy novel, The Lord of the Rings. Frodo is the hobbit chosen to carry the One Ring to Mount Doom so that it can be destroyed. Frodo exhibits numerous INFJ traits, including his empathy for others and his commitment to his mission.

16. C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis is a British novelist, academic, and defender of Christianity. His The Chronicles of Narnia children’s book series is his most well-known work. Lewis, a devoted Christian, wrote a great deal about religion.

17. Mr. Rogers

The most well-known work of this American actor, puppeteer, writer, producer and clergyman was the children’s program Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.

Rogers was a fervent supporter of tolerance and kindness. Even now, people continue to adore him.

18. Dr. Who

A fictional character from the Doctor Who television program in the United Kingdom.

He is a space and time-traveling explorer who rides in a police vehicle known as the TARDIS.

Over the years, several actors have played The Doctor, but each and every one of them has exhibited INFJ traits in their empathy for people and commitment to doing what is right.

19. Maya Angelou

American author, poet, and campaigner for civil rights. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, her autobiography, is her best-known work.

The Presidential Medal of Freedom is just one of the innumerable accolades and medals that Angelou has won.

20. Lady Gaga

American actress, singer, and songwriter She is among the most successful musicians of all time. Gaga is renowned for her extravagant performances and outfits.

Additionally, she has been a steadfast supporter of LGBT rights.

21. Emma Watson

Hermione Granger is a British actress and activist who gained notoriety in the Harry Potter movie series.

Watson has been a steadfast supporter of women’s rights and gender equality. She also serves as a goodwill ambassador for UN Women.

22. Franklin D. Roosevelt

President of the United States from 1933 to 1945 His New Deal initiatives, which intended to alleviate the effects of the Great Depression, are most recognized. In addition, Roosevelt played a key role in the Allies’ triumph in World War II.

23. Lauryn Hill

Lauryn Hill is an American actress, producer, and singer-songwriter. She is best known for her solo album The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill, which won five Grammy Awards. Hill has participated in many humanitarian causes and is a fervent supporter of social justice.

24. Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is an American businessman who served as the CEO of Pixar Animation Studios and co-founded Apple Inc. Jobs was a technological visionary, and his creations have revolutionized how we live. He was also a fervent supporter of school reform and conservation.

25. Eckhart Tolle

Canadian author of German descent, best known for his book,  “The Power of Now”. Tolle is a spiritual guide who promotes mindfulness of the present. Millions of individuals have found peace and pleasure thanks to his teachings.


26. Eleanor Roosevelt

American politician, diplomat, and social reformer Eleanor Roosevelt was the spouse of Franklin D. Roosevelt. She was a fervent supporter of social justice and human rights while serving as First Lady from 1933 to 1945.

27. Niels Bohr

Danish physicist Niels Bohr promoted scientific investigation and made substantial contributions to our understanding of quantum theory and atomic structure. He was a philosopher as well and was awarded the Physics Nobel Prize in 1922.

28. Serena Williams

Serena Williams is an American tennis pro. She has won 23 Grand Slam singles titles, making her the most successful female tennis player of all time. Williams is a passionate competitor who exhibits several INFJ traits, including her love of the game and her devotion to her followers.

29. Arthur Schopenhauer

The World as Will and Representation, a book by this German philosopher, is his most well-known work. He developed an original atheistic philosophical and ethical framework that disapproved of contemporary German idealism.

30. Michael Phelps

An American swimmer with 28 medals, he is the most decorated Olympian ever (23 of which are gold). Phelps is renowned for his amazing athleticism and competitive spirit.

31. Simone Biles

She is a gymnast from America. She has won four Olympic gold medals and is the most decorated gymnast in American history. In addition to her contagious smile, Biles is renowned for her impressive gymnastics routines.

32. Angela Merkel

Germany’s chancellor and the head of the Christian Democratic Union, Angela Merkel. Merkel has criticized the Syrian refugee issue and is a fervent supporter of human rights.

33. Barack Obama

The 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama. Being the first African American president, he is renowned for his liberal policies, which include expanding access to healthcare and improving the educational system.

34. Tori Amos

American pianist and lyricist. She is well recognized for her reflective lyrics and varied style, which combines aspects of jazz, rock, and classical music.

35. Yousafzai, Malala

Pakistani pioneer for women’s education and the youngest recipient of the Nobel Prize. Yousafzai has battled for women’s and children’s rights all around the world and is a steadfast supporter of girls’ education.

36. Nina Simone

She was a skilled pianist, lyricist, and performer who received high praise. She frequently expressed her anger at civil rights injustices at the time through her music. Musical demonstrations temporarily hurt her career, but she never gave up.

37. Plato

Greek philosophers from antiquity established the Academy, the first western institution of higher learning. The Republic, a work by Plato best known for laying out his views on justice and government, is his most famous work.

38. Robert Mugabe

Former Zimbabwean Prime Minister and President Robert Mugabe was a politician and revolutionary. The African nationalist declared himself to be a socialist after first identifying as a Marxist-Leninist.

39. Baruch Spinoza

The 17th-century Rationalism movement was supported by this Dutch philosopher. He was also among the pioneers of modern biblical criticism and Enlightenment critical thinking.

40. Friedrich Nietzsche

German philosopher is often regarded as one of existentialism’s founders. Nietzsche opposed traditional morality and Christianity and supported the idea that each person has the ability to shape his or her own future.

41. Ayn Rand

American-Russian author and philosopher. The novels Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead, which support Rand’s Objectivism theory, are her best-known works. Rand was a fervent supporter of free-market capitalism and personal freedom.

42. Ellen DeGeneres

American writer, actress, and television personality. The Ellen DeGeneres Show, the most-watched daytime talk show in the country, is hosted by her. DeGeneres is renowned for her wit and kindness toward her audience.

43. Leo Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy, one of literature’s finest writers, was a Russian author and is most known for his realistic fiction, which can be found in War and Peace and Anna Karenina.

Prior to starting his job, he went through a severe moral crisis and a similarly severe spiritual awakening.

44. Celine Dion

Canadian vocalist She has one of the highest career sales of any artist and five Grammy Awards. Dion is renowned for both her emotive songs and her powerful vocals.

45. Dante Alighieri

The Italian poet, author, and philosopher simply known as Dante enjoyed equal fame in each of these capacities. His Divine Comedy was the most important piece of Italian literature and one of the most significant poems of the Middle Ages.

46. Björk

Singer-songwriter, producer, and actor from Iceland. Björk is renowned for her avant-garde music and unique sense of style. She has received numerous honors, including a Golden Globe Award and four Grammy Awards.

47. Nathaniel Hawthorne

Author of both short stories and novels in the 19th century, Nathaniel Hawthorne was an American. The Scarlet Letter, The House of the Seven Gables, The Blithedale Romance, and The Marble Faun are among his most well-known novels and short stories.

48. Vincent van Gogh

One of the greatest artists of all time is a Dutch painter. His vibrant, emotive paintings of rural life are what he is most renowned for.

49. Bono

Activist and singer-songwriter from Ireland. He is well recognized for his humanitarian efforts, which include campaigns against AIDS, poverty, and global debt. He is the main singer of the rock band U2.

50. Georgia O’Keeffe

One of the founders of American modernism was a painter and sculptor from the United States. O’Keeffe is best renowned for her paintings of flowers, which boldly and abstractly capture the forms and hues of nature.

Conclusion on INFJ Personality Type

The INFJ personality type is frequently characterized as idealists who are motivated by their principles and a desire to do the right thing.

INFJ personalities have a strong sense of intuition and insight and are introspective and intuitive. Some of the celebrities we like have this personality. This personality type also excels as the main character in a novel or movie.

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