Windows Live Sign Up and Login Portal Updates 2023/2024

Windows Live Sign Up and Login Portal Updates 2023/2024.

Windows Live Login Portal: In this article, I will be focusing on Windows live sign in the portal and sign up guide and other essential information for making use of this platform. When talking about Windows Live, what gets into our mind is that it is a withdrawn brand-name for a set of web services and also software products from Microsoft as part of its own software plus services platform.

The basic element under the brand name includes web services, several computer programs that relate to the services, and also specialized web services for mobile devices.

In this article, I will be focusing on Windows live sign in the portal and sign up guide.

Table of Contents

How to Create a Windows Live Id

Just like Google, Microsoft, and also their search engine Bing provide services to webmasters and general users of their services. To use these services you have to sign up for a Windows Live Id.

Step to Step Guide on How to Sign Up for a Windows Live Id

The process for signing up for a Windows Live Id is quite easy.

1. Go to the Create your Windows Live ID

The page you will be taken to has a form to fill out.

2. Fill in the form fields:

All information requested is required.

You can use any email address available or choose to left-click the link provided to create a Windows Live email address.

The email address you use here will be your Windows Live Id (user name). It will also be used when you forget your password to send reset your password instructions.

  • Create a password with a minimum of 6 characters.

It is best to use a longer password with about 7-16 characters, mixing letters, numbers, and mixing upper and also lower case letters.

You can open a new tab in your browser and use PCTools Secure Password Generator to create one.

Write it down! Because once you close the tab it will be lost.

Enter the exact password you just did in the previous step.

Select your country first. The box down will change to show you how to fill in your phone number.

This phone number is always needed when you need to reset your password. Text or message will be sent to this number providing a code you need to reset your password.

The form will enter the brackets and hyphens applicable to how your phone number is to be entered.

Fill in your first and also your last name in the next 2 fields.

This is how your friends and others will be able to find you within the Windows Live system.

Select your country from the list of countries that will be provided.

  • Fill in your postal or zip code.

Type in your postal or zip code in the next box.

Left-click in the right radio button (circle) to select your gender.

Select the date you were born, month, and also the year.

  • Fill in the captcha shown.

If you cannot read the captcha, left-click the New link for it to show you a new one or you can try the audio link to hear what the image is showing.

  • Decide if you want to be put on their mailing list or not.

The box is checked by default. Uncheck it by left-clicking in the box to undo the check if you do not want to be put on the mailing list.

  • Read the Microsoft service agreement and privacy statement by left-clicking the links provided.

A new tab opens when you click each of these.

  • Left-click the I agree on the button at the bottom of the page to proceed.

Screen changes to verify your email screen.

3. Verify your email.

As explained on the verify your email screen, the email you used to sign up for Windows Live Id will be sent an email to verify you have indeed signed up.

This email will arrive within moments. You have to click the link in the confirmation email to verify you have signed up with Windows Live Id.

Clicking the link in this email opens your default browser to the Welcome to Windows Live screen confirming your verification.

Note: You are also being logged into the Windows Live system. Check at the top right and you will see your name with a link to your profile and a logout link under your name.

At this point, you are expected to click the profile link in the top right corner of the Welcome to Windows Live screen to review your profile and adjust any privacy settings you need to.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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