Assessment of the Impact of ICT on Employees in the Nigerian Banking Sector

Assessment of the Impact of ICT on Employees in the Nigerian Banking Sector.


This research study assesses the impact of ICT on employee in the banking sector with specific reference to First-Bank of Nigeria Plc Enugu metropolis.

The researcher tries to ascertain if information, communication and technology (ICT) affects employee job performance, and to formulate recommendations regarding ICT adoption.

In order to achieve the above objective, the following research questions were asked: Does ICT have any impact on employee job performance in the banking industry? Has the adoption of ICT enhanced banks productivity? What is the degree of ICT adoption by Nigerian bank?

Four hypotheses were advanced; (i) The adoption of ICT have no impact on employee’s job performance in the Nigerian banking sector.

The adoption of ICT have no impact on bank’s operation (iii) there is a low degree of ICT adoption by the Nigerian banks, and finally the adoption of ICT has not enhanced productivity in Nigerian banks. The study uses survey research method.

The case study bank was selected using simple random sampling technique together with the staff of First Bank of Nigeria plc.

The findings of this study are that the adoption of ICT has impact on employees in the Nigerian banking sector and the bank’s operation, that there is a high degree of ICT adoption by Nigerian banks and, that the adoption of ICT has enhanced banks productivity in Nigeria.

These findings made the researcher to accept her four (4) alternative hypotheses and reject the null hypotheses because in both cases the calculated values of chi- square are greater than the tabulated values.


Title page .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. i
Certification .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ii
Approval page .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. iii
Dedication .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. iv
Acknowledgements .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. v
Table of contents .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. vi
Abstract .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. x


1.1 Background of the Study .. .. .. .. .. .. 1
1.2 Statement of Problem .. .. .. .. .. .. 3
1.3 Purpose/objective of the Study .. .. .. .. .. 8
1.4 Research Questions .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9
1.5 Formulation of Hypotheses .. .. .. .. .. 10
1.6 Significance of the Study .. .. .. .. .. .. 11
1.7 Scope of the Study .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13
1.8 Limitation of the Study .. .. .. .. .. .. 14
1.9 Definition of Terms .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16
References .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18


2.1 Introduction .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20
2.2 Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) in the Banking Sector. … 21
2.3 History and Impact of ICT on Nigerian Banking Sector 23
2.4 Impact of information, Communication and technology on Bank Operations ..  40
2.5 Organizational Structure .. .. .. .. .. .. 43
2.6 Digital Revolution and Organizational Structure .. 46
2.7 Nature and Degree of Adoption of Innovative Technology and Its Impact on the Efficiency of banking Operations 48
References .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 57


3.1 Research Method Used .. .. .. .. .. .. 59
3.2 Area of the Study .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 60
3.3 Sources of Data .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 60
3.3.1 Primary Source of Data .. .. .. .. .. .. 60
3.3.2 Secondary Sources of Data .. .. .. .. .. 62
3.4 Population of the Study .. .. .. .. .. .. 62
3.5 Determination of Sample Size .. .. .. .. .. 63
3.6 Sampling Procedures Used .. .. .. .. .. 65
3.7 Method of Investigation .. .. .. .. .. .. 66
3.8 Validation and Reliability of Research instrument (Questionnaire) .. 67
3.9 Method of Data Presentation .. .. .. .. .. 68
3.10 Method of Data Analysis .. .. .. .. .. .. 68
References .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 70


4.1 Data Presentation .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 71
4.2 Testing of Hypotheses .. .. .. .. .. .. 86


5.1 Summary of Findings .. .. .. .. .. .. 97
5.2 Conclusions .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 97
5.3 Recommendations .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 99
Bibliography .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 101
a) The Survey Questionnaire .. .. .. .. .. 105
b) The Interview Guide Questions (where necessary) .. 106


1.1 Background of the Study

Today’s business environment is very dynamic and undergoes rapid changes as a result of technological innovation, increased awareness and demands from customers.

Business organization, especially the banking industry of the 21st century operates in a complex and competitive environment characterized by these changing conditions and highly unpredictable economic climate.

Information and communication technology (ICT) is at the centre of this global change curve. Laudon and Laudon 1991:80) contend that managers cannot ignore information systems because they play a critical role in contemporary organization.

They point out that the entire cash flow of most fortune 500 companies is linked to information system.

The application of information and communication technology concepts, techniques policies and implementation strategies to banking services has become a subject of fundamental importance and concerns to all banks and indeed a pre-requisite for local and global competitiveness.

ICT directly affects how mangers decide, how they plan and what products and services are offered in the banking industry.


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