Dr Strange Quotes (Vanquish the Ultimate Adversary)

One of the most adored superheroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as well as the comic book world is Doctor Strange quotes, who was developed by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko in 1963.

Dr Strange Quotes

Here is a collection of some of the 2016 film’s most memorable quotes to brighten your day.

1. “Arrogance and fear still keep you from learning the simplest and most significant lesson of all.” – The Ancient One

2. “Another speaking engagement? So romantic.” – Christine Palmer

3. “Try me, Beyoncé.” – Doctor Strange

4. “Death is what gives life meaning. To know your days are numbered. Your time is short.” – The Ancient One

5. “This is no time for showing off, Strange.” – Dr. West

6. “I don’t believe in fairytales about chakras or energy or the power of belief.” – Dr Strange Quotes

7. “Where did you learn the litany of spells to even understand it?” – Mordo

8. “Doctor… we don’t seek to rule this world. We seek to save it… to hand it over to Dormammu, who is the intent of all evolution… the why of all existence.” – Kaecilius

9. “We never lose our demons. We only learn to live above them.” – The Ancient One

10. “Okay. Don’t tell me. Fine.” – Christine Palmer

11. “You really should stole the whole book because the warnings come after the spells.” – Doctor Strange

12. “I’ve got a 35-year-old Air Force Colonel, crushed his lower spine in some kind of experimental armor. Mid-thoracic burst fracture.” – Nurse Billy

13. ”I’m gonna have to vanish now.” – Doctor Strange

14. “Daniel, I see they made you master of this Sanctum.” – Kaecilius

15. “I am now the guardian of these books. So if a volume from this collection should be stolen again, I’d know it, and you’d be dead before you ever left the compound.” – Wong

16. “No, Stephen. You lack a spine.” – Mordo

17. ” Is still a life. This isn’t the end, there are other things that can give your life meaning.” – Christine Palmer

18. “Oh no, not again.” – Mordo

19. “Wise choice. You’ll wear the Eye of Agamotto… once you’ve mastered its powers. Until then… best not to walk down the streets wearing an Infinity Stone.” – Wong

20. ”I spent so many years peering through time… looking at this exact moment. But I can’t see past it.” – The Ancient One

21. “Thank you for the books and for the horrifying story and… for the threat upon my life.” – Dr Strange Quotes

22. “The bill comes due. Don’t you see? Her transgressions led to the Zealots to Dormammu. Kaecilius… was her fault! And here we are… in the consequence of her deception. A world on fire.” – Mordo

23. “That is hilarious!” – Man on Bus

24. “Master Kaecilius. That ritual will bring you only sorrow.” – The Ancient One

25. “They… rushed you in a chopper. But it took a little while to find you. The golden hours for nerve damage went by while you were in the car.” – Christine Palmer

26. “I could’ve done better.” – Doctor Strange

27. “You became a doctor to save one life above all others. Your own.” – The Ancient One

28. “I once stood in your place. And I, too, was… disrespectful. So, might I offer you some advice? Forget everything you think you know.” – Mordo

29. “Teach me.” – Doctor Strange


30. “No.” – The Ancient One

31. “You cannot do this forever.” – Dormammu

32. “Dormammu, I’ve come to bargain!” – Dr Strange Quotes

33. “The Wi-Fi password. We’re not savages.” – Mordo

34. “Then you will spend eternity dying!” – Dormammu

35. “Well, that’s what a cultist would say.” – Christine Palmer

36. “Stop! Tampering with continuum probabilities is forbidden!” – Mordo

37. “They really should put the warnings before this spell.” – Doctor Strange

38. “You cannot beat a river into submission; you have to surrender to its current, and use its power as your own.” – The Ancient One

39. “While heroes like the Avengers protect the world from physical dangers, we sorcerers safeguard it against more mystical threats.” – Wong

Quote about Time is the True

40. ”I pushed your astral form out of your physical form.” – The Ancient One

41. “Wong. Just Wong? Like Adele? Or Aristotle. Drake. Bono… Eminem.” – Doctor Strange

42. ”It’s not about you! When you first came to me, you asked me how I was able to heal Jonathan Pangborn. I didn’t. He channels dimensional energy directly into his own body.” – The Ancient One

43. “How long have you been at Kamar-Taj, Mister…” – Mordo

44. “Well, it’s everything you’ve ever wanted. Eternal life as part of the One. You’re not gonna like it.” – Doctor Strange

45. ”I’m breaking the laws of nature. I know.” – Dr Strange Quotes

46. “Stephen. Everything is about you.” – Christine Palmer

47. “Do you ever laugh? Come on, just give me the book.” – Doctor Strange

48. “You think there will be no consequences, Strange? No price to pay? We broke our rules, just like her. The bill comes due. Always!” – Mordo

49. “Word of the Ancient One’s death will spread through the Multiverse. Earth has no Sorcerer Supreme to defend it. We must be ready.” – Wong

50. “We’ll be ready.” – Doctor Strange

51. “Maybe. Who am I to judge?” – Kaecilius

52. “You’ve come to die. Your world is now my… What is this? Illusion?” – Darmammu

53. “Pain’s an old friend.” – Doctor Strange

54. “I never saw your future, only its possibilities. You have such a capacity for goodness. You’ve always excelled, but not because you crave success but because of your fear of failure.” – The Ancient One

55. “Stephen, you always spent money as fast as you can make it, but now you’re spending money you don’t even have. Maybe it’s time to consider stopping.” – Christine Palmer

56. “This is the part where you leave.” – Doctor Strange

57. “Really just roll off the tongue, don’t they?” – Doctor Strange

58. “You wonder what I see in your future? Possibility.” – The Ancient One

59. “This is insane.” – Christine Palmer

60. “Give your body time to heal.” – West

61. “How about ten minutes ago when you called the wrong time of death?” – Dr Strange Quotes

62. “Just after he strung up the former librarian and relieved him of his head. I am now the guardian of these books.” – Wong

63. “This is a relic. Some magic is too powerful to sustain so we imbue objects with it… allowing them to take the strain we cannot.” – Mordo

64. “Billy. What have you got for me?” – Doctor Strange

65. “He reminds you of Kaecilius.” – Mordo

66. “You think I was wrong to cast him out?” – The Ancient One

67. “You lack imagination!” – Doctor Strange

68. “But this isn’t medicine anymore, this is mania. Some things just can’t be fixed.” – Christine Palmer

69. “You don’t know how to use that, do you?” – Kaecilius

70. “We shall see… Any second now.” – The Ancient One

71. “Eleven stainless steel pins in the bones. Multiple torn ligaments… severe nerve damage in both hands. You were on the table for eleven hours.” – Christine Palmer

72. “What… did they do?” – Doctor Strange


73. “How did you get to reattach severed nerves and put a human spine back together bone by bone?” – The Ancient One

74. “Stop!” – Doctor Strange

75. “Don’t shut me out. I haven’t got anywhere else to go…”- Dr Strange Quotes

76. “Mordo. So what can I do for you, man?” – Pangborn

77. “They carried you into Kamar-Taj on a stretcher. Look at you now, Pangborn.” – Mordo

78. “And what did the book say about the dangers of performing that ritual?” – Wong

79. “Oh. So you joined a cult.” – Christine Palmer

Some Doctor Strange Quotes

80. “Well, after Western medicine failed me, I headed east, and I ended up in Kathmandu.” – Dr Strange Quotes

81. “No one ever is. We don’t get to choose our time.” The Ancient One

82. “Well, what’s this? My mantra?” – Doctor Strange

83. “Since you gave Kaecilius power from your dimension, I brought some power from mine. This is time. Endless, looped time!” – Doctor Strange

84. “No! Stop! Make this stop! Set me free!” – Dormammu

85. “How’s your Sanskrit?” – Wong

86. “I’m fluent in Google Translate.” – Doctor Strange

87. “What? Like the Bob Seger Song?” – Christine Palmer

88. “Temporal manipulations can create branches in time. Unstable dimensional openings. Spatial paradoxes! Time loops! You wanna get stuck reliving the same moment over and over forever or never having existed at all?” – Mordo

89. “Time will tell how much I love you.” – Christine Palmer

90. “You’re a man looking at the world through a keyhole. You’ve spent your whole life trying to widen that keyhole… to see more, to know more. And now, on hearing that it can be widened, in ways you can’t imagine, you reject the possibility.” – The Ancient One

91. “He uses magic to walk.” – Doctor Strange

92. “Have you ever seen *that* before in a gift shop?” – The Ancient One

93. “Books on Astral Projection.” – Doctor Strange

94. “Stubbornness, arrogance, ambition. I’ve seen it all before.” – The Ancient One

95. “Yeah, well, I could help… but so could 50 other people. Find me something worth my time.” – Doctor Strange

96. “That’s the Book of Cagliostro. A study of time. One of the rituals was stolen by a former master, the Zealot, Kaecilius.” – Wong

96. “There are other things that can give your life meaning.” – Christine Palmer, ‘Doctor Strange

97. “Forget everything that you think you know.” – Mordo, ‘Doctor Strange

98. “Choose your weapon wisely.” – Wong, ‘Doctor Strange

99. “Fight like your life depended on it. Because one day it may.” – Mordo, ‘Doctor Strange

100. “Dormammu, I’ve come to bargain.” – Dr. Stephen Strange, ‘Doctor Strange

101. “You cannot beat a river into submission. You have to surrender to its current, and use its power as your own.” – Ancient One, ‘Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange Ancient One Quotes

102. “You might have a gift for the mystic arts, but you still have much to learn.” – Wong, ‘Doctor Strange

103. “I do not believe in fairy tales about chakras or energy or the power of belief.” – Dr. Stephen Strange, Dr Strange Quotes

104. “Arrogance and fear still keep you from learning the simplest and most significant lesson of all.” – Ancient One, ‘Doctor Strange

105. “I’ve spent so many years peering through time looking at this exact moment, but I can’t see past it.” – Ancient One, ‘Doctor Strange

106. “We don’t get to choose our time.” – Ancient One, ‘Doctor Strange

107. “You’re a man looking at the world through a keyhole, and you’ve spent your whole life trying to widen that keyhole” – Ancient One, ‘Doctor Strange

108. “We never lose our demons, Mordo. We only learn to live above them.” – Ancient One, ‘Doctor Strange

109. “Sometimes one must break the rules in order to serve the greater good.” – Ancient One, ‘Doctor Strange

110. “He channels dimensional energy directly into his own body.” – Ancient One, ‘Doctor Strange

111. “We don’t get to choose our time. Death is what gives life meaning. To know your days are numbered. Your time is short. You’d think after all this time, I’d be ready. But look at me. Stretching one moment out into a thousand... just so that I can watch the snow.”

112. “Look at me. Stretching one moment out into a thousand just so I can watch the snow.” – Ancient One, ‘Doctor Strange

113. “I pushed your astral form out of your physical form.” – Ancient One, ‘Doctor Strange

114. “At the root of existence, mind and matter meet. Thoughts shape reality.” – Ancient One, ‘Doctor Strange

115. “The bill comes due. Always!” – Mordo, ‘Doctor Strange

116. “Temporal manipulations can create branches in time. Unstable dimensional openings. Spatial paradoxes! Time loops! ” – Mordo, ‘Doctor Strange

117. “I chose to settle for my miracle and I came back home.” – Jonathan Pangborn, ‘Doctor Strange

118. “I’ve prevented countless terrible futures and after each one there’s always another” – Ancient One, Dr Strange Quotes

119. “Doctor Strange is no one’s servant! Be they man, or god!” – Dr. Stephen Strange, ‘Doctor Strange

120. “And so it begins. The War of Damnation. The final battle for the souls of this world.” -Wong, ‘Doctor Strange

121. “Love, loss, pain. They are stones in the wall that block your path, Stephen.” -Ancient One, ‘Doctor Strange

122. “Be careful which path you travel down, Strange. Stronger men than you have lost their way.” -Wong

123. “Attachment to the material is detachment from the spiritual.” -Wong

While the climaxes of some MCU movies have drawn criticism, Doctor Strange’s third act features a truly gripping sequence. The film devises a creative strategy for Strange to defeat the ultimate foe in addition to the really exciting backward fight sequence.

You could recommend this article to a friend or family member so they can appreciate the beautiful mood and thrill featured in this movie.

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