Video Interview Questions and Answers in Australia 2022 Updates

– Video Interview Questions and Answers in Australia –

When it comes to interviews, it really pays to be prepared. So below are the questions and other information that will guide and prepare you for a successful interview session of any job specification.

The world is going digital and this affected virtually all aspects. In a job, an interview can be done no matter the distance and place.

This is done via the medium of a video call. In this article, I’ll be showing you video interview questions and answers in Australia.

Possible Video Interview Questions and Answers

What is Your Weakness?

Be honest about your weaknesses. But while doing so, make sure that you are expressing it in a very positive way.

Moreover, you will have to show that you are really working to improve the condition.

You should never show your frustration and should not emphasise the weakness more.

Instead, try to convert it into a positive one with the right approach. In addition, you should never say that I am a perfectionist. This attitude will not help you.

What is Your Strength?

Unlike the weakness, you will have to be more confident about your strength. The company wants to know how you will fit into their job requirements.

Therefore, it is always suggested to go through the requirements before attending the interview. It will help you understand the job better.

Moreover, a proper understanding will help you to relate your skills to the job. You can share your past achievements in a polite way while telling about your strength.

You need to be confident and make sure that you are able to justify your talent for the job.

Why Do You Want to Leave Your Current Job?

While answering this question, you need to be much more careful. You should not utter a single word to the company and the seniors. Be a little diplomatic.

Instead of focusing more on the negativity of your current job, show more passion for the potential that you find in the new ones.

Make sure that you can create a positive impression of your current company while keeping your points clear about the new opportunities.

Why Do You Want to Join Our Company?

Try to give an honest answer. If they do not prepare you for this question, take the time to prepare the answer. Your answer needs to be rational. You should say nothing that will sound weird.

You can say that I am passionately working with a big company like you. But this is a common answer. You need to say something different and unique.

If possible, try to find out the vision and goal of the company and prepare your answer that is related to the goal of the company. It needs to be simple, but impressive and inspiring. A few words can make a big difference.

Where Do you Find Yourself After Ten Years?

This is a tricky question. You might not have any definite answer to this question.

You cannot say that you are finding yourself at the senior levels or you would like to work with them till that period. Both will not sound real. But you can make the environment comfortable with some positive gestures.

If you do not know the answer, you can try to answer the question indirectly. You can say that I will try to hone my skills in the years ahead. I will try to learn more to create a space for myself. Your answer needs to be genuine.

How Do You Communicate With Your Employees?

You need to answer this question in a friendlier manner. They want to know how you will build a healthy environment in their office.

They want to know about your approach. With the right approach, you will be in a favourable condition.

While answering this question, focus more on the positive attitude of your colleagues.

You should not bring any incident that affects your relationship with your office staff. Always remember that your relationship with your staff needs to be professional and friendlier than well.

Why Should We Hire You?

This is the time you should know how to sell yourself. You can use your work experience to give the details that you have achieved in the past.

Moreover, you need to relate it to the goals of the company to make them feel that you are the right choice for the job.

When you prepare for a video interview, you need to be careful about your attitude. You need to show your talent and confidence in a positive manner.

In addition, you should not say a single negative word against any company, employer, and colleague


5 Things you must do to prepare for a Video Job Interview

1. Check Your Tech

Familiarize yourself with your webcam and microphone so you know how they work. “Make sure that your audio and video come through clearly and that there are no technical issues on your end that would hinder your interview,” says Cheryl Palmer, owner of Call to Career.

“Also, the camera should be at eye-level so that you are looking directly into the camera,” she explains. “It won’t make a good first impression if you are seen as looking down or looking up when speaking.”

2. Prep Your Surroundings

You may think the only thing the people on the other end of a video interview can see is your face, but they will see some of your surroundings too, Palmer says. “The room that you are in should look neat and attractive and not be visually distracting.

You also need to avoid any auditory distractions such as a barking dog or a crying child.” Also, be sure to turn off the ringers of all the phones in the area.

“Mistakes we’ve seen include video interviews recorded in a coffee shop with a very noisy background or in a bedroom with dirty laundry scattered on the floor,” says Michael Yinger, Aon Hewitt’s global lead for recruitment process outsourcing delivery.

3. Look at your Lighting

Put a light behind your computer so your face is illuminated, Palmer says, and avoid casting shadows on your face.

“You should also keep in mind that the lighting can make your face shiny, so make sure that you powder your face lightly (even if you’re a man),” she says.

4. Dress to Impress

It may tempt to go pantsless just to say you did, but it’s not a good idea. “Even though you are not interviewing for the position in person, appearance still matters,” Palmer says.

“When interviewing for a professional position, you should still dress in a suit, even though only your top will be seen.”

5. Sit Where you Can Speak Freely

Don’t do a video interview from your current job if they don’t know you’re looking at new opportunities. John Jakovenko, principal at the Jakovenko Group.

Also, says he had to sit through a video interview with a candidate who was hiding in a conference room and didn’t turn on the camera.

“This effectively turned the video interview into an awkward phone conversation where the interviewer was visible, but the candidate was not,” he says.

The candidate was whispering so their employer didn’t find out they were interviewing.

This showed that the candidate did not have the courtesy to interview for another job offsite and seemed to lack the technological skills to operate a webcam.

Frequently Ask Questions about Video Interview Questions and Answers in Australia

Below are FAQs about Video Interview Questions and Answers in Australia. Please, kindly examine the answers.

1. How can I pass an interview in Australia?

Job Interview Tips for Australia
1. Get Prepared by Doing Your Research. …
2. Arrive at the Right Time. …
3. Know Your Resume. …
4. Sell Yourself. …
5. Listen and Ask Good Questions. …
6. Look Your Best. …
7. Practice. …
8. Follow Up After the Interview

2. How can I impress the interviewer in Australia?

Be open, courteous, and relaxed around your interviewer; answer questions concisely and confidently, while avoiding sounding arrogant.

3. What is your weakness best answer?

what is your greatest weakness by choosing a skill that is not essential to the job you’re applying to and by stressing exactly how you’re practically addressing your weakness?

4. What are your strengths?

Your strengths should be skills that can be supported through experience. For example, if you list communication as a strength, recall a situation in which you used communication to reach a goal or resolve a problem.

5. How do I describe myself professionally?

Example: “I am ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself, so I have something to strive toward.


I’m not comfortable settling, and I’m always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness. In my previous role, they promoted me three times in less than two years.

More FAQs about Video Interview Questions and Answers in Australia

6. How do I define myself?

To define yourself, make a list of values that are really important to you, like integrity or kindness, and then look at them as the foundation of who you are as a person.


Also, try to get to know yourself better by paying attention to the things that make you happy, sad, anxious, or upset.

7. How do I explain myself?

A Simple Formula for Answering “Tell Me About Yourself”

Present: Talk a little bit about what your current role is, the scope of it, and perhaps a big recent accomplishment.
Past: Tell the interviewer how you got there and/or mention previous experience that’s relevant to the job and company you’re applying for.

8. How can I impress my self-introduction?

A Quick Guide to Introducing Yourself in an Interview
1. Start by researching the company and your interviewers.
2. Dress appropriately for the interview.
3. Avoid distractions and keep eye contact.
4. Be confident and comfortable.
5. Be aware of body language.
6. Prepare what to say.
7. Rehearse your introduction with a friend.

Some skills that you can use as weaknesses include impatience, multitasking, self-criticism, and procrastination.

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