The Effect of L-Methionine on Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel in 2m Hcl Using Weight Loss Method

 – The Effect of L-Methionine on Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel in 2m Hcl Using Weight Loss Method –

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The inhibitive action of L- Methionine against the corrosion of mild steel in 2M HCl was investigated using weight loss method at 303K, 313K, 323K and 333K.

Results obtained showed that L-Methionine is a good inhibitor for mild steel in 2M HCl solution with maximum inhibition efficiency of 93.08% in 5.0 x 10-4M at 323K.

The result also reveals that increase in temperature increases corrosion rate and decreases efficiency; while increase in concentration of the inhibitor decreases corrosion rate and decreases efficiency


Title page       i

Cover page       ii

Certification    iii

Dedication  iv

Acknowledgements       v

Abstract        vi

Table of Contents  vii

List of Tables         xi

List of Figures    xii


1.1 Definition of corrosion 1

1.2 Chemistry of corrosion      1

1.3 Classification of corrosion         2

1.3.1 Dry or chemical corrosion   3

1.3.2 Wet or electrochemical corrosion     3

1.4 Types of Corrosion  3

1.4.1 General attack corrosion     4

1.4.2 Localized corrosion     4 Pitting         4 Crevice corrosion    4 Filiform corrosion      5

1.4.3 Galvanic corrosion       5

1.4.4 Environmental cracking     5

1.4.5 Flood-Assisted corrosion 6

1.4.6 Intergranular corrosion      6

1.4.7 De-alloying            6

1.4.8 Fretting corrosion      6

1.4.9 High temperature corrosion     7

1.5 Factors affecting corrosion process       7

1.5.1 Nature of metal     7

1.5.2 Nature of corrosion products         7

1.5.3 pH of the medium    8

1.5.4 Temperature         8

1.5.5 Electrolyte concentration         8

1.5.6 Amount of dissolved oxygen   8

1.6 Methods of reducing corrosion       8

1.6.1 Coating the metal         8

1.6.2 Alloying the metal       9

1.6.3 Conditioning the medium           9

1.6.4 Electrochemical control    9

1.7 Corrosion inhibitors      10

1.7.1 Classification of corrosion inhibitor     10 Anodic inhibitors      10 Cathodic inhibitors       11 Adsorption type corrosion inhibitor       12 Mixed inhibitors   12 Ohmic or filming inhibitors         12 Precipitation inhibitors         12

1.7.2 L-methionine         13

1.8 Aim and objective of the project     13



3.1 Collection of materials         19

3.1.1 Mild steel      19

3.1.2 Inhibitors        19

3.1.3 Reagents      19

3.2 Equipment    19

3.3 Weight loss method    20

3.3.1 Corrosion rate        20

3.3.2 Inhibition efficiency     20

3.4 Preparation of 2M solution of HCl      20


4.1 Corrosion of mild steel in 2M HCl solution containing L-methionine at 303K          22

4.2 Corrosion of mild steel in 2M HCl solution containing L-methionine at 313K   25

4.3 Corrosion of mild steel in 2M HCl solution containing L-methionine at 323K          27

4.4 Corrosion of mild steel in 2M HCl solution containing L-methionine at 333K   29

4.5 Weight loss measurement, corrosion rates and inhibition efficiency.       31


5.1 Summary        33

5.2 Conclusion     33

5.3 Recommendations          33



The corrosion of metals at the solid/liquid interface by corrodents such as acid and base is a major problem encountered in numerous industrial processes (Kadhum et al., 2014).

Millions of dollars are lost yearly because of corrosion; much of this loss is due to corrosion of iron and steel although many other metals may corrode as well as the problem with iron.

Due to this harmful effect, corrosion is an undesirable phenomenon that ought to be prevented (Buchwershaija, 2009).

Mild steel is one of the major construction materials which is extensively used in chemical and allied industries for the handling of acids, alkalis, salts and other solutions.

Definition of Corrosion

 Corrosion is the deterioration or loss of material and its critical properties due to chemical, electrochemical and other reactions of the exposed material surface with the environment (Fontana, 1986).

Corrosion is a natural process that reduces the binding energy in metals with the end result involving a metal being oxidized as the bulk metal loses one or more electrons (Chinwko et al; 2014).

Corrosion of metal differs from that of other materials in that it involves charge transfer (ions and electrons) and in most cases conducting solutions, that is electrolytes (Khamael and Mabrouk, 2009).

The environment that corrodes a metal could be air, water, acid, base, soil and others.


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