Effects of Interactive Approach on Reading Comprehension and Attitudes of Senior Secondary School Students

Effects of Interactive Approach on Reading Comprehension and Attitudes of Senior Secondary School Students.


This study investigated the effects of Interactive Approach on Reading Comprehension and Attitudes of Senior Secondary School Students in Zaria Local Government Area of Kaduna State.

The study aimed at evaluating the effects of Interactive Approach in determining students’ predictive responses to passage; in establishing questioning strategies for answering reading comprehension questions,

in enhancing students’ ability to summarize comprehension passage, as well as examined the effect of the approach on students attitudes in the study area toward learning of comprehension.

Methodologically, quasi-experimental design was used, in which a pre-test and post-test design was employed. The study area has three thousand and eight (3008) students.

The study sampled SS one students from two public Secondary schools in Zaria local government which were divided into two groups each.

The sample schools have six hundred students (600) and one hundred and twenty students (120) students from SS one were sample based on 20 percent. The study adopted social constructivism theory as the theoretical basis.

The instruments of the study comprised of comprehension passage extract from Chinua Achebe Prose’s “A Man of the people” AMOP; questions from the same passage and questionnaire which was used for testing students’ attitudes. Four research questions and research hypotheses were set.


1.1 Background of the Study

Reading is one of the four basic skills in language learning. Reading provides learners with a source of comprehensible input and serves to facilitate communicative fluency in other language skills.

Reading is about understanding of a text. It is a complex activity that involves both perception and thought of a reader.

Reading simply means attainment of language, sharing of information, communicating and comprehending it the right way.

Reading is an individual activity and has to be done alone for better comprehension. It consists of two related processes: word recognition and comprehension (Daura, 2014).

Furthermore, reading ability has always been viewed as critical to academic success. According to Chastain (1980) Reading is a receptive and decoding skill in which the reader receives the writer’s message and tries to recreate the writer’s message to the extent possible.

The reading goal is to read for meaning or to recreate the writer’s meaning. By definition, reading involves comprehension. When readers do not comprehend, they have not read (ibid, p. 217).


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