Biochemical Qualities of Some Imported Frozen Marine Fish Sold in Zaria, Nigeria

Biochemical Qualities of Some Imported Frozen Marine Fish Sold in Zaria, Nigeria.


This study assessed the biochemical qualities of some imported frozen marine fish sold in Zaria, Nigeria. A total of 60 samples per species of frozen marine fish were collected from Sabo-Gari fish depot, Zaria,. The samples were subjected to biochemical tests to determine their quality for human consumption.

The fish species were Clupeaharengus, Sardinapilchardusand Trachurustrachurus. The biochemical qualities assessment of the fishes was conducted according to the methods of Riquixo (1998), Undelandet al. (2005) and Vyncke (2006).

Chemical compound, Total volatile nitrogen (TVN), Trimethylamine (TMA), Thiobarbituriic acid (TBA) and Peroxide value (PV) of the samples were analysed.

Result showed thatTrachurustrachurus had a total of 57 biochemical compounds, TVN of 18.64 mg- N/100g, TMA value of 9.87 mg-N/100g,

TBA value of 1.51mg/kg and PV of 4.68 meq/kg.Sardinapilchardushad atotal of 73 biochemical compounds, TVN value of 22.87 mg- N/100g, TMA value of 12.64 mg-N/100g, TBA value of 1.88 mg/kg and PV of 4.18 meq/kg;


Title Page———- i

Declaration——- iii

Certification—— iv

Acknowledgement——— v

Dedication———– vi

Abstract———— vii

Table of Contents——— viii

List of Tables——— xii

List of Appendices——– xiii

List of Abbreviations—— xiv


  • Background to the Study———– 1
  • Statement of the Research Problem——– 2
  • Justification———– 3
  • Aim———— 4
  • Objectives of the Study——– 4
  • Hypotheses———- 4


  • Nutritional Compositions of Fish——- 5
  • Fish Demand and Supply———— 6
  • Benefits of Fish Consumption——— 7
  • Importations of Marine Fish into Nigeria——— 7
  • International Trade in Seafood——– 8
  • Fish Spoilage——— 10
    • Autolytic spoilage——— 11
    • Bacteria spoilage——-11
    • Oxidation————- 11
  • Factor Influencing Spoilage—-12
    • Temperature——– 12
    • Rigor mortis——— 14
    • Method of capture—-14
    • Initial microbial load———- 15
    • Post-mortem handling practice and storage procedure——- 15
  • Quantification of Spoilage——— 17
  • Fish Freezing and Frozen Storage——- 21
  • Type of Freezing———– 22
    • Air blast freezer———— 22
    • Plate Freezer———— 22
    • Liquid nitrogen freezer——— 22
    • Carbon dioxide freezer———23
    • Immersion freezer———— 24
  • Advantages ofFreezing——— 25
  • Disadvantages of Freezing——— 25
  • Biochemical Quality Assessment of Fish And Fish Product—— 25
  • Biogenic Amine/Compound———– 26
  • Lipid Oxidation————— 29
    • Oxidative rancidity———– 29
      • Perioxide value———- 30
      • Thiobarbituric acid———- 30
    • Total Volatile Nitrogen———– 31
    • Trimethylamine———- 32


  • Source of Fish Samples——— 35
  • Identification and Preparation of Fish Samples———- 35
  • Biochemical Methods of Fish Quality Assessment——– 36
    • Oxidative Rancidity————- 36
      • Determination of peroxide value———– 36
      • Determination of thiobarbituric acid———— 36
    • Determination of total volatile nitrogen———— 37
    • Determination of trimethylamine————– 38
  • Data Analyses————- 39


  • Analysis of The Biochemical Qualities of sampled fish species———- 40
    • Total volatile nitrogen———— 40
    • Trimethylamine————- 42
    • Peroxide value————— 42
    • Thobarbituric Acid——— 46
  • Comparative Analysis of the Biochemical Qualitiesof sampled fish species—— 47
  • Correlation of Morphometric Parameter against Biochemical Qualities——— 48


  • Levels of Biochemical Qualities of the Sampled Fish Species———- 51
    • Total volatile nitrogen———– 51
    • Trimethylamine————— 52
    • Peroxide value———— 52
    • Thiobarbituric acid————– 53
  • Comparative Analysis amongthe Three Species———– 53


  • Conclusion———— 57
  • Recommendation————– 57

References——— 58


1.1 Background of the Study

Fish is the cheapest animal protein source and it is being used increasingly because of its availability, palatability and health provisions (Azamet al., 2004; Akinwumi, 2011). Fish is a highly perishable commodity.

The quality of fish and fishery products has become a major concern in fish industry all over the world (Huss et al., 2003); partly due to the role it plays in international trades and food sector (Jinadasa, 2014).

Fish quality is a complex concept involving a whole range of factors, which for the consumer include: safety, nutritional quality, availability, convenience, integrity, freshness and eating quality (Abbas et al., 2008; Jinadasa, 2014).

Freshness is one of the most important attributes of fish quality and at the same time, it is not a single attribute. However, it can be measured by different analytical methods.

These methods can be divided into two categories; namely, sensory methods using the quality index method and instrumental methods such as chemical, physical and bacteriological analyses.

In tropical conditions, fish spoils quite rapidly within a few hours of landing if not properly cooled (Akinneyeet al., 2010).

The rate at which spoilage occur varies with species of fish, sanitary conditions, methods of handling and storage (Flowraet al., 2012).


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