People Come and Go Quotes for Courage

– People Come and Go Quotes –

Looking for sayings regarding the people in your life arriving and going? Nobody’s life ever ends; it keeps going till we take our final breath. No matter what obstacles life presents to us, we survive. These people come and go quotes will motivate you.

People Come and Go Quotes

People come and go. But that’s okay. Let their coming build your gratitude, and their going build your strength. Read on to stay inspired through life’s journey.

1. “People may come and go, lives may change in a instant, but love and friendship will last forever.”- Elizabeth Sims

2. People may come and go, lives may change in an instant, but love and friendship will last forever. –Elizabeth Sims

3. Friends come and go, so does a best friend. But best friends will always find their way back.”

4. The sole reason I only trust a select few is coz everyone else just leaves anyways, isn’t it true?

5. “People come and go in your life but the one who remains with you till the end is the one who loves you despite your flaws.” – Sathyavathi

6. “People will come and go. Some will love you, some will test you, some will leave you, and some will bless you. Be patient, everything happens for a reason.”

7. “Like the seasons you come and go, and like the clouds you float away, but I love you all the same.” “people come and go quotes”

8. Yes, some people will leave you if they can no longer tolerate your radiance & positive energy emanating deep down your soul. Keep shinning anyway and do it for you. ―Samuel Zulu

9. Yes, people who are meant to be with you will definitely find a way to be with you. Just love and cherish everything as you don’t know when it comes to an end.

10. Nobody can hurt me without my permission. ―Mahatma Gandhi

11. They say people come and go. But no one really disappears from your life. People never really leave; their roles just change.

People and Us Quotes

12. “Like actors on stage, people will come and go in your life when their role in your life ends.” “people come and go quotes”

13. People come and go in our lives. That’s why we have photographs and memories.

14. “Yes, you can lose somebody overnight. Yes, your whole life can be turned upside down. Life is short. It can come and go like a feather in the wind.” – Shania Twain

15. People come and go in life, but they never leave your dreams. Once they’re in subconscious, they are immortal. –Patricia Hampl

16. Sadly, they come and go but there will always be that memory of a certain friend we will cherish for a long time.

17. “When people walk away from you, let them go. Your destiny is never tied  to anyone who leaves you, and it doesn’t mean that they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over.”  “people come and go quotes”

18. “People will come and go in life, but the person in the mirror will be there forever: so be good to yourself.”

19. It’s crazy how quickly people can come into your life and then leave just as quick.

20. Life brings tears, smiles, and memories. The tears dry, the smiles fade, but the memories last forever.

21. “People will come and go in your life. You have to make the decision whom to trust and keep closer to you and whom to maintain a distance from because of your life, so your rules.” – Chismo

22. You have to work on your emotional capacity to accept that not everyone will always be there for you. Those people might betray you, hurt you but still, life will go on.

Quotes to Deal with Exit

23. “They say people come and go. But the truth is, no one really disappears from your life. People never really leave, their roles just change.”

24. People come and go but life is simply about seeing who cares enough to stay.

25. It’s shame in a way that people come and go with one album. –Marc Almond

26. “I have come to realize that the only people I need in my life are the ones who need me in theirs even when I have nothing to offer them but myself.” – Helen Barry

27. “People come and go. Everyone that’s been in your life has been there for a reason, to teach you, to love you, or to experience life with you.” “people come and go quotes”

28. People come and go in your life but the one who remains with you till the end is the one who loves you despite your flaws. ―Sathyavathi

29. If you are depressed you are living in the past; if you are anxious you are living in the future, if you are at peace, you are living in the present. ―Lao Tzu

30. Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate. ―Thomas Jones


People and Money Never Stay the Same Quotes

31. People come and go. Everyone that’s been in your life has been there for a reason: to teach you, to love you, or to experience life with you.

32. I know how much damage it brings to your self-confidence when people leave you, it’s ok.

33. “In life; People come and go. So, don’t waste your time holding onto people who have let you go.”

34. “You have people come into your life shockingly and surprisingly. You have losses that you never thought you’d experience. You have rejection and you have learned how to deal with that and how to get up the next day and go on with it.” – Taylor Swift

35. It depends on your abilities to turn the situation around and work towards life goals without getting sidetracked.

36. “So many people enter and leave your life! Hundreds of thousands of people! You have to keep the door open so they can come in! But it also means you have to let them go.” – Jonathan Safran Foer

37. “If you truly want to be respected by people you love, you must prove to them that you can survive without them.” “people come and go quotes”

38. People come and people go. That’s life. Stop holding on to people that have let go of you.

39. “Yes, people will weave in and out of your life like seasons but there will always be that one person in your life who will always be with you no matter what and that person is Jesus.”

40. “Money will come and go, we all know that, the most important thing in life will always be the people in this room, right here, right now.” – Dominic Toretto

Friends and Acquaintances Quotes

41. Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds in always two hundred pounds. ―Henry Rollins

42. Sometimes I think that I was forced to withdraw into depression because it was the only rightful protest I could throw in the face of a world that said it was alright for people to come and go as they please, that there were simply no real obligations left. –Elizabeth Wurtzel

43. “According to the laws of nature, everything in this life must come to an end which is the reason people need to come and go in your life when their time expires.”

44. A wise man once said woman come and go but love sticks with you forever.

45. “You don’t need a bunch of fake people in your life to keep you happy. If you love you, people coming and going in and out of your life will be nothing but water under the bridge.” – Samuel Zulu

46. Unless you’re really going to have a serious relationship, don’t bring your kids into it. Don’t show your child that people come and go. –Kelly Cutrone

47. Friends are like stars; they come and go, but those that stay are the ones that glow.

48. “At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life.” “people come and go quotes”

49. Just because one thing doesn’t go right, doesn’t mean your life is ruined; stay positive.

50. It’s better to let go and see if they come back, than to hold on and see if they let go.

51. If you love somebody let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don’t they never were.

Change is Indeed Constant Quotes

52. Friends come and go but I wouldn’t have thought you’d be one of them.

53. “Don’t chase people. Work hard and be you. The right people who belong in your life will come find you and stay. Do your thing.”

54. People come and go. Don’t stress over someone. Change is constant.

55. The worst is when someone comes into your life, makes you all happy, and then leaves, no explanation.

56. “You may come and go, but the real test is to see how long one can manage to stay in the game.” – Armaan Malik

57. “Your life will get better when you realize it’s better to be alone than to chase people who don’t really care about you.” “people come and go quotes”

58. “People come and go. Pain comes and goes, but so does joy. And if our hearts are closed because we don’t want to suffer, they won’t be open enough to recognize the joy as it flies by.” – Geneen Roth


59. Life is shorter, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish it.

60. People come and go. But life is simply seeing who cares enough to stay.

Nothing Lasts Forever Quotes

61. “The fact that people come and go in life as seasons do must remind you that the only constant in life is the change which you must embrace with open arms.” – Samuel Zulu

62. “People come and go in our lives, but a beauty of life is that our family is always there.” – Catherine Pulsifer

63. Letting go means realizing that some people are a part of your history, but not part of your destiny.

64. “Nobody is worth stressing over. People come and go. Move on and go find yourself, the world is yours. Life goes on.”

65. “Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.”

66. “I don’t chase people anymore. I learned that I’m here, and I’m important. I’m not going to run after people to prove that I matter.” “people come and go quotes”

Things Change Quotes

67. Because too many times in life there’s just one person that I met, just one thing that I heard, one movie that I saw, one song that was sung, that changed my life. So, I’m always trying to stay awake to be in the moment, and capture the moments when they come. Because they come and go all the time. –Mike Singletary

68. I understand some will leave me but I am still hoping somebody would care enough & stay.

69. “People come into your life and go, but you will always have to live with yourself. Make yourself pleasant, positive and peaceful. ” –Akin Olokun “people come and go quotes”

70. Women come and go but you only get one queen in this lifetime.

71. People coming and going in and out of your life is just another reminder that change is indeed the only constant in life, period. –Samuel Zulu

72. “People coming and going in and out of your life is just another reminder that change is indeed the only constant in life, period.” – Samuel Zulu

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