Assessment of Teaching and Learning of Economics in Kaduna State

Assessment of Teaching and Learning of Economics in Kaduna State.


Title Page             ii

Declaration           iii

Approval page           iv

Certification              v

Dedication                vi

Acknowledgement           vii

Table of Content             viii

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction

  • Background of the Study 1
  • Statement of the Problem 3
  • The Objective of the Study 4
  • Research Question 5
  • Basic Assumption 6
  • Scope and Delimitation of the Study 6
  • The Significant of the Study 8
  • Operational Definition of Term 9

CHAPTER TWO: Review of Related Literature

  • Assessment and its Importance 11
  • Effective Assessment Method 12
  • Theories of Learning 13
  • Principles of Teaching 16
  • Effective Teaching and Learning 19
  • Mode of Assessment 22
  • Problem of Assessment of Teaching and Learning 24
  • Summary 25

CHAPTER THREE: Methodology

  • Introduction 26
  • Research Design 26
  • Area of Study 27
  • Population of the Study 28
  • Validation and Reliability of the Instrument 28
  • Sample and Sampling Techniques 29
  • Method of Data Collection 31
  • Method of Data Analysis 31
    • Rationale for Instrument Used 32
  • Administration of the Instrument 32

CHAPTER FOUR: Data Presentation Analysis

  • Data Presentation Analysis and Interpretation 34
  • Response of Different School 34
  • Testing of Hypothesis 35

4.4.0 Make Decision                                                                                    39

4.4.2 Testing of Hypothesis Two                                                                  41

4.4.5 Decision Rule                                                                                     44

4.5 Summary of Findings                                                                             45

  • The Significant of the Study 8
  • Operational Definition of Term 9

CHAPTER FIVE: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation


Teaching is a process that involves bringing about desirable changes in learners so as to achieve specific objectives (Ayeni 2011).

The importance of teaching and learning to a  nation cannot be  overemphasized. Teaching and learning are dependent events that occur simultaneously and are inseparable.

Where teaching is going on learning is also taking place. The primary purpose of teaching is to bring fundamental change in the learner. (Tebabal   & Kahssay, 2011). Learning is a relatively permanent change in human behavior arising from experience.

Surprisingly, the term teaching has been erroneously misunderstood to mean an act by anybody who is assumed to be knowledgeable to disseminate information to others.

It is this wrong interpretation of the term that has led   to the appointment of many unprofessionally qualified people performing the task of teaching.

Teaching is a serious business. It is very tasking and highly demanding. It is an art of passing knowledge by way of deliberate arrangement of the task to be learnt, the methods to be used, the materials to be used, the learners,

the evaluation as well as the entire teaching-learning environment in a manner that will provide learning arising from the interactions.


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Akuezuilo, E.O, (2003) Research and Statistic in Education and Social Sciences, methods and application, Akwa, Nuel Centi publishers.
Biehler, R.F. (1981) Sociology of education Boston. Houghton Mifflin Company
Bluman, A. G. (1998) Elementary Statistics, A step by step Approach 3rd Editon New York, Tomcason coy
Christensen L. B. (1977) Experimental Methodology, Boston Allyn and Bacon, Inc.
Cohen, L and L. Marion (1994), Research Methods in Education, Fourth Edition, New York.

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