Farewell Quotes for Manager – Motivation and Love

We all have that person we deeply admire because of how instrumental they have been to our lives and how well they have contributed to our career growth. And sometimes, this person is our manager at work. Congratulations to you if you are like many others worldwide with the rare privilege of having an exceptional manager.

Because of how great they are to us, we often forget that our managers also have a career worth building. So, it can be very difficult when we get an awakening that our manager is moving on to greener pastures and going after other opportunities outside the work environment we share or maybe they’re retiring or just being transferred.

Of course, there is no way we let them go without missing them deeply, especially the first few days after departure. We are often left with memories of the last moments before they leave. If you want your last memory with them to be happy, the least you can do is give them the best of yourself. You can do this in many ways. However, using these farewell quotes to managers has proven to be one of the most effective ways.

Farewell, manager. You’ve been a mentor and a friend to me. I will miss you. Thank you for teaching me everything I know today. It’s been a blast. Hope you have a good time at the new office.

1. I want to thank you for your help and guidance. I wish you the best in all future endeavours. Your motivational speeches are always an inspiration to me. Goodbye, manager.

2. Thank you very much for everything. It’s been a great pleasure. I wish you the best from here on out, manager.

3, Thanks for all the great years we’ve worked together, boss. It’s been a pleasure. Farewell, manager. 

4. Thank you, dear manager, for all your help and support. I will never forget our wonderful times together.

5. Thank you, dear manager, for always being there for me. Thank you for showing me the ropes when I first started working here. I wish you all the best in your next adventure.

6. Thank you, dear manager, for always being there for me. Thank you so much for showing me the ropes when I started working here. It was great working with you.

7. Thank you, dear manager, for always being available to answer any questions I had – including staying late with me if we needed to discuss an important project. I’d like to wish you all the best in your next adventure.

8. It has been a pleasure working with you. You are very professional but also have a caring and understanding demeanour that made your time here great.

9. Thank you for everything you have done for me. It has been an honour working beside such a wonderful person.

10. Thanks for the help – it was great working with you! I’ll let you know how the project goes and if there’s anything else I can help with in the future.

11. It’s been a pleasure working with you, and I wish you the best in all future endeavours. Goodbye, manager.

12. Thanks for everything, boss. I appreciate your help, and I hope we can work together again sometime.

13. I’d like to thank you very much. I appreciate everything that you’ve taught me, especially public speaking. I feel very accomplished after obtaining such advanced skills. Goodbye, manager.

14. I’m going to miss you. You make me feel like I’ve been here all along. Thanks so much for everything you’ve taught me while I was here.

15. Thank you so much for all your help and support. I appreciate it! Initially, I was a little nervous, but you made me feel so welcome. It’s been an incredible experience working with you, and I hope to continue to learn from you in the future.

16. Thanks so much for your help and all your hard work. I’ll certainly miss you!

17. Thank you so much for your help and all your hard work. I will miss you.

18. You’ve been amazing to work with. I’ll miss you dearly.

19. We’ve had a blast working together. I’ll miss you guys and hope our paths cross again soon.

20. We’ve had a wonderful time working together and will miss you. Thanks for everything; your help has been invaluable. I’ll miss you, manager!

21. Thank you for helping me throughout my career. I owe a lot to you for all your guidance. Best of luck!

22. I always appreciate all the advice and help you’ve given me. Thank you! Best of luck in everything that you do with your new company!

23. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your time and effort in this project. I’ll miss working with you. Goodbye, manager.

24. Thanks so much for all you’ve done. It’s been a pleasure working with you.

25. I’m so glad I got the chance to work with you. I learned a lot from you. You’ve been really helpful.

26. I can’t believe our time together is over! I’ll miss you so much. Thanks again for your help! I learnt to rely on myself because of you.

27. Thank you so much for all that you have taught me. I would not be where I am now without your help.

28. I enjoyed the internship. I’m very grateful for all the opportunities you gave me. Goodbye, manager. 

29. I am very grateful for your help. I am fortunate to have you as a great mentor. Thank you so much for your guidance and support. Goodbye, manager.

30.  Thank you for taking the time to advise me with your wisdom and knowledge. Your leadership has inspired me, and I appreciate all you’ve done for me.

31. Farewell to one of our managers. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours!

32. Thank you to one of our dedicated managers for giving her all in every task she worked on. We are sure she will succeed in her new job, so we wish her all the best.

33. Thank you to our dedicated manager, who gave her all in every task she worked on. We are sure she will succeed in her new job, so we wish her all the best.

34. We thank our dedicated manager for her hard work and great accomplishments. We wish her well in the future.

35. Thank you for all your efforts over the last five years. You’ve been a real asset to the business. Goodbye, manager.

36. It’s always been a pleasure working with you, and I can’t thank you enough for your input over the last five years. Goodbye, manager.

37. I can’t thank you enough for all the input you’ve given over the last five years. It’s been a pleasure working with you. Goodbye, Manager

38. It has been a pleasure working with you for the last five years. I am so grateful for all your hard work and input. Have an awesome life, manager.

39. It has been a pleasure working with you these past five years. I am so grateful for your guidance and support. I wish the best of luck to you in the future.

40. I am so grateful for all your hard work and input, and I appreciate everything you have done to help the company grow and achieve its goals.

41. It was a pleasure working with you. I appreciate your time, effort and input. Good Luck, manager

42. Hey! Thanks for the last five years! Sounds like you’ll be advancing, so congrats to you. I may not work directly with you anymore, but I hope to see you soon.

43. I enjoy working with you and appreciate your hard work. You have been a valuable asset to the company, and I am sure you will succeed no matter where you go next.

44. It’s time for me to pack my bags and move on. I’ve had a great time working with you and have appreciated your feedback over the last five years. Good luck, Sally.

45. You’re the best manager I’ve ever had and have taught me much over the last five years. Both professionally and personally, thank you for everything.

46. Thanks to your efforts, we’ve had such success over the last five years. I’m indebted to you and wish you all the best in the future.

47. Thank you so much, and I appreciate all the hard work you’ve done for us over the last few years – especially in recent months. Goodbye, manager.

48. You’ve been an incredibly dedicated and valuable team member, and I appreciate your hard work. Goodbye, manager.

49. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your hard work as my manager. I appreciate all the support and encouragement you have provided while working here. Goodbye, manager.

50. Thanks for all your hard work; I couldn’t have asked for an easier team to work with. Good luck!

51. Our company is growing, and I wouldn’t be here today without you. Thank you for the progress that you have made! Goodbye, manager.

52. I am so grateful to you for who you are. Your dedication and commitment to me have helped me reach many of my goals. Who would’ve thought that I would have been able to achieve them? Thank you, amazing manager. I will forever be reminded of you!

53. Without you, I wouldn’t have become a Regional Director. Your hard work and dedication have paid off, and I am proud to say that you have made great progress.

54. It has been a pleasure working with you for the past five years. Thank you for your dedication and hard work. Goodbye, manager.

55. Thank you for your dedication and hard work. It has been a pleasure working with you for the past five years. Goodbye, manager.

56. I’ve enjoyed working with you over the past five years. Thank you for your dedication and hard work. Goodbye.

57. It’s been a pleasure working with you over the past five years. Goodbye and best of luck in your new position. We will all miss seeing you around the office.

58. We will all miss seeing you around the office. It’s been a pleasure working with you over the past five years. Goodbye and best of luck in your new position.

59. You’ve done great work for us over the last five years, and we’ll miss you. We all wish you the best of luck in your new job.

60. Thank you for all your work over the last five years. Everyone in the office will miss you. We hope you find your new job as fulfilling as ours has been for us, and we wish you the best of luck in your family life.

61. We’ve had a great working relationship. I am sad to say goodbye. Good luck in your new role.

62. Leaving a long-time manager is like giving up your seat on the subway. It’s always sad but good for you. Good luck!

63. I will always cherish the time I spent with you and wish you all the best in your future endeavours. Goodbye, manager.

64. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing me to participate in this program. I will always cherish the time I spent with you and wish you all the best in your future endeavours. Goodbye, manager.

65. I enjoyed working with you and wish you much success in your career. I will always remember our time together fondly. All the best for the future.

66. Thank you for everything. I will miss working with you, but I wish you all the best on your next journey.

67. I’m extremely grateful for all the knowledge you’ve shared with me and the opportunity to learn from your expertise. Thank you for everything. Good luck, boss!

68. I thank you for everything during these past 3 years and hope your transition will be smooth. Have a great day!

69. It’s been an amazing ride, man. Thanks for everything; we couldn’t have done it without you. We’ll miss you so much!

70. Wishing you all the best in your new endeavours. We wish you success and happiness wherever you go.

71. It’s time for me to say goodbye. Perhaps we will meet one day again. Until then, cheers to the memories and cheers to us!

72. It’s been an honour to work with you. We’ll see you again soon. We say goodbye to our manager with loving thoughts and a grateful heart.

73. We’re sorry to see our manager leave, but we wish him the best with his new opportunity. It’s been a pleasure working with him. We will miss him dearly and wish him nothing but good luck.

74. We bid you farewell with lots of love and gratitude for all you have done for us.

75. It’s been a heck of a ride. We’re honoured to have you on board, and we couldn’t have done this without your support.

76. It’s been an absolute pleasure and honour working alongside you and many great people. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the company, dear manager.

77. Thank you for your time and support throughout the years, dear manager. You have been a great mentor to me.

78. Thank you so much for your mentorship and support throughout the years. It was a pleasure working with you. I’m honoured to have had the opportunity to learn from such an inspiring manager.

79. Thank you so much for your mentorship and support throughout the last years. It was a pleasure working with you. I am honoured to have had the opportunity to learn from such an inspiring manager.

80. I am honoured to have had the opportunity to learn from you. You are a great mentor and manager, and I am glad I got to work for you.

81. I have learned a great deal working under your mentorship, and I am honoured to have had the opportunity.

82. I respect you as a coach and a leader. You have taught me a lot, and I enjoyed working with you.

83. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to work in your team. You have taught me how to work in a successful team and contributed to my success as a manager.

84. It was an absolute pleasure to work with you. When I started here, I didn’t know what to expect since it was my first job, but you helped me thrive immediately. Thank you for everything you’ve taught me—it’s an invaluable gift.

85. Thank you for everything you’ve taught me. I’ll never be able to repay you. I wish you a bright future and hope to see your success continue.

86. Thank you for your mentorship, leadership and your direction over the years. I learnt a lot from you, becoming a better professional because of you and all you taught me. I am thankful for the time you gave me.

87. Thank you for all your help over the years. You’re an amazing mentor and a wonderful manager! I’ll always be grateful to you.

88. Thank you so much for all your hard work as a mentor and manager. I’m grateful, and I will miss you!

89. You were a fantastic mentor and a great boss. I learned a lot from you, and I will miss working with you!

90. You have been a wonderful mentor and a great boss. I will miss working with you!

91. You were an amazing mentor and a great boss for me. I learned a lot from working with you.

92. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me! I have grown a lot as a person and a professional here, and I am very grateful to have worked with you.

93. Thank you for all the guidance, direction, and difficult conversations. I am going to miss you and all of our interactions!

94. You have been so helpful and have taught me so much. I am thankful for the guidance and direction you have given me throughout my (school/internship) career, and I will miss our interactions.

95. Thanks for everything you taught me over the last year. I’m going to miss your kind encouragement and our one-on-one meetings.

96. Thank you so much for helping me grow and improve my skills over the past few weeks. You’re a role model, and I hope I can grow to be just like you!

97. I’m thankful to have had you as a mentor and respected manager. Your guidance has impacted me in ways that I feel incredibly lucky to be able to experience. You’re the best, and I know we’ll stay in touch.

98. Thank you for being such a great mentor and encouraging me to learn and grow professionally. I appreciate everything you’ve taught me and all that you’ve done.

99. Thank you for being such a great mentor and encouraging me to learn and grow professionally. I appreciate all that you’ve taught me.

100. I valued your input and honesty, and I consider all the courses you taught foundational for my career. Thank you for being a great friend and manager.

101. You have taught me so much that I can’t thank you enough. I want to make you proud and always do my best for this company.

102. Thank you very much. I’ll never forget the time we spent together. You taught me a lot and encouraged me to keep learning and practising. I appreciated that!

103. Thank you for all of your help and guidance so far. I don’t think that I would be as far along in my career without the help of someone like yourself.

104. Thank you for all the helpful advice you’ve given me over the past few years. Without you, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

105. Thank you for being such a great mentor and encouraging me to learn and grow professionally.

106. Thank you for always being there when I needed you. You’ve given me so much valuable advice and helped me progress along the way. Thank you for believing in me and always telling me I could do better.

107. Thank you for everything you do to help me. I am grateful to have such a great mentor who wants me to succeed in my career and life.

108. You are my mentor, and I will never forget everything you have done for me. You’ve taught me so much, and I will always be grateful to you.

109. It’s been a pleasure working with you. I’ve learned a lot, and I look forward to learning more in the future.

110. Thank you for everything. I appreciate all of your guidance and support over the past few months. I’m thrilled to have had this opportunity to learn from a master like yourself.

111. Thank you for everything. I’ve learned so much from you. Please know that it has been an honour to work for you.

112. Thank you so much for your mentorship and support throughout the years. It’s been a pleasure working with you. I truly appreciate the opportunity to have learned so many valuable skills from you.

113. Thank you so much for the mentorship and support throughout the years. I’ve learned a great deal from you. Thanks again for always taking me under your wing and allowing me to learn and grow professionally.

114. Thank you for always being there for me through the ups and downs. I have learned a lot from your mentorship and hope to continue building on an amazing foundation of success.

115. You have been a tremendous mentor and leader to me. Your guidance and insights have turned me into the confident and hard-working professional I am today.

116. I learned a lot from you over the past year. Thank you for teaching me everything you know. You were a great mentor, and I hope to see you again soon.

117. You are an amazing boss who allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and improve my skills. I’m grateful that you appreciate my hard work, and I’m positive that I will take everything I’ve learned here with me to future opportunities.

118. It’s been a blast, but I’ve got to move on. Thanks for the memories and for being my manager.

119. Working with you has been a pleasure, and I wish you the best moving forward.

120. As a great manager who is always learning and growing, we hope you keep doing both for your future and for us.

Get these farewell quotes to the manager as soon as possible because they will be one of the most useful tools when bidding on that manager, which means so much to you.

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