The Role of Corporate Governance on the Performance of Banks in Nigeria

 – The Role of Corporate Governance on the Performance of Banks in Nigeria – 

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This study investigated “The role of corporate governance on the performance of banks in Nigeria”. Data for the study were sourced through questionnaires shared to various departments in both first bank of Nigeria and UBA Owerri, Imo state.

The data collected were analyzed using percentage tables. Hypotheses were tested with the aid of analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistical technique. Both null hypotheses was rejected due to the F value calculated exceeded the F value tabulated consecutively, that is 8.6>3.49 and 12.11>3.49.

The findings revealed that there are challenges faced when implementing corporate governance code in the banking sector and also the extent at which noncompliance of corporate governance code in performance of banks is low.

Based on the findings, recommendations were made;   Regulatory authorities like corporate affairs commission(CAC), Central bank of Nigeria(CBN), security and exchange commission(SEC), national insurance commission(NAICOM),

Nigeria deposit insurance commission etc. should a consolidated approach towards the supervision of listed banks since corporate governance boost investors’ confidence.

Banks should instill due process of transparency, integrity and disclosure of its core concept in order to ensure shareholders’ confidence. Banks should also ensure that the issue of fraud and insider abuse should be minimized.


Title page                 i

Declaration         ii

Certification  iii

Dedication                  iv

Acknowledgement        v

Abstract                   vi

Table of content     vii


1.0 Background of the study                                                 1

1.1 Statement of the problem                                                          6

1.2 Objective of the study                                                      10

1.3 Research questions                                                           10

1.4 Research hypotheses                                                        11

1.5 Significance of the study                                                  12

1.6 Scope of the study                                                            13

1.7Definition of terms                                                            13


2.1 Conceptual Review          17

2.2 Theoretical Review            18

2.3 Empirical Review     20

2.4 Research Gap            25

2.5 corporate Governance and Nigerian Banks   25

2.6 pillars of corporate Governance     40

2.7 Challenges / Weakness of Corporate Governance     41

2.8 Corporate Governance and Banking regulation     44

2.9 Bank Compliance with Regulations         48

References            51


3.1 Research Design      53

3.2 Method of Data Collection   53

3.3 Population of the Study       53

3.3.1 Sample Size Determination    54

3.4 Sampling Procedure        55

3.5 Design and Administration of Questionnaire    55

3.6 Validity of Instrument              56

3.7 Reliability of Instrument      56

3.8 Methods of Data Analysis          57

3.9 Limitation of the Study         59

Reference     61


4.1 Presentation of Data         62

4.2 Analysis of Questionnaire          63

4.3 Test of Hypotheses     73


5.1 Summary of Findings            84

5.2 Conclusion        85

5.3 Recommendations            85

Bibliography   87

Appendix       91


It has become a worldwide dictum that the quality of corporate governance makes an important difference to the soundness and unsoundness of banks.

Broadly speaking, corporate governance refers to the extent to which companies are run in an open and honest manner. Sanusi (2003).

Thus, effective corporate governance practice incorporates transparency, openness, accurate reporting and compliance with statutory regulations among others.

Historically, antecedents indicate that financial crisis is a direct consequence of lack of good corporate governance in banks; invariably one of the sources of instability in the banking sector is lack or inadequate practice of corporate governance.

Wherever a power is exercised to direct, control and regulates activities that affect people, there is need for good exercise of such power.

For corporate entities, particularly public liability companies, the exercise of power over the enterprise’s direction, the supervision and control of executive actions, concern for the effects of the enterprise on other parties and especially the environment, the acceptance of a fiduciary duty to be accountable, constitute the quintessential of corporate governance.

The banking distress of the last decades has posed many challenges to corporate governance in banking industry. Bank distress can be associated to lack or avoidance of code of ethics and professionalism.

Odozi(2007) expound this posting that, “Ethics, like, corporate governance, transparency and accountability, etc, is a cliché that has been abused and misused”.

The failure of banks in Nigeria, as elsewhere, has been largely due, not merely to inadequate corporate governance or leadership, but to a failure of professional ethics as manifested in numerous instances of creative accounting practices, professional’s insensitive internal control and risk management position being seriously compromised or even colluding with fraudster.

Financial scandals around the world and the recent collapse of major corporate institution in the USA has brought to the fore, once again the need for the practice of good corporate governance, which is a system of managing the affairs of corporations with a view to increasing shareholders’ value and meeting the expectations of other stake – holders.

For the financial institutions, the retention of public confidence through the enthronement of good corporate governance remains of almost importance given the role of the industry in the mobilization of fund, the allocation of credit to the deficit sectors of the economy, the payment and settlement system and the implementation of monetary policy.


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Adedipe, B. A. (2004). Corporate Governance: Key Factor in Financial Section Sector Ability. A paper delivered at the 5th Annual Finance Correspondents and Business Editors Seminar held in oweri, 26 – 28 January. Vol. 28 no.1

Akpan, N (2007): Internal Control and Bank Fraud in Nigeria. Economic Journal, Vol. 95, pp.118–132

Akpan, N (2007): Internal Control and Bank Fraud in Nigeria. Economic Journal, Vol. 95, pp.118–132

Anya, O. A. (2003). Corporate Governance as an Effective Tool for Combating Financial and Economic Crimes. The Nigerian Bankers. October – December.

Anya, O. A. (2003). Corporate Governance as an Effective Tool for Combating Financial and Economic Crimes. The Nigerian Bankers. October – December.

Capiro, G, Jr and Levine, R (2002): Corporate Governance of Banks: Concepts and International Observations, Paper Presented in the Global Corporate Governance Forum Research Network Meeting, April.5.

Capiro, G, Jr and Levine, R (2002): Corporate Governance of Banks: Concepts and International Observations, Paper Presented in the Global Corporate Governance Forum Research Network Meeting, April.5.

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