Motivation And Employee Performance In Public Sector

 – Motivation And Employee Performance In Public Sector – 

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This study deals with a review of the motivation and employee performance in the public sector: A case study on Nigerian Television Authority, Channel 12 Owerri, Imo State.  One of the pressing problems facing many organizations today is their inability to motivate their workers towards achieving the organization’s goals.

For that a need to research on this fiscal measure is to know if expected result of this motivation are achieved by the organization who benefit from this relief.

Chapter one introduces the topic which includes the background of the study, theoretical framework, statement of hypothesis and definition of term and also a brief history of the topic.

Chapter two looks at the literature review, introduction that is different authors that emphasize more on the various definitions and explanation on what the topic is all about.

Also, chapter three deals with the research methodology,  research design, method of data collection, sample size, sampling technique and data analysis techniques.

Lastly, chapter four treats the presentation of data, data analysis, and research findings.  While chapter five looks at the summary, recommendation and conclusion of the research study.

The researchers do sincerely hope that this study will contribute its quota in understanding the importance of motivation in the public sector.


Title Page             i

Approval Page    ii

Dedication      iii

Acknowledgement        iv

Abstract     v

Table of Contents     vi


Introduction      1

  • Background of Study 1
  • Statement of Problems 4
  • Objective of the Study 5
  • Research Question 5
  • Significance of Study 6
  • Scope of Study 7
  • Limitation of the Study 7
  • Definition of Terms 8


Literature Review           10

  • Introduction 10
  • Job Allocation 12


Research Methodology    19

  • Introduction 19
  • Research Design 19
  • Method of Data Collection 20
  • Sample Size 21
  • Sample Technique 21
  • Data Analysis Technique 22


Presentation of Data        25

  • Introduction 25
  • Data Analysis 26
  • Research Findings 34


Summary of Findings, Conclusion & Recommendations       36

  • Summary of Findings 36
  • Conclusion 37
  • Recommendations 38

References   39

Appendix       41


Generally, people work in order to make money, acquire wealth and take care of their needs.  Motivation and employee performance are vital tools to achieving organizational goals and objectives.

Motivation has been defend by many scholars, authors and researchers.  Hiuse and Barditch (1977):177) defined motivation as the “condition responsible for variation in the intensity, quality and direction of an ongoing behaviour”.

Behaviour is caused by the individual’s attempts to satisfy his or her needs.  Mockler (1973:778) states that “a person is motivated to work in order to satisfy some needs.


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