Make Yourself Busy to Forget Quotes

Most people go through life and experience things that they would like to forget, especially when the experience only leaves sad memories. These experiences can make you go through the motions in life and dip into the black hole of negativity. By going through these experiences, you can easily develop resentment in your heart and lose motivation to achieve your goals.

Whether we want to admit it or not, sometimes past memories are best forgotten. Unfortunately, it just seems we can’t get away from the pain haunting our thoughts with the simple passage of time. When we do not take deliberate action to get away from those thoughts, they can remain with us for the rest of our days.

When we remember painful memories, we are either faced with a strong feeling of anxiety or sadness. It can feel as if the memory is a physical force pushing against us and standing in our way of happiness. The best way to make sure that doesn’t happen is to just get busy with doing something productive that distracts the mind.

This is why I have collated some of the best make yourself busy quotes on the internet. You can use them to encourage yourself or another person to get busy in a way that helps them to create great memories to replace the sour ones. Use them and thank me later. 

Don’t let the memories of the past that you are trying to forget to weigh you down. Life is too short to hurt yourself constantly day after day. Keep your mind occupied with something good and positive and find joy in everything that you do.

1. Make yourself busy to forget about the things you don’t want to think about.

2. Get busy shaping your future so that you don’t have time to worry about the things that happened in the past.

3. If you keep your mind occupied, you won’t have to remember those things that are weighing on your conscience.

4. Get yourself busy to forget about what’s bothering you, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

5. Make yourself busy so you don’t have to think.

6. Don’t sit around feeling sorry for yourself. Make yourself busy, so you don’t have time to think about things you can’t change.

7. Sometimes the best way to forget your problems is to make yourself busy.

8. Don’t let the smallest things get you down. Make yourself busy so you can forget about your problems and move forward.

9. If you want to feel better, make yourself busy. The more you do, the less time you’ll spend thinking about your feelings.

10. Busyness is the best medicine to forget the bad things.

11. Get busy. Make yourself so busy that you don’t have time to think about how much you really want this job.

12. You’re not meant to be in the same place, same time or even in the same mood. Make yourself busy.

13. Time to make yourself busy. Do something, so you don’t have room for that thing that keeps upsetting your emotions.

14. Life is too short to focus on the drama; get busy, so you forget it all.

15. Fulfil your bucket list. Make plans to do something you’ve never done before. Call some people you haven’t talked to in a long time, or take a road trip and find a new place to live. Fill your time with activities, so you forget.

16. You have to take control of your life because it’s not a good thing to be an unproductive slob. When you are idle, you start to remember weird stuff.

17. Busyness helps you forget. So keep yourself busy, and you’ll forget about all your worries.

18. Stop being lazy; get busy! It will help take your mind off depressing thoughts.

19. Avert your attention from negative or painful situations by occupying yourself with positive things.

20. If you wait for signs from the universe, sometimes you’ll wait a long time. So, make yourself busy.

21. If you don’t like to think too much, then make yourself busy; it is a good way to focus your mind on other things that don’t require much energy.

22. Don’t let the pressure get to you. Make your own fun and make it now!

23. Write a blog post, make a collage, clean out your closet, or whatever it is that makes you feel like you’re making progress in life. Do not sit around lost in your thoughts.

24. Life is too short to be sitting around doing nothing or, worse, moping. Get your hands busy.

25. Quitting from time to time is a must. Make yourself busy so that you don’t have to remember the things you are trying to forget.

26. Make yourself really busy, so you don’t have to remember what you were trying to forget.

27. Keep your mind occupied, and you won’t have to remember the things you are trying to forget.

28. If you don’t try to make yourself busy, then things will fill your head up, things that you are trying to forget.

29. Life is too short to have regrets. Make yourself busy and live a life you would want to remember, not one you would want to forget.

30. There are days when you just need to be busy. Make the time to get things done because the mind will begin picking away at the things you don’t want to remember.

31. Don’t let your mind wander. Stay busy, so you don’t have to think about the things you don’t want to.

32. Get so busy. What’s the worst that could happen? You’ll end up forgetting about whatever you are trying to forget.

33. Don’t let distracting thoughts bring you down. Keep the hustle going, be productive in all that you do, and be your best self.

34. Don’t let the past steal your happiness. Make yourself busy so that you don’t have to remember the things you are trying to forget.

35. Don’t overthink it. Make yourself busy so you don’t have to remember the things you are trying to forget.

36. Don’t let your to-do list weigh you down. Make yourself busy so that you don’t have to remember the things you’re trying to forget.

37. Stay busy, so you don’t have to remember the things you are trying to forget.

38. Life is easier when you’re busy and don’t have time to remember things that can make you sad.

39. Be busy. Be productive. Be useful to others. Then maybe the things that hurt you will stop bugging you.

40. Don’t think about it. Do something else. Clear your mind, and stop worrying. You need to focus on something else other than that feeling or thought so you don’t have to feel it anymore.

41. Forgetting is a form of self-care, and the easiest way to forget is to get busy.

42. Don’t let time pass you by. Make yourself busy so that you don’t have to remember the things you are trying to forget.

43. There is nothing more depressing than remembering stuff. Make yourself busy so that you don’t have to remember.

44. Don’t forget to be busy—so you don’t have to remember the things you’re trying to forget.

45. Do something that’s hard to do and challenge yourself so that you are carried away and don’t have to remember the things you are trying to forget.

46. Keep your mind distracted so that you don’t have to remember the things you want to forget.

47. Don’t wait for the perfect time. Make yourself busy and busy enough that you don’t have time to think about how much you miss her!

48. When you are idle, you tend to have more time to think about issues that you would have liked to forget.

49. Getting busy is the best way to forget about things.

50. We all have busy lives. Don’t let your memory become a burden by finding things to do that keep you active and engaged. You’ll make it so much easier on yourself to keep your mind off the past, which helps you focus on the future.

Do not let the memories of past failures keep you from going forward with your life. Life is too short to be saddened by past hurts Fill your time with activities that help you get productive and keep your mind in a good place.

51. When you are busy working on what you want, it’s easy to forget about everything else.

52. The best way to avoid something is to be doing something else.

53. You will never be successful if you are always worrying about the future or, even worse, the past.

54. It’s the little things that matter. Make yourself busy so that you don’t have to remember the things you are trying to forget.

55. If you’re busy doing something, there’s a good chance you don’t have to think about things that have happened in the past and can just deal with them.

56. Don’t procrastinate on the things you have to do. Make yourself busy so you can forget about them once and for all.

57. Make yourself busy now so that you don’t have to remember the things that are making you sad later on.

58. Harness the power of busyness to avoid the things you are trying to forget.

59. When you are busy, you don’t have to remember the things that are weighing you down.

60. You better make yourself busy. You should not be sad or worried about anything. If you are, that means you are trying to forget something, and that is never good. You should always remember the things that matter and focus on those.

61. The things you don’t remember cannot make you sad; it is time to make new memories to replace the old ones.

62. Engage yourself in better things so that you can forget the things you aren’t supposed to remember.

63. Do not let your past control you. Do your best to move on from it and make something of yourself.

64. It’s time to stop reminiscing about the best years of your life and start making the most of this one.

65. Make yourself busy; get out of the house, meet friends, or get part-time or freelance work. Book a trip, and take a class. Plan something fun and exciting to do together with friends.

66. How do you get through the day when you’re feeling down? By putting a smile on your face and making yourself busy.

67. Everyone feels alone at times. But the best way to deal with loneliness is to be busy with something positive, like yoga or a hobby.

68. Stop thinking; start doing. You can’t be lonely when you’re busy.

69. Today, tomorrow and even next year. Your life is not going to get any better unless you let it. You have to take action and get busy making yourself happy.

70. It’s time to get started and forget the past. Work out of your home, do it now. Create a new routine, and get fit and healthy while you feel good!

71. Make time for the things you love, so you can forget about the things you hate.

72. If you’re feeling restless and stuck, pick up a new sport, get a pet or volunteer at your kids’ school.

73. Be busy. Be productive. Be a force to be reckoned with.

74. A busy mind is a happy mind, and a happy mind is an easy mind.

75. Let’s not wait for the perfect time to seize our lives. Make yourself busy, so you forget the pain and loneliness.

76. Do something that makes you forget the pain and loneliness. Like exercise!

77. The way to be happy is to make yourself busy. Doing something, anything, helps you forget the pain and loneliness that comes with feeling like life’s not worth living.

78. When you are distracted, you forget about the pain and loneliness.

79. When you’re busy and in “the zone,” it’s easy to forget about the loneliness in your life. But that doesn’t mean you have to ignore it—it only means making time for your emotional needs will make you a better person.

80. When you feel lonely, busy yourself with something useful and positive.

81. Don’t miss the chance to make yourself busy because if you do, then those days will pass by really fast, and in a blink of an eye, life is gone. So make life great today!

82. Leave the past behind, and start again. Life is just a beautiful puzzle that we can put together. You’re worth it.

83. Stop thinking about yesterday, and start getting busy to make tomorrow worth your while.

84. You’ll never know what you’re missing until you put yourself out there, so get busy and get out of your head.

85. A busy mind makes for a happier one.

86. Don’t let yourself get sucked into the negative. You can’t change what has already happened, but you can make the most of your future. So, get busy.

87. Make yourself busy, so you forget the pain and loneliness. Take time to focus on something that excites you that ignites a spark of joy in you.

88. The only thing that will take the pain away is being busy. Make yourself busy, so you forget the pain and loneliness.

89. You can’t keep running from yourself. You have to make yourself busy, so you forget the pain and loneliness.

90. When you’re busy, you forget the pain and loneliness. Start a new goal today.

91. Work, work and more work. It’s the only way to forget the pain and loneliness.

92. Make yourself busy. Make it a priority to do something you enjoy so that when you’re heartbroken and lonely, you’ll be able to forget about it.

93. Make yourself busy. Make your dreams come true. Find something that truly makes you happy, and keep looking for ways to make it all happen.

94. Take yourself out for a night on the town, or get involved with your community. Whatever it takes to forget about your pain, loneliness and sadness.

95. If you’re busy all of the time, then you’ll never have time to feel lonely.

96. Give yourself a break, take some time out, and get creative.

97. The key to happiness is a busy mind. Stay productive and do something you love.

98. Nothing takes the edge off quite like a little DIY project. So dust off your sewing machine and block out some time to make something amazing this weekend.

99. You can only pay attention to your worries so much before they start to disappear. But if you get busy, you are more likely to forget them.

100. Make time for what matters; keep your head down, and don’t look up. Before you know it, you have forgotten about what disturbed you in the first instance.

Sometimes, busyness and activity can be very good, especially when channeled properly. It may take a while, but find an activity you like and stick to it. When you do it continually, it will gradually erase the memory you are trying to forget and replace it with a newer, fonder memory of your new activity. This will leave you happier and more satisfied with life! 

I trust that you found these make yourself busy quotes helpful. Use them to encourage someone to get in on more positive activity to take their mind off painful experiences. Do not forget to share and leave a comment before you go. Thank you.


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