Development of a Modified Energy-Efficient Clustering with Splitting and Merging for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Cluster-Head Handover Mechanism

Development of a Modified Energy-Efficient Clustering with Splitting and Merging for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Cluster-Head Handover Mechanism.


Energy efficiency is one of the most important challenges for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). This is due to the fact that sensor nodes have limited energy capacity. Therefore, the energy of sensor nodes has to be efficiently managed to provide longer lifetime for the network.

To reduce energy consumption in WSNs, a Modified Energy Efficient Clustering with Splitting and Merging (??????) for WSNs using Cluster-Head Handover Mechanism was implemented in this research.

This model used information of the residual energy of sensor nodes and a suitable Cluster Head (CH) handover threshold to minimize energy consumption in the network.

A backup CH was incorporated into the model to take over the responsibilities of the CH once the CH handover threshold is reached. The energy consumed by the node’s amplifier was varied with its transmission distance.

This work was carried out using MATLAB R2013a and the performance of the modified model was validated in terms of network lifetime and residual energy ratio with an existing energy reduction technique in a self-organized clustering of WSNs. Average improvements of 7.5% and 50.7% were achieved for the network lifetime and residual energy ratio respectively which indicate a significant reduction in energy consumption of the network nodes.

Also, scalability and robustness tests were carried out with respect to network lifetime by randomly adding and removing a number of nodes from the network. Average improvements of 7.8% and 10.3% were achieved for scalability and robustness tests respectively.

The results of this work showed that ?????? has a better residual energy ratio, scalability, robustness, and a longer network lifetime when compared with an existing energy reduction technique in a self-organized clustering of WSNs.


The literature review comprises the review of fundamental concepts and similar works. The two reviews give an indication of support guiding principles, model equations, techniques, and algorithms used in solving these and related problems, as well as the level to which research has reached in this subject.

These reviews aided in designing a different approach to the resolution of the same problem efficiently.

  • Review of Fundamental Concept

In this section, concepts fundamental to this research work are reviewed. These include networks, models, principles, and their mathematical equations as well as techniques and algorithms relevant to this research work.

  • Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)

A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is composed of several sensor nodes that have the capability of sensing and gathering data from an area of interest (Liao & Zhu, 2013). The sensor nodes can sense varying types of parameters and send to a central gateway.


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Camilo, T., Carreto, C., Silva, J. S., & Boavida, F. (2006). An energy-efficient ant-based routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks. Paper presented at the 5th International Workshop on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence,. 49-59

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