Development of Measurement-based Admission Control Algorithm for Edge Carrier Ethernet Network to Reduce Packet Loss and Improve Bandwidth Utilization 

Development of Measurement-based Admission Control Algorithm for Edge Carrier Ethernet Network to Reduce Packet Loss and Improve Bandwidth Utilization.


Admission Control is a vital component for end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) delivery in a packet flow network. It is more effective when implemented at the edge of the network. The edge of a mobile network is dominated by a multiplexer which either uses Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) or Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) for transport. 

 The edge of the carrier Ethernet network suffers QoS due to packet loss and underutilization of bandwidth. Measurement-Based Admission Control (MBAC) Algorithm which reduced the IP Packet Loss Ratio (IPLR) of WDM system by 30.36% and SDH system by 25.34% was set to be achieved in this work.

The developed Algorithm was also set to improve the bandwidth utilization of the WDM system by 30.36% and bandwidth utilization of the SDH system by 25.34%.  

The developed Algorithm was implemented using C-sharp (C#) platform. Based on the simulation results, WDM system IPLR was reduced by 30.36%, and SDH system IPLR was reduced by 25.34% as compared to the measured data from the network result before implementation of the MBAC algorithm.  

WDM system bandwidth utilization was improved by 30.36% and SDH system bandwidth utilization was improved by 25.34% as compared to the baseline result before implementation of the MBAC Algorithm.

From the t-test results obtained, the probability levels (P-values) of IPLR and bandwidth utilization for both edge systems were less than 0.05. This implied that the developed Algorithm has better performance in comparison with the measured data from the MTN Lagos network. 


Wireless mobile network services have evolved over time from low bandwidth consumption services to high bandwidth consumption services (Cisco, 2016).

This has forced network providers to upgrade their mobile backhaul to IP-based because these high bandwidth consumption services (like streaming media, video, and interactive gaming) are IP-based that require an IP-based network.  

These different services require Quality of Service (QoS) which must be supported by a well-defined IP and Ethernet-based network.

A well-defined IP- and Ethernet-based network which should satisfy the QoS requirements of these services must exercise admission control at the edge and core of its network to control the amount of traffic injected into its network (Heena et al, 2011).  

Admission control is a set of actions, consecutively executed, to decide whether a customer can be admitted into a network segment or not (Bohnert, 2011).

It is a congestion avoidance mechanism. The primary role of admission control in a QoS-enabled network is to control the amount of traffic injected into the network so that congestion is avoided (Gao et al, 2012).  

There are different types of admission control methods and their difference is mainly due to the different types of operation and methods of implementation.

Some Admission control methods are based on mathematical calculations and statistics indicators, others on measured traffic (Chromy et al, 2013). Some of the implementation methods for admission control are (Bohnert, 2011).


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