9 Years Relationship Break up Quotes

Nine years is such a long time, but when breakups are concerned, it doesn’t matter how long a relationship has lasted. Relationships can go sour. Partners have the freedom of choice to stay or leave at any point. Considering what relationships look like, it must be really painful to go through a breakup after nine years, but not all things last forever, and it’s better to go through a breakup than be in a relationship that is not good for you.

For a breakup to happen, words will be involved. Someone has to say something to someone, But communication during a breakup can be tricky because one has to be honest while choosing their words carefully.

We have compiled many quotes for a breakup after nine years. Now, dig in, explore and enjoy reading through these 9 years relationship break up quotes, and use the ones you love.

It’s clear we need a breakup. I want it too. I hope that you move on and find someone else that can make you happy. I know how much you loved me and how bad you will miss me, but we shouldn’t be together anymore. I don’t want to hurt anymore, but I need to leave this relationship.

1. I am uncomfortable and unhappy in this relationship. We spend more time trying to keep “us” together than talking about our issues. It hurts and saddens me that this is what we are nine years later. I will always love you, but romantic love isn’t here anymore. Let’s break up.

2. I’m going down a different path, and so are you. We have grown apart, and I don’t know if love will keep us together anymore. I wish everything was different, but it’s time to go our separate ways. For these nine years, you have been my best friend and my world, but this relationship has come to an end.

3. We can no longer be together. But you should know that I love many of the memories we made together and that I will always love you. We’ve gone through so much in the past nine years, and I will always look at our time together with respect for you. I hope we won’t stop being friends.

4. I have grown a lot these nine years, thanks to you. I have become stronger because of you, and that’s why I feel so sad letting you go. We have gone through a lot together, the best and the worst. Life happens, though, and we shouldn’t cheat ourselves by staying together. I will always love you. I just can’t be with you anymore.

5. It’s clear I can’t be everything you want anymore. I know this is unexpected, but I need to move on from our relationship and be alone until I find someone I can satisfy. These nine years were beautiful for me, though. Thank you.

6. It’s sad we have to break up. I am thankful for the nine years we had together. Your presence helped me to become a better person. I hope you will find someone who makes you as happy as you made me. Good luck.

7. It’s painful breaking up with someone I’ve had for nine years. I had so much fun with you. You are so awesome, and I’m lucky to know you. I’m going to miss us hanging out and seeing your beautiful smile. I love you!

8. I guess it’s over for us. My big hope is that you find what you’re looking for in life. You deserve that much and more. You’ve given me unconditional love and support for nine years. I will be forever grateful for your positive influence on my life. I wish you the best!

9. I haven’t been able to enjoy your presence, and it’s frustrating. I need you to know that I love you more than anything, but right now, I can’t be with you. I’m so sorry. Please don’t think it’s because of someone else. There is no one else. Thanks for these nine years, though.

10. I love you so much, and I’ll always be there for you, but I just can’t be in a relationship right now, not with you or anyone. So much has happened that I don’t think either of us is happy. You’re my best friend, and I do want to remain friends with you if that’s okay with you. Thanks for these nine years.

11. We both want a breakup, so let’s do it. I really enjoyed the nine years we spent together, and though I’ll always cherish our friendship, I know it’s time to move on.

12. After today, we both can’t escape the fact that we need a breakup. Thank you for these nine years. I had so much fun and experienced sweet love. I’ll move on. You will always be in my heart, though.

13. I’m sorry for the hurt this breakup will bring, but I can’t handle this relationship anymore. We’ve grown apart, and I need to move on for my own personal satisfaction. I am happy that we had a great time together. We had nine great years, though.

14. I have finally made up my mind about breaking up with you. We have enjoyed most of our nine years together. Thank you for everything. Life goes on, but memories of the time we’ve spent together will last a lifetime. I will always care about you.

15. I love you. I have loved you for nine years and will always love you, but we have to break up. My life with a relationship is not what I want it to be, so I have to leave. Know that you are my favourite man in the world and a great friend. I am thankful that we found each other. I hope everything goes well for you.

16. It’s sad we’re walking away after nine years. You knew how to make me smile and laugh, and I will treasure our memories forever. It hurts knowing we won’t make some kind of memories together, but the time has come for us to move on. Be good, my friend.

17. I wish I could say we could still be dating, but it is what it is. Distance and time are not in our favour right now, though. I’ll miss talking to you for hours and hours about anything and everything. I won’t ever forget your beautiful smile or your kind heart. Thanks for the memories and for the nine beautiful years!

18. We can’t escape reality anymore. Let’s get a breakup. I can’t tell you how much I’m going to miss you. You’ve been in my life for nine years now, and we had many great times we had together. I will always care about you.

19. I love you, and I love us together, but we are just too different. I only wish that it were different. I wish we were perfect for each other. I am sorry but let’s get a breakup. We need it if we want to be happy. These nine years with you were great. Thanks for them.

20. It’s hard to break up with someone like you, but I have to. There are no bad feelings at all. We have been great friends over the past nine years, and I don’t see what should change that. We’re better off as just friends. My heart is actually breaking right now because I still love you.

21. This relationship is sinking, and I have decided to end it. I will miss you madly — I mean, we’ve been together for nine whole years! Thank you for giving me sweet love, for being there during the death of my parents, and for so many things. I really wish the best for you!

22. We both know our relationship is dying. Let’s end it. You have been my greatest friend for nine years, and I am glad we dated. Your kindness is second to none. I will love you always. Never forget me.

23. It’s hard to say goodbye after nine years, but it has to be done. We’ll feel sad, but I know it’s for the best. Let’s stay friends, though. Good luck, my friend. I wish you all the best in life and true love!

24. We’ve both decided to break up, and I’m sure it’s for the best. I’m happy we had a long and beautiful relationship, even if it didn’t go the way we planned. You are a lovely soul, and you gave me sweet love. Thanks for the nine sweet years.

25. I have loved you with all my heart, but I guess my style isn’t working for you. Please forgive me for not being the man I should have been. You deserve happiness, and you should go for it. We had good and bad times, but overall there are no regrets. Thank you for the nine wonderful years of your life. It was a great journey together. Stay true to yourself and be happy!

26. I know by now you’ve noticed that I’ve changed. After what I’ve experienced these the past few months, I can’t be comfortable in this relationship anymore. Most of our nine years together were beautiful, though. I just hope I can handle being friends, but if I can’t, please understand.

27. We’re breaking up, but that doesn’t mean you are not a great person. You are an extra-amazing woman. I am lucky to have spent nine years with you. I will always care about you. I wish you the best, and I hope we can stay friends forever.

28. It’s sad that a breakup is our only option. Thank you for being nothing but amazing over the years. You genuinely cared about me, and I will never forget that. Keeping in touch will be great after these 9 years. I’ll miss you! Take care always. Love you lots.

29. I’ll miss us. We’re breaking up, but I’ll miss the girl that is my first love. We have a long, beautiful history together. I can remember so many of the good times we shared. Thank you for your love, friendship, devotion and support over the last nine years. I love you and always will!

30. I’m sure we’ll both agree we need a breakup. I am sorry for any pain I caused you. I have no doubt that you deserve only beautiful things. Life is too long to stay with ourselves when we are no longer happy with ourselves. I still love you very much, though, and I will miss the time we spent together. I’m glad I spent nine years with you, though.

31. I love you and care about you, but I deserve better than to be treated like this. I want a breakup, and I’m not willing to talk about it. I will miss your company, but we are not at a point where we can’t date or be friends anymore. Thanks for the nine years.

32. I love you so much, but I am not in love with you anymore. We’ve tried to make it work because we couldn’t handle the thought of losing ourselves. We’re now different people. The romance is gone. Let’s stay friends if that’s cool with you. Thanks for the nine years, though.

33. It’s sad we have to break up. We’ve been through a lot, with good times and bad. We’ve been together for 9 years. I am thankful that we found each other in this crazy world and went on so many adventures.

34. We both knew it was coming, but this still hurts like hell. I will miss your smile, your laugh and the way you care for me. I love you. I will always be here for you. You are one of a kind, and I am going to miss you every day. I’m glad these nine years were spent with you.

35. I love you, but we’re not meant to be together anymore. If we stay together, we’ll hate each other eventually. I still care about you deeply, but anything other than a breakup will not be the best for us.

36. I will always love you and your beautiful heart, but I can’t handle this relationship anymore. We’re better off as friends. These were beautiful nine years, but the fire is dead. Take care of yourself and contact me if you need anything.

37. Please, know that this breakup is not because you’re a horrible person. I see how you’re always there to support all my family and me. It was beautiful spending these nine years with you, but what can we do when that fire is dead? Thank you for all the memories. They will last a lifetime.

38. It’s painful breaking up with you after nine years. I will always care about you as a friend, however. I’m proud of all the good things we have accomplished together. Thank you for being there for me in my time of need and for making me a better person. I will always cherish our relationship.

39. It’s not funny that we’re breaking up after nine long years. I’m sorry if it hurts you. It’s time for us to move on. Let’s not stay stuck in the past. I hope that you’ll find a love that is as sweet as we once had and that you will enjoy the best of life.

40. Thank you for these beautiful nine years together, but you and I know we can’t see each other anymore. I will miss you. I wish you well in the future. I know that we will stay friends and there will never be any bad feelings between us. I really hope that we will be happy in the days to come. Take care of yourself, and let me know if there is anything that I can do to help!

41. We’ve come to the end of our time together. It was an amazing nine years that were filled with love, laughter and friendship. You were an amazing boyfriend and a loyal and devoted friend, and I could trust you with my heart. But if not both of us are happy with the relationship even after all we’ve tried, then it’s better to move on. I wish all the best for you in your life.

42. I wish I could say the words to change your mind, but it looks like you have made your choice, and I have to accept that. I don’t understand because I felt we were happy all these nine years. It is hard to believe that we won’t be together anymore, but there is nothing I can do about it. Take care of yourself.

43. Our relationship is dead. I am so sorry, but that’s it. It’s painful to lose you. You mean a lot to me, but we can’t be partners anymore. Have a wonderful life.

44. We both know we need a breakup. Let’s have it. Thank you for all the time we’ve been together. I treasure our memories. You’re among the most amazing people I’ve ever known, and I cherish most of our nine years together. Thanks for the happiness you brought me.

45. It’s so painful to have a breakup after nine years. Things didn’t work out for us, so I had no choice. I am going to miss you. Take care of yourself.

46. I know that we are breaking up, but I just wanted to tell you that I am here for you. You’ve been my partner for a long time, and I hope we will be friends for life. I enjoyed most of our nine years together. You were an amazing friend and a great boyfriend.

47. It’s painful to imagine life without you. Thank you for everything, for nine wonderful years. I hope we can still be friends. Have a good life, and enjoy the rest of the year. Hugs and kisses.

48. Our relationship can’t work anymore, and it’s painful. But I’ll always tell you I love you because I do. Now I have to adjust to a life I haven’t lived in nine years. We will always be good friends, and I hope we can find happiness in relationships again.

49. I will always love you, and we’ll always be friends. I just don’t want to be in a relationship with anyone right now. It’s not anyone’s fault. It’s just what feels right for me. I’m sorry if this hurts you. Thanks for these nine years.

50. I’m sad we can’t be together anymore after nine years. You have been my closest friend all these years, and we went through a lot together. I wish things didn’t turn out the way they did, but I’m sure we’ll be friends in the future. I hope you find someone else to make you happy!

51. We have no choice but to break up now. Our relationship is dying, but I gotta say that it was fantastic while it lasted. Thanks for the good times we had these nine years. It will be hard to forget them. Good luck with everything!

Did you find a quote that you can use these 9 years relationship break up quotes among these breakup quotes? If you did, then I’m so glad I could help you. If you don’t mind, please, don’t hesitate to drop your comment and  share with some of your loved ones. Thanks.

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