Performance Evaluation and Its Effects on Employees Efficiency in Nigeria

 – Performance Evaluation and Its Effects on Employees Efficiency in Nigeria – 

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Main purpose of this study is to examine how employee’s performance can be appraised. The population size of the study based was three hundred and eighty five (385). The sample size use in collecting the data was sample random sampling a total of one hundred and eighty five (385) persons were chosen as the researcher sample size.

The researcher also used questionnaire method as the instrument for data collection. The research also employed design was considered appropriate for the study; it also provided three (3) research questions. The researcher also uses simple percentage method in data analysis.

This is because of its simplicity finally the researcher’s findings sates that for performance evaluation to serve as a tool for control in any company, there should be effective planning system.

The researcher concluded that any organization with the aim of productivity in order to make profits should be prepared to satisfy the employees.

This can be done by providing the means through the needs and wants can be met. The researcher further recommends that to inform and not to deform the Nigeria mineral water Limca activities should follow effective management approach to events and make sure that all his plans regarding to performance evaluation is well structured in order to ensure proper management.


Title   i

Approval       ii

Dedication    iii

Acknowledgement   iv

Table of contents vi

Abstracts    ix


  • Background of the Study 1
  • Statement of the Problem 7
  • Purpose of the Study 9
  • Significance of the Study 10
  • Research Question 11
  • Scope of the Study 12
  • Definition of Terms 12


Introduction    14

Evaluation of Training 15

Performance Appraisal as a Goal Conscious    21

Benefits of Performance Evaluation     23

Problems of Performance Evaluation   25

Solutions to the Problems of Performance

Evaluation           26

Summary of Literature Review   30


3.1          Design of the Study      34

3.2          Area of the Study        34

3.3          Population of the Study      36

3.4          Sample and Sampling Technique             37

3.5          Instrument for Data Collection  38

3.6          Reliability and Validation of the Instrument     39

3.7          Distribution and Retrieval of Instrument        39

3.8          Method of Data Analysis      40


Findings    46


5.1          Summary of Findings     48

5.2          Conclusion     52

5.3          Recommendations      53

5.4          Limitation of Study     53

5.5          Suggestion for Further Research    55

References    56

Appendix         57

Questionnaire     58


It is a very clear fact by both definition and common understanding that every organization is formed for an objective.

Through two objectives may be profit or nonprofit commonly for any organization to succeed, the efforts of its employees must be directed towards the realization of their individual set objectives.

The efforts of each of the employees or group of employees in each organization may be directly or not and normally varies in degrees and relevance to the corporate objective, but should not for any reason be rejected in the interest of the corporate objectives.

Out performance by any employee or group of employees in a department will surely result to underachievement of the co-operate organizational goals.

In recognition of the importance of one employee to the corporate existence and goal attainment, the need to have a set goal or standard at each level of the organizational structures becomes imperative.


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