Beauty and Fashion Centre Abuja: Exploring the Use of Daylight to Enhance Visual Comfort

 – Beauty and Fashion Centre Abuja: Exploring the Use of Daylight to Enhance Visual Comfort –

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Natural light is the essence from which all color reacts and takes existence. It’s the all-important element in interior design/architecture.

It provides a space with genuineness and without it a room can look unexciting, uninteresting and can feel repulsive. Sunlight is an elemental part of our existence and a fundamental component of green design.

The purpose of this study is to use as much natural light as possible in designing a beauty and fashion centre to accomplish a decrease in energy consumption, low costs, and requires less heating and cooling from the building.

The research method adopted for this thesis was based on an in depth literature review and case study of other beauty and fashion centers.

Day lit environments increase occupant productivity and comfort, and provide the mental and visual stimulation required to control human circadian rhythms.

It also increases energy savings, increase revenue in retail applications. Second, several important factors ranging from design to installation and operation must be carefully addressed in order to realize these benefits.


1.1 Background of the Study

Light determines our perception of architecture; it enables us to appreciate the diverse qualities of the space, Size, geometric, shape, texture and color.

It is perhaps the element with the greatest influence over the atmosphere of a place. The correct illumination intensifies the poetic and emotional impact of a project. (Verges, 2008)

From the earliest caves, light informed the lives of the inhabitants of a place. Initially it was in the difference between day and night; but as dwellings became more sophisticated, it was by means of openings or windows letting in light. The history of architecture is synonymous with the history of day lighting.

From the initial crude openings, letting in light and air, heat and cold, the window was the vehicle for the introduction of daylight, and ultimately to the wondrous interiors of the mediaeval cathedral,


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Henry Louis Gates Jr. 2005, The Encyclopedia of the Afican and African American experience. Publisher Oxford university press.

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