Costumes, Colours And Symbols As Seen in Ozubulu Chieftaincy Coronation Title in Ekwusigo Local Government Area

 – Costumes, Colours And Symbols As Seen in Ozubulu Chieftaincy Coronation Title in Ekwusigo Local Government Area – 

Download Costumes, Colours And Symbols As Seen in Ozubulu Chieftaincy Coronation Title in Ekwusigo Local Government Area project materials: This project material is ready for students who are in need of it to aid their research.


This research concerns with costumes, colors and Chieftaincy coronation title in Ekwusigo Local Area. It states and explained the significance and symbols and this will help any reader to understand more on Ozubulu Chieftaincy coronation title.

This research also explains the in the society and the high regards and status titled men and women possess.

It also states the problems which are extremely, lack of text book etc.

In this research the method used was mainly oral and also I explained that text books and materials provided in university library for the in Ozubulu.

Table of Contents

Title Page –           i

Certification       –             ii

Dedication              iii

Acknowledgement    –        –        iv

Abstract    –               v

List of Tables    –                  vi

Chapter One


1.1    Background of the Study     –        –        –        –        –                1

1.2    Research Problems    –        –        –        –        –        –        –       2

1.3    Objective of the Study –        –        –        –        –        –    –         3

1.4     Scope of the Study  –    –     –     –        –       –          –       –    –    3

1.5      Research Limitations  –    –    –     –      –       –       –          –      4

1.6    Method of Data Collections –        –        –        –        –        –    4

1.7    Research Questions   –        –        –        –        –        –        –      4

1.8    Definition of Terms      –   5

Chapter Two

2.0    LITERATURE REVIEW            –         7

Chapter Three

3.0    RESEARCH METHODOLOGY    –   –     10

3.1    Research Design                  –   11

3.2    Participant Observation        –         13

Chapter Four


4.1    Data Analysis     –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –    14

4.2    Data Presentation       –        –        –        –        –        –        –   23

Chapter Five


5.1    Summary   –        –        –             27

5.2    Recommendation        –          27

5.3    Conclusion         –        –   28

References        –           29


Ayaegbuna, N.80 Traditional never Obi 18-08-16.Victor C. Uchendu – 18-08-16

Egudu R.N; A paper presenter at a seminar on chieftaincy institution at Enugu 10-12 October (1971) Ezenyehgo, K, 56 Trader 20-18-16

logu E. C. (1974) Christianity and lgboCultures. New York: Nok Publishers LTD.

MghoukwaJ. C (1996) Alusi, Osu and Ohuin lgbo Repletion and Social Life Oral Interview.

Parvinder G. (1966) The Impact of Missionaryin Modern Nigeria (1842-1914) London: LongmarisGe

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