Professional Happy Birthday Wishes for Your Ex Boss

Bosses are key factors in one’s life, majorly one’s official and skills related aspect of life.

Being relational is sweet and very cordial rather than being official. Although, with your boss, officiality is expected, much more, establishing a good relationship with your boss is very germane and lovely.

Of a truth, that boss of yours is now your ex-boss, but you can further establish your mutuality with him by sending a professional happy birthday wishes to celebrate him or her on the occasion of his or her birthday.

Wishes are like suites of desired realities for one’s own life or that of another person. Professional happy birthday wishes to your former bosses are deepeners of mutual relationship.

Convey your warm and heartfelt yet professional happy birthday wishes to that unforgettable and lovely ex-boss of yours with these superb and exclusively mutual professional happy birthday wishes for your ex boss.

It’s almost at the edge! And all things are set! Let’s kickoff!

You were such a good boss, one that is very much approachable. You were a leader with unique examples, indeed a positively exemplary boss. Even if I am not under you anymore, I still very much have you in my heart. And on this special day of yours, I wish you greater heights in life, may your years be full of good health, peace and joy. Happy birthday to you, my ex-boss.

1. You were not just a boss to me but also like a guardian and an icon that most of your workers look up to. Although you are not present anymore with me here, you are very much in my heart and I cherish you being a boss to me once upon a time. Celebrating you on your birthday is inexcusable for me because you are so dear to my heart. I wish you more life, more peace, more joy, more strength, more achievements and more grace to live a remarkable and positive exemplary life both to you and many other persons. Happy birthday to a very respected ex-boss of mine.

2. With great impact and positive influence, your lifestyle at the place of work. Although you were professional with your dispositions yet you were much more relational and more approachable. I have it written in the diary of my life that I passed through a lovely and friendly boss like you. I celebrate you today, ex-boss and I wish that all your heart desires according to the will of God for your life shall be granted to you by the grace of God. May you be surrounded with blessings and fill with joy from inside out. Happy birthday to you, my ex-boss.

3. You may not be here present with me anymore but your impact and laid down principles is of great importance now and I am grateful to God for making our path cross, boss. And today, being your birthday, I wish you a life full of grace, happiness, blessings and joy. May you enjoy good health and more wealth as you add another year to your life today. Happy birthday to you, ex-boss.

4. You were taken away from our place of work, but your impact and love are not taken away from our hearts and that’s the most unique place where you’ll always be with us. Regardless of wherever you are now, it’s my wish that you will have a more splendid and wonderful time where you are now. As you celebrate your birthday today, may your heart experience more joy, may your body be more strengthened and may you be endowed with more blessings and new achievements. Happy Birthday, ex-boss.

5. May you grey in sound health, age with great grace, and flourish more graciously. You are someone I will never forget in my life. In my days with you as your worker, you took me closer like a parent draws a child closer. Your lifestyle was indeed graciously exemplary. And I know for sure that wherever you are now, your influence will be much more impactful positively. As you mark another year to your age today, I wish for you a life of more worth before God and man. May you be endowed with blessings unlimited and joy boundlessly. Happy birthday to a unique ex-boss.

6. Your professionality is one of a kind, your officiality is too notch yet your relationship and cordiality are super wonderful especially with your workers. You were more approachable and kind to all those under you and I appreciate you a lot. May you be blessed with more life and more grace to perform more exploits. May you experience smoothness in every itching places in your life. Peace, joy and happiness shall be the order of the year for you in this new year of your life. Happy and graceful birthday to you, ex-boss.

7. My experience with you was one of a kind and indeed a memorable one at that. You weren’t just a boss but a father, you became a father to me and I appreciate you a lot. It is my pleasant wish for you this day that as you add another year to your age today, sorrows, pain and grief be reduced so much from your life but joy, love, happiness be in abundance in you. Happy birthday to you, ex-boss.

8. You were such a good boss, great at your disposition and dissemination of your duties yet greater in your cordialiness and relationship with those under you. I hope you’ll have a better experience where you are now than what you had with us over here because you deserve much more than that. You gave all your best and you are so keen on dispensing what is required of you. Happy birthday to you, my ex-boss.

9. You were a boss with a difference, a boss with a taste for excellence, a hardworking boss and more graciously, a boss with a large heart that accommodates people. It’s a privilege to have served under a professional and kind boss like you. I wish you a life full of wonderful and lovely experiences, a new year filled with favour before God and man. I appreciate you ex-boss for all you did. Happy birthday, my ex-boss.

10. May your path be more colourful, your journey be more fruitful and may you come into more grace for greater achievements in life. You are an ex-boss with a striking difference both officially and cordially. Your impact when you were still with us here is still being felt by us even at heart. And I wish you a very blissful and blessed new year of your life on this special day of your life and henceforth. Happy birthday to you, ex-boss.

Having you as a boss was wonderful, you were every worker’s delight to have as a boss. Now you are no more here with us as our boss but you are still very much in our hearts and so much loved. I wish you a very happy birthday, lines shall fall in beautiful places for you. You shall attain greater heights in life. Happy birthday to my ex-boss.

11. You were a bunch of surprises to me, a pack of values and a whole bundle of liveliness. You were a boss with a difference then and even now that you are no longer my boss. Today being your birthday, I celebrate you and I wish you a blessed year. May you find more happiness and joy in this new year of your life. New set of achievements shall be added to your records. Happy birthday to you, dear former boss.

12. The workplace I am presently is now enjoying everything you have impacted into me, for bringing out the best in me and for making me a valuable asset. Happy birthday former boss.

13. Happy birthday to an ex-boss with class and uniqueness. Serving under you was a blessing. All the values you taught me are mines of gold for me today. I really appreciate you. May your path be made more gloomy and your years be rewarded with peace, joy and sound health. Happy birthday to you, former boss.

14. To a boss so dear, a boss that gears up and brings out the best in all his workers. I celebrate you sir and I also miss you especially your jokes and the relationship you had with us when you were our boss. I wish you a very splendid, joyous, meritorious and happy birthday, my superb former boss.

15. May your path be more blessed, and your life be filled with more joy, peace and happiness. Good health and wealth shall be multiplied to you in this new year of your life. Happy birthday to an amiable and admirable former boss.

16. As it seemed then that you were strict and wicked with the way you train and relate with us. But now, I have come to realize the essence and beauty of your training and the present workplace I am now is enjoying the values which I learnt from you. I celebrate and felicitate with you, ex-boss. And I wish you a very prosperous and meritorious year ahead. Happy birthday to you, my amiable former boss.

17. Seeing each other often might not be that feasible because we now work at different places, but celebrating your birthday is something I wouldn’t forget because of your value to me. I wish you a glorious and beautiful year, ahead. Happy birthday former boss.

18. The sky shall another starting point of achievements for you. May you break new grounds and may line fall in great places for you. Happy birthday, my admirable former boss.

19. I wish you a life filled with joy, moments saturated with gladness and your whole being overwhelmed with health and happiness. Happy birthday, former boss, many more years to celebrate.

20. May your life be an expression of the grace of God. May you break new and fertile grounds in this new year of your life. Ex boss, I have missed you. Happy and meritorious birthday to you, former boss.

21. Peace like a river, joy like the flowing of the fountains, happiness like the freedom of the birds. Good health, perfect wellness and wealth shall be the order of the whole new year for you, ex-boss. You are a boss with uniqueness and I appreciate you a lot. Happy birthday to you, former boss.

22. You were real, considerable and approachable. Having you as my boss was a blessing for me then. I appreciate all your efforts in ensuring I was at my best serving under you. Those values are part of the currency I spend now yields the new place of my work and I a very good profit. My wish for you on this special day is that limitations, lack and loss shall not be known of you, by you and with you. Happy birthday, former boss.

23. It is a saying that we don’t value people when they are with us until they leave us and that is true in your case because we now know your value and worth after you left. Happy birthday to you, dear former boss.

24. Having people like you around is always a blessing, we missed every piece of good you added to us every day. More blessings and graces are added to you as you clock a year today. Happy birthday, former boss.

25. Your manner of communication, your height of attention and your taste for excellence is something that has kept many of us, who learnt under you going and being the best in our places of work. A happy and blessed birthday to you, former boss.

26. Your words of encouragement and heart of service is something I covet. Your principles and theories have brought us a lot of achievements. Happy birthday to you, my former boss.

27. Your words are always that work would end someday, but being relational is what last and stand the test of time. Of a truth, these words are of great value just as you are also. Happy birthday former boss, a very prosperous and blessed new year to you.

28. As you hit another hallmark of your life, may you enjoy blessings undenied, joy unbounded and peace undisturbed shall be your portion. Happy birthday, my former boss.

29. The eagle is known for heights, the lion is known for its bravery. As you hit another mark of your life this year, may you be strengthened and favoured to attain heights in life, and wisdom to outsmart tackle challenging issues that come your way. I appreciate you so much, former boss. Happy birthday to you.

30. Your leadership skills are top-notch, your eyes for excellence are sharp. You are such a boss with a difference. Serving under you was a marking point in my life. May your life be saturated with sweetness and your path be made smoother. Happy birthday, former boss.

31. As you make further journey in your life, may you enjoy peace, good health, freshness and wealth. May this new year of your life be an endowment of new things, breaking of new grounds, new achievements. Happy birthday to you, my amiable former boss.

32. Enjoy your day, ex-boss. You were the epitome of excellence for many people around. Your principles, theories and practicabilities are bringing a whole bunch of success to the table. I admire you so much, ex-boss. May this new year of your life be a remarkable one for you. Happy and meritorious birthday to you former boss.

33. As you age in number, may you also age in wisdom, strength and grace. I respect you so much, boss. You are the epitome of excellence. Happy birthday to you, former boss. Wishing you many happy returns.

34. You are not just my former boss, but a valued friend, a good father figure, I appreciate you so much, boss. May this new year of your life be full of life and joy for you. Happy birthday to you my former boss.

35. May you age graciously, peacefully, healthily, wealthily and joyfully. Happy birthday to you, my amiable former boss.

36. I have come to learn a lot serving under you. Your lifestyle is a lesson worthy to undertake, talkless of your mannerism towards the growth of any business put under your care. I appreciate you so much, dear boss. Happy and meritorious birthday to you, my former boss and icon.

37. Of an inestimable and great worth is the value of the service you deliver towards the company, your reward will apparently show forth. Happy birthday to you, excellent and admirable former boss.

38. Being stressed out, tired and unhappy are not directly proportionate, but you, my dear ex-boss brought a distinctive line to show the differences that made your works are really appreciable. Happy birthday to a special former boss. Have a splendid day.

39. To me, you weren’t just a boss to me, you were a mentor, an icon and a parent to me. I value you and wherever I am, you will ever remain a value to me. Happy birthday to you, my dear former boss.

40. I was your staff, you were my boss, I was your student, you were my teacher, you were a good friend, a good counsellor and a great mentor. Have a wonderful birthday dear former boss.

Previously I served as your staff, but now I am no longer your staff but a son to you. You have become like a father to me and I value you a lot, ex-boss. May this new year of your life be a remarkable one for you. Happy birthday to you, my previous boss.

41. Before I stopped being one of your staff, I learnt one key thing from you, and that’s the fact that work will end someday but your relationship with people is what counts. This has helped me a lot. Thank you so much, dear boss. Happy birthday to you my previous boss.

42. As a boss, you helped all of your staff unlock the creativity that is within them, it isn’t an easy task but you capped it well. Happy birthday my previous boss.

43. You are wonderful, a boss with a difference. Your repour with your staffs is really scarce to find between a boss and staffs. May this day and every day from now henceforth be blessed and fruitful for you. Happy birthday to you, my previous boss.

44. The kind of relationship you had with us as your staffs made you a unique boss as against the normal bosses that had been. We wish you a superb and remarkable birthday to you, previous boss.

45. May your life be endowed with sweetness and your path be engrossed with joy and gladness. Happy birthday to a dear former boss.

46. Happy birthday to you, ex-boss. May this year be a remarkable year for you. New grounds and greater heights are my wishes for you. Do have a wonderful year ahead.

47. Happy birthday to a man of value, a boss with a difference. Your kind of leadership is rare and unique. Serving under you was a real turning point for me. I appreciate you so much. Enjoy your day, ex-boss.

48. Being exemplary is one key point for every leader in various spheres. This I have found in you, my amiable previous boss. You lead with your heart and strive for mastery in all you do. I wish you more wisdom and knowledge, joy and happiness, sweetness and liveliness to attain to greater heights and fulfil all that is written of you. Happy birthday to you, my dear previous boss.

49. This year shall be a year of great blessing to you. Although we are not together again, your lessons and training are like a chord place around my neck, actually, they are ornaments of beauty for me in the place I work now. I appreciate and value you so much, my previous boss. Do have a lovely day.

50. May you endure with more strength, more smiles, more happiness, more fruits from all your labours. Happy birthday, ex-boss.

51. Your impact on this generation is positively inevitable. I wish you more peace of mind, more achievements and awesome records to beat, even more calendars to beat. Happy birthday previous boss.

52. May your strength not fail you, your impact was key to the success of the organisation. I have come to value you so much, ex-boss. You are a blessing were a blessing to the organization and I’m sure you are much more of a blessing to the organization you are now. Happy birthday to you, ex-boss.

53. May your days on earth be peaceful and joyful. May your heart know no trouble, may you live to see more years in good health and wealth. Happy birthday to you, my previous boss.

54. As you mark another year today, may your heart be blessed with unbounded happiness, unlimited joy and healthiness, soundness shall be your portion. You are like an icon and a mentor to me, dear boss. I miss having you around me. Happy birthday to you, ex-boss.

55. You are a very strong person. Your personality is appreciable, your hard work and sense of responsibility are applaudable. Working under you didn’t just give me the chance to earn but also to learn more about life and excellence. I appreciate you so much, ex-boss. Happy birthday!

56. The kind of atmosphere and liveliness we enjoyed under your jurisdiction was the major factor that made us accumulate a lot of success in the organization. You were such a great boss. I wish you a life filled with joy and peace. A year saturated with comfort and more depth for success. Happy birthday to you boss.

57. Your attitude and intelligence are the keys to the happiness of your staffs and to the success of the organization. Rational and wise decisions in every situation give us the boldness that we’ll scale through victoriously. I value you so much, boss. Happy birthday, my intelligent previous boss.

58. Happy birthday previous boss, my wishes for you are good health, wealth, joy and more depth of wisdom, love and a lot of applause as you hit another mark of your life today.

59. Happy birthday to your ex-boss, coming to know you were the best thing I appreciate in my former organization and one of the best after all. It was an honour working with you, ex-boss. Happy birthday to you once again. Enjoy your day!

60. My heart couldn’t be happier and gladder to celebrate you on this special day of your life, you are such a wonderful person and I appreciate every moment I worked with you. Have a splendid birthday ex-boss.

61. I didn’t just have a boss I was working with, but a genuine and humble friend at the workplace. Happy birthday, my dear previous boss. I always enjoyed working with you.

62. You are deserving of my respect, admiration and applause. You are the best boss I have worked with so far. I wish you a great and remarkable year ahead. Happy birthday, dear previous boss.

63. A lady with substance, a boss with care and passion for her workers yet frowns at irresponsibility and unfairness. I appreciate your person much, ex-boss. Happy and hearty birthday to you, my amiable previous boss.

64. The definition of awesomeness and happiness at the place of work is to have a wonderful experience with a boss whose leadership skills are top-notch. I enjoyed working with you, dear boss. I wish you a new year of great achievements and newness all round. Happy birthday, my respected former boss.

65. One of your principles was that you always believe to give compliments and encouragement to people on their work and elevate their strength, instead of their weaknesses. Do have a great birthday, my handsome ex-boss.

66. A thought of you gives every of your staff the strength and more agility to work because your personality is inspiring and you are of a good character. Your relationship with your workers is lovely. Happy birthday, dear previous boss.

67. You were taken away from our company but weren’t taken away from our hearts, that’s actually the most unique place where you’ll always be with us, boss. May you be blessed more abundantly in this new year of your life. Happy birthday, previous boss.

68. Your optimistic sense of success is highly applaudable. You are very realistic and intentional in ensuring all goes on well. Your kind of heart for service is worthy of emulation. I bless God for making me work with a boss like you. May you be strengthened and favoured to perform more and new exploits and break new grounds of achievements. Happy and meritorious birthday to you, former boss.

69. Working with you has been a good life experience that I will never forget in a rush. Thank you so much ex-boss. Happy birthday, I wish you long life and prosperity.

70. Your leadership skills are top-notch talkless of your good relationship with every of your staff, boss. May this new year of your life bring you good and lovely things. I value you a lot ex-boss, happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to a big ex-boss. Do have a wonderful year ahead. Blessing galore!

71. It’s your day boss, stay blessed and enjoy every moment of your day. Happy birthday, dear ex-boss.

72. Hurray! It’s my darling ex-boss birthday. Wishing you a good life and a remarkable year ahead. Happy birthday, ex-boss.

73. Wonderfully, beautifully and excellently appreciable are your attitudes even as a boss. May you be blessed abundantly with all the good things of life. Happy birthday to you, ex-boss.

74. Greater heights and breaking of new grounds shall be your lot in this new year of life. Happy birthday to you, ex-boss.

75. Grow graciously, healthily and wealthily. Happy birthday to you, ex-boss.

76. May your heart be filled with joy unbounded, happiness undiluted and peace unmixed. Enjoy your day, dear ex-boss. Happy birthday to you!

77. Stay blessed, remain happy and don’t deny yourself enjoyment and relaxation specially on this day of your life. Take a day off and go enjoy your celebration. You deserve more, ex-boss. Happy birthday to you!

78. Happy birthday ex-boss, age with grace!

79. A blessed is a man of worth, here’s wishing you a wonderful and meritorious life ahead. Happy birthday, ex-boss.

80. A lovely and wonderful birthday to a wonderful ex-boss. Working under was a blessing. I wish you many happy returns on this special day of your life. Happy birthday!

Life is good, a great boss is superb. Wishing you a wonderful birthday experience dear ex-boss.

81. I wish you more birthdays to come, and good health to enjoy life. Happy birthday to you, ex-boss.

82. An ex-boss with uniqueness deserves a unique celebration. Happy birthday to you, dear ex-boss.

83. Many many happy returns to your ex-boss, you are such a good man. I appreciate you so much. Happy birthday!

84. Lucky people like me are the ones that get bosses like you. You are such an incredible person. Happy birthday to you, ex-boss.

85. My former place of work was lively and lovely, yet full of responsibilities and loads of work but with a boss like you, work is fun. Happy birthday to you, my amiable former boss.

86.To a beautiful and loving ex-boss. With you, work experience was superb and inspiring. I admire you a lot, dear ex-boss. Happy birthday!

87. A boss amid his staffs and yet no difference from his staff. Humble and active. You are the boss, ex-boss. I respect you so much. Many happy returns to you.

88. Most bosses are always hard on their subordinates but you painted that picture again with your kind gestures and relationship with your staffs. You are such a rare kind of boss. I miss being under you. Do have a lovely day, happy birthday to a lovely ex-boss.

89. Although you were the boss, I never had a feeling of you being an unapproachable person. I enjoyed being your subordinate, dear ex-boss. Happy birthday to you, former boss.

90. To me especially, you were a legend, and I’m sure that to all the other workers you were a whole pack of inspiration. A boss with a difference. I wish you a life full of happiness and a path saturated with achievements. Happy birthday to you, dear ex-boss.

May your path not be devoid of sweetness and your whole being not be denied of joy and happiness. I wish you a meritorious happy birthday, ex-boss.

91. May your transition in age be graceful, may your transition in wisdom be deeper, may you transition in life be lively, lovely and full of wonders. Happy birthday, dear ex-boss.

92. May you be elevated to greater heights, may your feet trod more path of success. Sound health and comfort shall be your watchword. Enjoy your day, ex-boss. Happy birthday to you!

93. Memories of my stay under you are always very fresh and lovely. I so much miss you, ex-boss that I desire for your transfer back here. Happy birthday to you, ex-boss. May your life be a living miracle as you age.

94. This new beginning of your life shall be the marking of a new dawn for you, the start of freshly baked success and the breaking of new ground. Happy birthday to an admirable lady ex-boss.

95. I once had an incredible lady boss. A lady boss like a hundred of bosses put together yet so close to every one of her subordinates. What an incredible personality you are. May every moment of your life in this new year be a remarkable and lovely one for you. Enjoy your day, my lady ex-boss.

96. May you break new grounds and attain more heights. May your transition in life be followed with grace and mercy unreserved. Enjoy your day to the fullest, dear ex-boss. Happy birthday!

97. May this new year of your life endure you with deeper insights for greater visions to accrue great achievements. May wisdom guide you, may prudence be your companion. Happy birthday to a special ex-boss.

98. I admire you so much, ex-boss. My prayer for you is that this year shall be a remarkable and awesome year for you. Happy birthday, ex-boss.

99. Blow off the candles on the cakes, and make your wishes for every word of those wishes shall be speedily granted to you. Happy birthday to you, ex-boss.

100. Take off the day, even weeks and enjoy yourself, ex-boss. It’s your day! It’s my prayer that everything needed for a successful and wonderful life is granted to you. And you shall be blessed tremendously and graced by God to perform more exploits. I appreciate you so much, dear ex-boss. A happy, hearty, meritorious and lovely birthday to you!

Regardless of a break of your official responsibility to your former boss, a relational responsibility is definitely what keeps you and your ex-boss on good ground. Isn’t that true?

I am so much convinced that these packages of professional happy birthday wishes for your ex-boss will once again saturate your relationship with your former boss.

It can also be used to rekindle or reconcile your relationship with your former boss.

Don’t hesitate to collect from these collections of professional happy birthday wishes for ex-boss and bless your ex-boss with them, thereby making him or her more happy. You don’t want to take another thought of this. I’m certain you won’t regret what you did!

You can also get into the groove by sharing with your friends who wants to appreciate their ex-bosses, and also share your comments on these collections as your comment will be highly appreciated. Thanks.

A happy, lovely and blessed birthday to you that wonderful ex-boss of yours!

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