100+ Religious Words of Sympathy for Loss of Mother

To lose someone brings a person to a down state of mind. It is never a thing of joy at all.

Losing a mother is one of the most traumatic and unforgettable events to remember. The qualities of a mother can’t be overemphasized and she goes a long way in the life of her children.

Perhaps, you have someone who just lost his or her mother. Here are some religious words of sympathy you can send.

Comforting words of sympathy for loss of mother you can send to someone who lost his or her mother.

1. I pray the Lord Himself would be your comfort. It is really a sad loss and no amount of tears would ever bring back the deaf but one thing I’m sure of is that the God of heaven will be a mother to you and stand by you. I know that you love her dearly and her position is irreplaceable but now we do not know the reason why God allowed this to happen. Accept my sympathy dear. God be with you.

2. We know that to everything there is a season and a time for everything. I want to use this medium to encourage you to never give up because God knows everything and has reasons. The pains would be felt definitely but He who giveth the grace to bear losses would always hear you when you call. Do not let your faith grow weary or your hope elapse. All will be well with you and I’m sure she’s watching you and wants you to remain strong. Be strong because ahead of you lies greatness and you must achieve it. I’ll be praying for you.

3. Words have really failed me today because I do not know how to make you feel alright. It came so shockingly but in all, God has said we should give thanks. We just see and know the present but we do not know the future. He’ll hold your hands and lift you up. I know right now you’ll think you’d lack somethings but God Himself would surprise you. It’s really not an easy one to bear, just try to pull up together and always pray. I’ll never stop praying along. It is well with you.

4. I pray God would give you the strength to bear the loss. I know the weight of a mother in a child’s life and I know how much you’ll miss her. I am praying that the peace and comfort which comes from God will dwell with you. He will take care of you and meet all your needs. may you never experience such in the family again? Accept my condolences.

5. At this age, I know it’s so hard and unbearable for you know how your mother is so dear to you. I pray that the good Lord always remember you, sustains you and grant you your heart desires. I just want you to keep holding on in faith. In due time, the Lord will honour you. Accept my condolences, I’ll be praying for you.

6. I pray all that surrounds you brings you comfort and joy. It shall be well with you.

7. At the oddest hour when you think of having your mother around and all you’re left with is memories, I pray God will help you out and be a mother to you. God be with you. Accept my sympathy.

8. May our prayers cause the Lord to make the pain easy for you to bear and give you the grace to go on.

9. God is the only one who knows what’s running through your heart and mind now. I pray God will restore you and your family to your state of happiness. Peace be with you all.

10. In this difficult time, I want to extend my sympathy to you and your family. May you never see another reason to cry. We love you and we’ll always pray along.

11. Sometimes it is not known to us why things occur. Now your mother is gone, doesn’t mean all hope is lost, it’s just to keep you stronger and to know more about life but in all, I wish you God’s assistance in all ways.

12. I know this is a new phase you want to begin which you are not used to but heaven will help you bear the burden and cause grace never to depart from you and your family. It shall be well with you.

13. Whatever pressure or discomfort you may have at this period. God will give you the grace to go through with praise. Accept my deepest condolences.

14. Accept my sympathy for the loss of your mother. The Lord who giveth hath taketh. He’ll abide with you in every way. May her gentle soul rest in peace.

15. I’m really so sad and bitter about this bad news. What is not open to man, is open to God. May God visit and comfort the family.

16. I’ve never ceased praying for your family since I heard of your mother’s demise. All I’d say is just give thanks. God understands.

17. It is not easy in such a time to even feel the presence of God or want to hear from him but even in this darkest hour, he demands your praise. He’ll give you the grace to go through. Accept my condolences.

18. As humans, we can’t get over incidence like this or even forget in a hurry. Only God giveth the grace. I pray that you have all it takes to make it even at this saddest hour. I’ll keep on praying for you.

19. No human can feel the vacancy your mother left but I want to use this medium to assure you that God’s love never fails. He’ll do for you what your mother could not do. Accept my sympathy.

20. May God grant your mother a perfect rest and continue to keep you and your family going. Accept my sincere sympathy.

21. The word of the Lord says weeping may endure for a night but Joy comes in the morning. Trust in the Lord and He’ll see you through. Accept my condolences.

22. At this hour, I do not want you to keep on the tears but hold unto God’s words. He has said a thing and He will bring it to pass. I’ll always be praying for you.

23. I sincerely want to sympathize with you in this trying time. It will definitely not last long and the Lord shall wipe away your tears.

24. I’m not a healer who heals the pain but He who has the power will heal up all your pain and take away your sorrow. I wish you and your family well.

25. I don’t know where to start sympathizing though I know things might not be the same I know God would put smiles on all your faces. It is well with you.

26. I’ll never give up praying for you and your family in this time of pain. The Lord be with you.

27. May you receive the very outstanding comfort from God Himself.

28. I have you and your family at heart always, I’ll be praying for you. May her soul rest in peace.

29. Now your mother is only a memory. May your lives transcend beautifully and gracefully. It is well with you all.

30. As Christians, our hope is in Christ and I have the belief you’d see your mother again. Keep up hope.

31. The Bible has said, it is destined for man to die once and this is what has happened. For this, I pray God keeps you all till the last and help you.

32. No one is ever prepared for a loss because it comes suddenly. May you receive comfort on every side.

33. I pray for the soul of your mother rest in the bosom of the Lord. Accept my condolences.

34. God would give you the grace to get to the greatest heights in life. Remain blessed.

35. I may not have the right words to say but God would speak the right words to your heart and give you peace.

36. The scripture says, Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. May God fulfil this scripture to you and your family.

37. In times like these, all you need is to rest and take courage in the shelter of the most high. May God help you.

38. I pray the Sweet Holy Spirit be not far from you in this moment.

39. May the grace of Christ our Saviour be your strength and shield in this sad time.

40. This time surely would pass. Accept my sympathy.

41. May this death be the end to all death and sorrow in your family.

42. Never be weary and sad and always know Jesus loves you. It is well with you.

43. In Christ, our hope is built. He alone is our foundation. He’ll stay with you.

44. For Christ rose from the dead so also on the last day, you shall see your mother again. Let these words comfort you.

45. So many storms would surely arise after this but I want to assure you, God is with you.

46. As you put your trust in God during this painful period, He will not put you to shame.

47. Lay hold on God and let His word be thy strength. It is well with you.

48. Accept my in-depth condolences. It is my earnest prayer that you’ll recover from it soon.

49. I know this unexpected shock has put you in awe but the Lord will surprise you in all ways and wipe away your tears.

50. I know your mother has lived a beautiful life. Heaven will be her rest. Take heart.

51. Today, you lost someone and a gift so rare and precious but God would give you something more worthy. I’ll be praying for you.

52. You’re always on my mind. I can’t forget how loving and awesome your mother was but I know she’s in a good place now. May her soul rest in perfect peace.

53. I know you’ll miss your mother’s love and care but heaven would send angels to take care of you.

54. The God on whom you call will be your guiding star and make your paths beautiful. I’m praying for you.

55. It would surely get better. Accept my condolences.

56. The Lord will heal all pains in your family.

57. I sympathize with you and your family. I’ll always put you in prayers.

58. Never give up. Just for a little while and it would be over. Accept my sympathy.

59. Now, you stand as a mother to your younger ones, the Lord would grant you the enabling to cope with all things.

60. Indeed, I sympathize with you on this great loss. Heaven shall keep you happy.

61. I can’t count the words of sympathy that would be enough but I pray her soul rest in the bosom of God. I wish you well.

62. I wish you quick happiness from this incidence of pain.

63. I pray after this phase of tears your joy increase and your light keeps on shinning. I’ll keep you in prayers.

64. I know your mother, so brave and true. I’d surely miss her but God loves her most. Accept my condolences.

65. I may not understand your tears but God does. I pray at this time of grief you find comfort in the hands of the Almighty.

66. Accept my warmest condolences for I’ll never cease to pray for you. The Lord help you all.

67. Indeed, I’m really saddened by the loss. I pray this trying period never takes you away from the Lord. The Lord be your comfort.

68. If I know of a mother whose prayers avail, your mother is one. May God see you through and grant her a peaceful rest.

69. May God give you all the care, love and support you’ll need in life’s journey. Accept my sympathy.

70. I’m indeed grateful to have known a true mother, kind and loving. At this hour, I’m praying the Lord keeps you strong. All will be well.

71. Definitely, weeping may endure for a night but Joy comes in the morning. Take heart and accept my sympathy.

72. Just to let you know I understand your pain. I have you in my prayers always.

73. In every circumstance, the Lord will give you a solution.

74. When you need a companion and a mother to talk to, God will show up for you. It’s going to be well with you.

75. When your heart is sore and your tears keep rolling, the Lord shall fill your heart with songs of strength and gladden your soul.

76. He shall fill your mouth with new songs till your sorrow depart. I’m praying for you.

77. His love shall be your guide always. Accept my condolences.

78. The joy of the Lord shall be your strength. His eye shall go before you. Take heart.

79. So many questions we want to ask but God surely knows. He’ll answer all in due time.

80. Rest your hope daily in the Lord and let the word be your companion. It is well with you.

81. God surely sees your heart and every drop of tears you bring forth. He’ll turn your mourning to Joy.

81. Rejoice in the Lord always for in him our imperfections are made perfect. He’ll see you through. Accept my sympathy.

82. Everything we know that has a beginning has an end. Definitely, the end has come for your mother. I pray she finds rest in Christ.

83. In the valley, on the mountain, God is still God. He’ll stand by you.

84. My thoughts fail anytime I try to think how possible this death took place but who am I to question God. He has done what is best. Accept my sympathy.

85. He doeth everything well. I’ll be praying for you.

86. God hasn’t done bad, in His sight, everything is perfect to keep you holding on. I’m praying for you.

87. Casting all your cares on Him, for He careth for you. It is well with you.

88. The Lord will lift up a standard for you even in this present time. Accept my sympathy.

89. Keep on courage, hope and trust for with time, you’ll understand it by and by.

90. For our trials and troubles are just for a moment, it will surely roll away. God be with you.

91. Do not let this period you are in bring you dismay though I know it may be difficult the Lord shall dwell with you.

92. He shall sweeten your bitter heart with words of encouragement. I’ll be praying for you.

93. Just count your blessings at this very hour and you’ll see how God has been faithful. He’ll keep on being faithful even in this trying time. Trust on.

94. If you want to cry, cry on His shoulder. He’ll bear your every burden.

95. When we pass through the storms and when the whirlwind blows, we call on God. Don’t forget to call on Him now. Accept my heartfelt condolences.

96. If only we had the power to raise the dead or turn back the hand of time, I’d bring your mother to you but we have not the power. I pray God really puts His peace in your heart.

97. We have the chances to see every new day because of grace. God will keep you and grant you grace to bear this loss. God be with you.

98. When the way seems dark and drear, He’ll lead you by the hand and never leave you. I’m praying for you.

99. When you feel exhausted and your courage fails, never hesitate to call on God. He’ll brighten your every side. It shall be well with you.

100. Death is swallowed up in the victory. Let heaven be your goal. May her soul rest in the bosom of the Lord.

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