Sick of Being Taken Advantage of Quotes

It’s not uncommon to find people who seem to enjoy taking advantage of others. Being taken advantage of can be termed a part of life. Though being taken advantage of can be humiliating and embarrassing, it happens to all of us at some point — whether when you’re cheated on or swindled out of money. But it doesn’t have to stay that way.

For example, when someone offers you something for free, you don’t expect them to have an ulterior motive. But, when that ulterior motive is being taken advantage of, and you’re in a vulnerable situation, this can hurt just as bad as being overcharged for something. You’re running around doing nice things for people; they’re not doing much in return.

You are being taken advantage of by family, friends, or both. It’s not how you want to make your mark on the world, and it’s making you feel bad inside. You may have the most successful business in the world and still be taken advantage of. People will walk all over you if you don’t have established boundaries. This age-old situation is indeed annoying and sickening.

Are you sick of being taken advantage of? Do you feel like you’re always giving more than receiving? If so, below is a collection of sick of being taken advantage of quotes that might be helpful.

You’ve finally had enough. You’re sick and tired of being taken advantage of, a doormat, and watching your hard work go to waste. But now, you have no idea where to start. You don’t know what action to take first, how to respond, or even if you’re making the right decisions. This can be tiring.

1. I’m sick of being taken advantage of. You know the feeling. When you hire someone or work with a company, they take advantage of you instead of working with you honestly and transparently.

2. It’s time to stop getting taken advantage of. Stop waiting for someone else to make things right, finally. It’s up to you and only you to take the first step.

3. Sick of being taken advantage of by big corporations and the greedy rich. I’m sick of not being able to take care of my family. But that is all about to change. It’s time for a change.

4. Enough is enough. Sick of being taken advantage of. I have had enough. I will not be pushed around any longer.

5. I’m sick of being taken advantage of, and I will no longer stand by while you take advantage of me.

6. People are not your friends. They will only use you and take advantage of you. Don’t be a victim; take control of your life.

7. No one wants to be taken advantage of, so don’t be afraid to ask for what you deserve.

8. Don’t be afraid to walk away from a deal when you’re sick of being taken advantage of. No one wants to feel taken advantage of.

9. I’m sick of being taken advantage of by companies that use my personal information to make money.

10. I’m sick of being taken advantage of. Don’t let anyone take advantage of you.

11. I’m sick of being taken advantage of. I don’t want to be a victim; I don’t want to be stupid and naive. I’m making myself heard because I know that’s what will stop the cycle.

12. I’m sick of being taken advantage of. I want to be heard and believed, so I need to fight back. Because when you are alone and without anyone else who cares about you, then no one will listen.

13. I’m sick of being taken advantage of because I’m too good-looking. I will no longer tolerate this.

14. I’m sick of being taken advantage of and ready to stand up and fight for what is right.

15. Don’t fall for being taken advantage of and wasting your time. I see it all the time, don’t let their tricks fool you into thinking they’re worth your time.

16. Be aware that there are people out there who try to take advantage of you. Don’t let them get away with it.

17. Don’t let them take advantage of you. Do what’s right, no matter what the cost.

18. I’m sick of being taken advantage of. I’m going to stand my ground and fight back.

19. I’m sick of being taken advantage of and will not take it anymore. There are no excuses that can justify why people can treat other women and me like objects.

20. I’m sick of being taken advantage of; nothing will change until we stand up together.

21. I’m sick of being taken advantage of. If you want something, pay for it. Otherwise, keep walking.

22. I’m sick of being taken advantage of by businesses that promise to “improve your life” but leave you in the dust.

23. I’m sick of being taken advantage of. I’m getting my voice heard, and it’s a good thing.

24. They want you to believe they care and are on your side. But what they’re doing is taking advantage of you. They’ll lie to you, steal from you, and use you until they’re done with you. Don’t allow them to take advantage of you.

25. Refuse to be taken advantage of. Be smart about where you spend your money and to who you give it.

26. Don’t let anyone take advantage of you. They’re only winning if they get you to stay in what is not working.

27. If you see something wrong, say something. If you see someone taking advantage of another person, call them out.

28. I’m sick of being taken advantage of. I’m sick of being overcharged. I’m sick of being lied to. And I am sick of you!

29. I’m sick of being taken advantage of and harassed. I just want to be left alone to live my life in peace.

30. I’m sick of being taken advantage of. I’m sick of companies trying to make money off the backs of hard-working people. I’m sick of being in debt while those at the top are getting rich.

31. I’m sick of being taken advantage of. I’m tired of being told by the company that I work for that I need to be grateful, that I “deserve” their poor treatment and pay. I don’t play nice, so they’ll get what they deserve.

32. I am sick and tired of people taking advantage of you. I know how hard it is to fight back, so I am here to help.

33. Don’t be afraid to speak up and say no when someone’s trying to take advantage of you. Stand your ground, and don’t be afraid to fight for what you deserve.

34. I’m sick of being taken advantage of. I will not submit to anyone who asks for something in exchange for a relationship or date with me. That’s it.

35. I’m sick of being taken advantage of. I’m sick of the system holding me down when all I want is for it to lift me.

36. I’m sick of being taken advantage of. I’m sick of people saying they’re too busy to help. I’m sick of not being told what to do.

37. I’m sick of being taken advantage of, especially in the morning. I want to be the one walking into my office with a smile on my face and a new client.

38. I’m sick of being taken advantage of. I’m sick of spending my hard-earned cash on things I don’t want or need.

39. You’re sick of being taken advantage of, so I’m the last person you should give your money to.

40. I’m sick of getting played by companies that say they’ll treat me fairly and then turn around and pay their employees less while giving me a smaller tax refund.

41. I’m sick of being taken advantage of and getting played. If that’s what you want, I’m not here for it.

42. I am so sick of being taken advantage of. I have decided to do something about it.

43. Fed up with the mistreatment of our veterans, I’m leading the charge to have them compensated fairly.

44. I’m sick of being taken advantage of. I want to be treated with respect and do whatever it takes to ensure that happens.

45. I’m sick of being taken advantage of. I’ve had enough of being taken for granted and short-changed. It’s time to take matters into my hands.

46. I’m sick of being taken advantage of. I’m sick of moving for no reason but to please the person who hired me. And if you don’t believe me, that’s your problem.

47. I’m tired of being taken advantage of. I’m not interested in being treated like a commodity.

48. I’m sick of being taken advantage of. I don’t want to be sold something that I don’t need. It’s not what I want.

49. I’m sick of being taken advantage of. I need self-care and support right now. I’m going to be okay, I promise.

50. I’m sick of being left out, shut out, and overlooked. I’m tired of being treated as a second-class citizen.

I hope you learned one or two things from this collection of sick of being taken advantage of quotes. I’d like to know how they made you feel, so please do well to drop your comment and share the post with others. Thank you.

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