Build the Life You Want Quotes

Irrespective of age, everyone has a life they have pictured and hope to live one day. Some have a sketchy idea of what it looks like, and others have very detailed images of it.

However, wanting to live this life is not enough, It would be better if we actually lived the life. Even though building the life we want may not be the easiest thing to do, we are encouraged to do it.

These quotes take on the idea of building the life you want and explore how to go about it, what it takes, why you should do it, and many more angles to the topic. So you’ll find something perfect on this page, no matter what you want.

With this collection of build the life you want quotes, you have somewhere to run to when you need those thoughtful, interesting and beautiful quotes to use in inspiring yourself to build your dream life and others to build theirs, or for any other reason.

Now, it’s time to jump in, or rather, swipe up, and check out these lovely build the life you want quotes.

 To build a life that’s true to your boldest vision, you need to be willing to take risks, push back against your fears, and embrace the chaos of change. Creating the life you want is not a walk in the park, but nothing is more rewarding than succeeding at it.

1. Think about what it means to build the life you want. It’s a journey that requires work, time, and commitment!

2. The one thing you shouldn’t do is wait around, hoping that someone else will come into your life and build the life you want. You can do it yourself. Start today.

3. With the right attitude and some help from your friends, you can build the life you want.

4. The truth is you can build whatever life you want. It’s wise to start building today and to give it all you’ve got.

5. There’s no reason to delay starting to start building the life you want. It may be too late soon.

6. The building of the life you want won’t happen overnight. It’s a process that takes time and patience—but it’s also a journey that can be enjoyed every step of the way.

7. In the long run, you’re the only person that can build the life you want. The rest of us are just witnesses and helpers.

8. The only person who can build the life you want is you. That’s why you have to make a plan, take the steps and push through that resistance.

9. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to build the life you want. But it’s also about being happy with who you are and what you’ve accomplished along the way.

10. You don’t have to edit the image of the life you want for it to be achievable. You can build the life you so badly want and make a difference in this world.

11. You shouldn’t let anything or anyone that gets in your way stop you from building the life you want. Work hard and fight to make it a reality.

12. Building the life you want is about the little choices you make every day.

13. You can build the life you want if you are willing to work hard and believe in yourself.

14. Make it happen. Build the life you want, and be sure you’re not building the life someone else wants for you.

15. Building the life you want requires a lot of hard work and self-reflection. It takes time, patience, and the willingness to make mistakes along the way. But it’s so worth it!

16. The road to happiness is called building the life you want!

17. Life is for you to build to your taste. Keep building it until it’s what you want it to be.

18. Don’t settle for less than what you want. You have the power to build the life you wish for. And there’s no reason to give up on building it.

19. You get to choose the life you want and if it will be built. Don’t wait for anyone, thinking they will build your life for you. Lay the first brick today!

20. You have to build the life you want. You have to work for it. You have to fight for it. And in the end, all of the hard work will pay off.

21. If you have no reason to build a life that you love, do it because you are worth it and deserve it!

22. Don’t let others’ expectations control your life. Build the life you want and begin today.

23. Don’t lay the first brick for the life you want tomorrow. Start now.

24. You can be your own boss, do what you love, and live the life you want. Start working towards it today.

25. Life’s too short to settle to not start building the life you want today.

26. The best way to get to live the life you want is to keep building it even when you don’t feel like it. It’s all about willpower and dedication.

27. Don’t let fear hold you back from pursuing your dreams. Do it for the joy of living the life you’ve always dreamed of! Start building that life now!

28. The real failure in life is to have never tried to build the life you want.

29. You can build the life you want, one goal at a time.

30. You can build the life you want if you’re willing to work for it. You have to put in the effort and hard work to achieve what you want.

31. The key to building the life you want is never surrendering to the life someone else wants for you—even if what they want looks very attractive.

32. Here’s to you, the dreamer. You can build anything. You can build the life you want. Be bold, be brave. Don’t be afraid to take action. Start today and build a better tomorrow for yourself!

33. You don’t have to be a millionaire to start building the life you want. You just have to be willing to invest what it takes.

34. If you don’t put your heart and soul into building the life you want, it will never be more than a dream.

35. You can build the life you want, but it takes willpower and dedication.

36. You can build the life you want. It starts with making small changes in your daily routine that lead to big changes over the long term.

37. Don’t settle for it if it’s not the life you want. Keep pushing and building until you have that life.

38. You can build the life you want. You don’t have to know where to start and how to go about it right now. Just keep looking for opportunities that point to it.

39. Building the life you want is hard. Building it when you have nothing is even harder. But now is the best time to start.

40. You’ve got the power to build a life you want, full of peace and happiness. And you will have that life if you start building today.

41. Build the life you want. Don’t let fear stop you in your pursuit of a better life. Don’t let doubt scare you from making the changes that will improve your life.

42. You can build the life you want by making small changes. The smallest of actions can change the biggest things in your life.

43. You have the right to live the life you want. Every day is a new chance to work towards having it.

44. The life you want can be built by focusing on your passions, dreams, and happiness. Build it.

45. The life you want is definitely within reach. You just have to keep building it.

46. Don’t let anyone hold you back from building the life you want. And start laying the bricks today.

47. You have the power to make the life you want a reality. Don’t let fear hold you back. Keep building and looking forward to it.

48. In building the life you want, keep taking the steps that you know in your gut are the right ones. Never stop building it.

49. The life you want is within reach. Don’t let anything come between you and it. Start building it today.

50. The secret to building the life you want is to make those small daily changes that add up over time.

Your future is only limited by what you believe is possible. We all have all it takes to improve the quality of our lives and get the things we desire. So take that first step today and build a life you love! Don’t wait until tomorrow.

51. Don’t let your fears keep you from building the life you want. Don’t be afraid to take risks, fail and start over again.

52. Build the business you want and the life you want while you’re at it.

53. We all have different dream lives, and we can build them by investing time and effort, and working for them, sometimes even when we don’t feel like it.

54. You have to build your life the way you want it. It’s not going to happen on its own.

55. Be kind to yourself and build your life the way you want it. These are very important.

56. You have the power to build your life to what you want it to be. Get up and do it.

57. Don’t let other people’s opinions stop you from building the life you really want.

58. You deserve your dream life. Don’t give up on your dreams. Keep building the life that makes you happy.

59. You get what you focus on. So this week, focus on your dream life. Build it every day.

60. Focus on building your life, and your business will take care of itself.

61. Focus on building your life. Focus on creating the future you want. There is a wealth of potential out there waiting to be discovered!

62. Focus on building the life you want, dream about it and visualize yourself in it. Work hard for it. Achieve it.

63. Nobody is born a success. Building your life requires putting in the work, sweat and tears.

64. Build your life on the foundation of hard work, honesty and integrity.

65. It takes work, dedication and a lot of patience to build the life you want, but you can do it if you want to.

66. Building your life takes a lot more than just money. You may even have to work harder than ever before. Do it. The reward is the best!

67. Building a life worth living requires a vision, determination and hard work.

68. It takes a lot of hard work, sacrifice, and dedication to build the life you want. But it’s worth it.

69. Building your life doesn’t just happen. It takes time, effort and dedication.

70. Build your life the way you want it, not the way others do.

71. To me, living the life of your dreams is about working hard for what you want and never giving up.

72. Don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t do. It is never too late to start building the life you want.

73. You just need to quit feeling sorry for yourself, stop doubting yourself and believe in your own power. Build the life you want to live!

74. There’s only one way to live, and that is to live the life you want. Start building it.

75. There are many things that you can do to build a better, happier life—and one is to keep an open mind.

76. You don’t have to wait for someone else to do something for you. You can take action and build the life you want, too!

77. It takes courage to build the life you want. It takes courage to turn your dreams into reality.

78. It takes courage, hard work and overcoming doubt to build the life you want.

79. When you build your life on unchanging principles, it’s easier to weather the ups and downs that come from every season.

80. You can’t get to the life you want from the life you have without building it.

81. Building the life of your dreams takes work. Keep going. You got this!

82. It’s time for you to stop crying, wake up, carry the tools you have and start building the life you want.

83. You have to build the life you want. It’s not about luck or timing. It’s about hard work and dedication.

84. You don’t have to be born rich or beautiful to live the life you want. You just have to choose to do it.

85. You know the life you want. You have to be willing to build it, and you have to keep going until you get it.

86. Focus on what matters to you. Focus on building your life for the best. Focus on being your best self.

87. It takes a lot to build the life you want, but it only takes a little to remind yourself of how far you’ve come.

88. We live in a world where there are more opportunities than ever before. Grab them and use them to build the life you want to live.

89. The only way you’re going to build a life that inspires others is by first building one for yourself.

90. Stop looking back and start looking forward. Start taking action on the life you want.

91. Don’t just say you want to live a meaningful life, be actively building it.

92. Building the life you want is a journey that constantly evolves and changes as you keep growing and moving forward.

93. You can’t build an empire if you’re always in a state of stress. Keep calm, take a deep breath and never forget that your dreams are worth it.

94. Are you ready to build the life you want? Put in the work, invest the time and effort, and you’ll find yourself achieving your goals.

95. You are building the life you want. Keep pushing forward, and one day you will realize that all of the hard work was worth it.

96. You don’t just wake up one day and say, ‘I’m going to create a life I want.’ It takes hard work, commitment and determination every single day.

97. You are the sum total of all the choices you make but don’t stop there. Keep building your life.

98. To build the life you want, it takes more than getting a job or starting a business. It takes hard work, sacrifice and dedication.

99. You have the power to build your life. Wake up and make it happen.

100. When you want a new and better life, you have to be willing to do more than all you think you have to do.

101. It takes time to build your life, but it only takes an instant to destroy it. Build wisely.

102. It takes commitment, patience, and perseverance to build the life you want.

103. You are the architect of your own life. Choose the life that you want, and start building it with the tools you have today.

104. You don’t build the life of your dreams by following the crowd. You set your own path and stick with it.

105. As you build your life, remember these: It is never too late to achieve the life you want. And if you keep building, you will get it.

106. Don’t wait for someone to hand you a great life. Start building one today.

And there we have it — the best building the life you want quotes. Let them inspire you to build your life. Use them to inspire others to keep building their dream lives. Many people will love a collection of beautiful, thoughtful and interesting quotes on this topic, so please drop your comment and share them with a couple of your friends and family. Thanks.

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