Antibiotics Susceptibility Profile Of Uropathogens from Hiv/Aids Patients and Non Hiv/Aids Individuals with Urinary Tract Infection

Antibiotics Susceptibility Profile Of Uropathogens from Hiv/Aids Patients and Non Hiv/Aids Individuals with Urinary Tract Infection.

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(UTI) can be defined as the microbial invasion of any of the tissues of the urinary tract starting from the Kunin, 1979 and can affect all the age groups and both genders Orrect and Davis, 2006, Omoregic et al., 2008.

They are the most common infections encountered in clinical practice Gatermann et al., 2007. People living with HIV are most liable to acquire opportunistic infections including UTI Schonwald et al., 1999.

The Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is by far the most pressing public health problem we are facing today.

This infection is highly fatal due to the which decreases the CD4 cells, thereby predisposing the patient to high opportunistic infections Hannan et al., 1998. These opportunistic infections are the most predominant cause of mortality among HIV patients.

In the view of , antibiotics are being used. Due to inappropriate use and selective pressures on these drugs they are often abused thereby leading to their resistance in curing some of these diseases. One of the major challenges facing is the ability to control antimicrobial resistance Carlos et al., 2007.

It is therefore important to conduct specific studies on antibiotic susceptibility profile of urinary pathogens isolated from in comparison to those of normal people as this would go a long way to accessing the problem and aid in developing different forms of intervention.


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