Too Busy to Pray Quotes

Prayer is not something that gets done on the side or at night when there is nothing else going on; prayer is life! We are called to live in such a way that everything we do flows from our relationship with God.

Prayer is not something that gets done on the side or at night when there is nothing else going on; prayer is life! We are called to live in such a way that everything we do flows from our relationship with God.

We all have excuses for not praying; we are too busy, too tired, too sick, or just don’t feel like it right now. When we don’t have time to pray, we find ourselves chasing after things that are not important and missing out on things that are.

We all have dreams and goals, but if we don’t make time for them they will slip away from us like a dream. Our priorities need to be put in order, and we need to take time out of our busy schedules so that we can spend time with God who knows what He wants us to do with our lives.

Too busy to pray? Not to worry. These too busy to pray quotes are here to help you stay accountable and remember that the first thing we need is prayer.

Prayer is not a luxury but rather, it is one of those things that we all need. When you are too busy to pray, it is because you do not really understand your needs. God will help you work out your problems, but unless you ask Him, He cannot help you.

1. Never be too busy to pray. No matter how tight your schedule is, always find time to connect with God.

2. Never be too busy to pray. If you find yourself saying, “I’ve got so much to do,” simply find a quiet space to connect with God—maybe even pray in the office restroom!

3. Never be too busy to pray. When you’re running behind, remember that God is always with you and waiting for a moment of your time.

4. Always find time to connect with God. Even if you’re pressed for time, find a moment to pray.

5. Always remember to pray. Never be too busy to pray. It will change your life!

6. We’re never too busy for God. You should never be too busy to pray.

7. Always remember to pray. Never be too busy to pray!

8. A busy agenda is no excuse to short-change your spiritual life. Never be too busy for God.

9. No matter how busy you are, find a way to pray. It will change your day for the better!

10. Life is too short to be busy. Make time to connect with God, pray, and keep your focus on Him.

11. Your time is too precious to waste. Pray every single minute of your day.

12. Even on the busiest of days, you can find time to spend with God.

13. It’s never too busy to pray. Always find time to connect with God, no matter how tight your schedule is.

14. Always find time to connect with God. Always be too busy to pray.

15. Time is fleeting, but God is eternal. Never be too busy to pray. Always find time for Him in your daily routine.

16. No matter how busy your day is, always find a few minutes to connect with God. He is always there.

17. Don’t be too busy to pray. Remember that time never goes faster than when you are praying.

18. The most important thing you can do for your family is to pray. Always find time to connect with God.

19. It’s never too late to connect with God. Always find time for Him.

20. The Lord never sleeps. Don’t be too busy to pray.

21. If you’re too busy to pray, your life will reflect that.

22. If you’re too busy to pray, you’re not making time for God.

23. You can pray at any time, anywhere. Whether you’re driving or waiting in line, always try to find a quiet place where you can connect with God.

24. Prayer is an exercise in communication with God. It’s not about how busy you are but rather how wealthy your soul is.

25. Make time to pray. It’s one of the best ways to improve your life, relationships and spiritual health.

26. You should not be too busy to pray. No matter how tight your schedule is, always find time to connect with God.

27. No matter how tight your schedule is, always find time to connect with God.

28. Don’t be too busy to pray. Always find time to connect with God, no matter how busy you are.

29. Don’t be too busy to pray! Always find time to connect with God.

30. Always find time to connect with God, no matter how tight your schedule is.

31. Always find time to pray. Never be too busy to seek His face.

32. God has a plan for you, no matter how busy you are. Always find time to connect with Him.

33. Even when you’re too busy to pray, you can always find time off for God.

34. You don’t have to be busy to pray, but you do have to make time. Make a point to spend some quiet time with God.

35. When you are too busy to pray, God is too busy to help.

36. The busyness of this world can destroy a person’s faith. Remember to pray no matter how busy your day seems. God has a plan for you!

37. If you are too busy to pray, then you will miss the opportunity of a lifetime!

38. Don’t let the busyness of life keep you from saying a silent prayer for the sick, for your family and for people that you care about.

39. When life gets busy, it’s easy to feel that you have no time for God. But remember, prayer doesn’t take any time at all. Just look up in the middle of your day, and say three words: “Thank you, God.”

40. The more you have to do, the less time you have to pray.

41. The busyness of our lives has us living with a sense of urgency and we lose perspective—living in the now. Pray for ongoing peace, purpose and humility so that you can live life with gratitude, less stress and more joy!

42. If you are too busy to pray, then you should at least be reading the Bible.

43. We’re all too busy to pray. But you don’t have to be.

44. Your busy schedule is not going to change the outcome of your child’s life. So do yourself a favour, take a moment and pray for them.

45. Don’t let the hustle and bustle of your day keep you from your daily dose of prayer.

46. Don’t let the hustle and bustle of your day keep you from your daily dose of prayer.

47. If you’re caught up in your to-do list, use this time to pray.

48. When the world is spinning outta control, don’t forget to say a prayer.

49. Never be too busy to pray. Always find time to connect with God, no matter how tight your schedule is.

50. Never be too busy to pray. Always find time to connect with God.

51. Even if you have a packed schedule and are always on the run, always find time to connect with God.

52. Always find time to catch up with God, no matter how busy you are.

53. Don’t let your busy schedule get in the way of your prayers. You don’t have to be too busy to pray.

54. Find time to connect with God today, always.

55. Your schedule is probably busy at the moment, but don’t forget to pray.

56. Never be too busy to pray. No matter how tight your schedule is, always find time to connect with God. Always be looking up and never be too busy to pray

57. Never be too busy to pray. It’s a way we can connect with God and make Him known.

58. Always find time to pray. Never be too busy for God.

59. Life is too short to be busy. Always find time to connect with God.

60. Prayer is the closest thing to an open line with God. Always find time to connect with Him.

61. There are times when you just need the courage to ask God for what you want. Don’t be too busy to pray.

62. There’s never a bad time to pray. Find a quiet moment and connect with God.

63. Make time to connect with God and fill your heart with His peace.

64. Take time to connect with God every day. He will direct you and fill your days with His peace and joy.

65. Life is busy, but God doesn’t mind if you pray for a few moments in a day.

66. Whether you’re running late or if you just don’t have time, the only thing better than a prayer is an unplanned one.

67. Don’t be too busy to pray. Always find time to connect with God.

68. There’s always time to pray, no matter how busy your day is. Always find the time to connect with God and never be too busy to pray.

69. No matter how busy your schedule is, always find time to connect with God.

70. No matter how busy your life is, always find time to connect with God. Start the day with prayer and start each day by thanking Him for all that He does for you.

71. It’s okay to be busy. But always find time to connect with god.

72. Be sure to never be too busy for God. Even if you have a lot of things going on in your life, make time for prayer.

73. Keep prayer a priority in your life. No matter how busy you are, find time to seek God’s guidance and blessings.

74. You don’t need to be super busy to pray. Just make sure you keep some time for God in your day-to-day life.

75. Those who fail to pray fail to grow. God is always there for you and He will never let you down. Always find time to pray!

76. Sometimes we fall into the trap of being too busy to pray. Make time for prayer and don’t let your schedule get in the way of it.

77. Life is too short. So, find time to pray—and you will always be able to make the right decision at the right moment.

78. Stay connected with God no matter how busy your day is.

79. We don’t always have the time, but we can make the time. When life gets busy, it is often important to find a quiet place where we can still have time to connect with God.

80. The best thing you can do for yourself is to spend time connecting with God.

81. You should not be too busy to pray. No matter how tight your schedule is, always find time to connect with God.

Sometimes life gets in the way of your best intentions. You might want to consider your relationship with God, but you’re just too busy.

I hope these too busy to pray quotes inspired you to pray at times when you feel like you don’t have time for prayer. Let me know what you feel about this post in the comment section below. Kindly share this post to inspire others too. Thank you for reading.

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