Loving a Military Man Quotes

Loving a military man is a lot like loving the military. It’s about strength, sacrifice, passion, and dedication. It’s about being there for him, even when it seems like he isn’t there for you. It’s about putting your own needs aside and making sure he comes first. And it’s about being proud of who he is and what he does — no matter where that might take him.

It takes a lot to love a military man. He is away from you so much, and in many cases, he is surrounded by women who are not even his wife. You have to be extremely patient and supportive because it is easy to lose sight of the fact that this man loves you unconditionally.

The best thing about loving a military man is that you know exactly what to expect when things get tough; together, you can weather any storm. The worst thing about loving a military man is knowing that there will always be times when you have to be strong on your own again — times when he isn’t around to catch you if you fall.

These loving a military man quotes will make you understand what it feels like to be in love with a military man.

Loving a military man is not easy. It takes a special kind of woman to love a man who spends his time away fighting for his country. It’s important for a woman who loves a military man to understand how hard it can be on them when they go away for extended periods.

1. Loving a military man is like loving the wind. You can’t see him, you can’t hold him, but you know he’s there.

2. Loving someone in the military is wanting them to get good sleep, and come back home safe. You know they’re doing great things, but it’s hard not being with them.

3. Loving a military man always reminds you of how lucky you are to have them love you.

4. When you are in a relationship with a military man, you have to accept that he will leave sometimes for months at a time.

5. Loving a military man will make house know that your relationship will be tested more than most others.

6. It’s not easy being away from each other for so long, but if you love a military man, nothing should come between the two of you no matter what happens while he’s overseas or when he comes back home again after his deployment is over.

7. Loving a military man is a roller coaster ride. You never know what’s coming next, but you know it will be an adventure.

8. Loving a military man is hard, but it’s even harder when you have to be away from each other for months at a time.

9. If you were ever to fall in love with someone who was also serving in the military, please remember that they are not just their uniform, rank, or job title.

10. I think it’s important to understand that loving a military man isn’t just about putting on your best face during deployment times, but also supporting and encouraging them when they come home.

11. Military life is hard on relationships because of all the time apart, but it doesn’t have to be impossible for couples to make it work.

12. There are many things about loving a military man that is challenging and frustrating but if you focus on what makes you happy then all will be well.

13. Loving a military man is truly one of the most challenging things anyone can do. Not only do you have to deal with separation anxiety while they’re away, but you also have to deal with their mental health upon their return home.

14. It’s not always easy being married to a military man but it does have its perks. You learn to live life in the fast lane, and you get used to changing easily because your husband is constantly changing duty stations and deployments.

15. Loving a military man can be very difficult. You worry about them constantly and have to learn to live without them for long periods.

16. Loving a military man is one of the most rewarding things that you can do. This is true because the military lifestyle is not an easy one. A person who loves and supports their spouse through tough times deserves to be loved and supported in return.

17. Loving a military man makes you learn to accept the fact that he is a man first and a soldier second. You also learn that you are his number one priority and that he will never leave you behind.

18. The best part of loving a military man is seeing him come home.

19. If you love someone who’s in the military, thank them for their service and sacrifice. You don’t have to say anything at all—just look into their eyes and let them know they matter to you.

20. Loving a military man makes us stronger as individuals and as a couple.

21. Loving a military man can make you feel so proud and so sad at the same time.

22. A military man is the kind of man who’ll take a bullet for you, but never ask for help. He’s the kind of man who’ll die for his country, but never kill.

23. Loving a military man is hard work. You have to be ready to move at any moment and say goodbye to everything you know. But there are so many wonderful moments that make it all worth it: hearing your loved one’s voice on the phone after months apart; being able to Skype each other every night before bed.

24. Being married to a military man means that when you love someone, you love them for better or worse.

25. If you’re lucky enough to find a military man who loves you back just the way you are, then hang on tight because it’s rare and it’s worth it.

26. If you love someone who is a military man, you will always find yourself worrying about that person. The time they spend away from home and the dangers they face are enough to make any woman cry.

27. Military men have a special place in the hearts of all women. These men are brave, sacrificing their lives for the sake of us civilians.

29. A military man is a true gentleman who always puts his woman first. He works hard so he can provide for her and their family. He looks out for her and protects her from harm at all times because he knows it’s what she needs most from him.

30. Loving the military man is loving a man who loves his country, loves his family, loves his friends, and loves his God.

31. Military men are the most amazing people in the world. They are strong, brave, selfless and some of the most loving people you will ever meet. If you are lucky enough to find a military man who loves you back as much as you love him, then keep him.

32. The hardest part of loving a military man is not knowing where he is or if he’s okay.

33. The hardest part of loving a military man is having to see him leave when you know he’ll be gone for years.

34. The hardest part of loving a military man is watching him go off to war and the possibility that he may not come home.

35. The hardest part of loving a military man is realizing how much you love him and knowing that one day he might leave you for another country.

36. The hardest part of loving a military man is waking up every morning and thanking God for giving you the strength to let him go.

37. Loving a military man means making sacrifices and putting your husband first, even before your children sometimes.

38. I love being a military wife because it means so much more than just loving someone; it means taking on their problems as your own and dealing with them head-on even when they don’t want to deal with them themselves.

39. Loving a military man is not for the faint of heart. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.

40. A military man also has an amazing sense of humour which makes them fun to be around. A good sense of humour can make any situation better.

41. Loving a military man means that you have to be strong from the beginning. You have to show him that you can handle whatever life throws your way because it will.

42. Loving a military man means you get to spend every day with my best friend.

43. When you love a military man, you feel the distance. The heartache of missing someone so deeply that they’re still there but they’re not. It’s like trapped in limbo and you can’t do anything to move forward except wait until he comes home.

44. There’s nothing worse than when you love a military man and he’s deployed. You can’t do anything to move forward except wait until he comes home.

45. When you love a military man, you feel the distance. You feel their absence like it’s a part of you. Feelings of missing someone so deeply that they’re still there but they’re not present.

46. You love a soldier, so you know the heartache of missing him deeply.

47. When you love a soldier, the distance can be hard. The heartache of missing someone so deeply that you feel like you can’t move on can make for a difficult time.

48. Loving a military man hurts. The pain of missing someone you love so much that it hurts but yet you can’t do anything about it except wait for them to come home.

49. Loving a military man is easy. It’s the waiting that makes it hard.

50. We all know the struggles you go through with your military man. Between deployments and field training there’s not much time for romance. And that’s the deal: loving a military man is easy, it’s the waiting that makes it hard

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