21+ Best Ways to Meet New Friends in a New City or Town

You probably just moved into a new environment, and you’re trying to get acquainted with people, but you don’t know how to go about it. Here’s how!

Stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying something new might be enjoyable.

But if you start with one you already know and adore, you’ll have the courage to strike up a discussion with someone who has a similar passion.

List the activities that you feel most at ease in a hurry. You might be shocked to learn that many of the sites you visit on a daily basis without giving it a second thought are also places where you can meet new people.

The Best Ways to Meet New Friends in a New City

1. Join a Volunteering Team

It is simple to locate people who share your love for charitable giving. Giving a few hours of your time each month will help you and your chosen charity.

Volunteering for a cause you care about ranks quite high among the best locations to meet new people!

Taking time out of your hectic schedule to give back to your community is a great thing to do. Participate in volunteer work in causes that matter to you.

You’ll have the opportunity to meet people who share your interests thanks to these volunteering opportunities.

2. Book Club Meetings

One of the coolest groups to be a part of is a book club. You are surrounded by like-minded individuals with whom you can discuss a wide range of books.

Members of book clubs are expected to attend monthly sessions after finishing a particular book. The discussion of the book and the passages that affected the readers then follows.

Attending a book club meeting is a great way to not only learn about a particular book but also to broaden your social circle and make a lot of new friends.

3. Join a Dance Class

Contrary to popular opinion, you can enroll in a class later in life even if you’ve never danced before! Dance classes are one of the finest places to make new friends if you like to stay active and listen to fantastic music.

Choose a genre you like, and then think about honing your skills in public places like pubs or clubs rather than in the classroom.

4. Dog Parks

Dog parks enable your four-legged pals to run about loose and have fun in a supervised setting. You can converse with other people who have brought their pets to the park while allowing your pet to enjoy themselves.

You can divulge the brand of shampoo you use or the foods you feed your pet. It can be difficult to meet individuals who have the same interests as you, so if you find yourself in an environment where many others do, it would be a shame not to take advantage of the situation.

5. Join a Gym Class

A wonderful approach to keeping in shape and making new friends is to join a gym. A new workout partner can end up becoming a friend outside of the gym, and you might discover something you truly enjoy.

One minute of planking might be intimidating! But the gym is also a refuge for people who enjoy working out.

Even while it can seem like the greatest plan to concentrate solely on your workouts and then dash home to take a hot shower and give your body a rest, you should think about hanging out at the gym and mingling with other members.

You can create a group of individuals who will encourage you to do better by developing a personal link with them.

You’ll be shocked to discover that the relationships you’ve started as friends have developed into unique ties in no time.

6. Join a Professional Networking Group

If you own your own business, being a member of the Chamber of Commerce is a highly effective method to network and meet new people.

Network acquaintances have the potential to become lifetime buddies. Business owners and committed professionals have a contagious passion for what they do.

Networking events are the best place to meet new friends who share your passion for your career if you don’t own your own firm but take great delight in it.

7. Bus Tour

A hop-on, the hop-off bus should always be your first stop when traveling abroad because they take you to all the major attractions in a city.

However, you probably don’t feel the need to reserve such bus tours when you are in your own city. But have you ever considered what these trips may offer you?

Grab a seat next to a traveler who is clearly thrilled, then kindly inquire as to whether they would want to talk.

By the time the tour is over, you might have given them your phone number and a commitment to meet up at the city’s most well-known nightclub.

7. Go to the Beach or Lake

On the beach, unwind and read a good book while enjoying the sunshine, or play some pick-up volleyball.

Even while going to the beach or lake alone is enjoyable, there are many chances to make new people there.

Think about enrolling in a water-based class, such as paddleboarding or snorkeling, and use these pursuits to make friends.

8. Music Club

Small bands that are just starting out in the business are frequently hosted by music clubs. These groups frequently invite their loved ones to the concert as well.

In other words, there are a lot of individuals gathering in a small area, making it simple to meet new people.

9. Family Events

You can genuinely have a wonderful time during family gatherings, despite any political debates that may arise.

In addition to spending time with loved ones, you might meet new members of your extended family.

And you might even discover that you share more in common than you initially imagined, despite your political differences!

10. Take a Foreign Language Class

A great method to further your education and expose yourself to a different culture is by learning a new language.

It is simple to build new connections when learning in a group situation, but it may also be a terrific method to meet people online.

11. Hiking

Although it can be physically taxing, hiking is a terrific opportunity to socialize with others while enjoying the outdoors.

Talk to the individuals you meet, and before you know it, you’ll be taking in a stunning vista with a gorgeous new acquaintance.

12. Visit a Farmers’ Market

Monthly farmer’s markets in several communities are available, offering top-notch local goods and produce.

Farmer’s markets, like buying locally, offer a pleasant way to support your neighborhood and surround yourself with neighbors who share your passion.

Due to the variety of people that attend, farmer’s markets are among the finest places to make new acquaintances if you value a healthy lifestyle.

13. Visit a Nearby Brewery

Since craft beer has become so popular, almost every municipality now has at least one local brewery.

These breweries not only serve amazing beer, but they also frequently provide tours and workshops, making them fantastic places to socialize and have fun.

14. Hospital

Generally speaking, you don’t have fond memories of hospitals. Individuals find it difficult to spend time in hospitals while also coping with the pain of witnessing their loved one’s suffering, and during those heartbreaking moments, people tend not to glance around or consider meeting new people.

However, you might meet others who can relate to your situation at the hospital. Look around the hospital and say hello to anyone who is waiting. Engage them in discussion and express your support.

People enjoy company, and it is comforting to stand by them when they are in need. Tell them they may come to you for assistance if they need it.

15. Local Gatherings

In today’s world of social media and the Internet, the majority of the individuals you communicate with online are those you first met there. Your online pals and you share a strong bond despite never having met in person.

A great approach to connecting thousands of individuals is through Facebook groups. In a traveling group, adventurers exchange travel stories.

People who love animals can join a special community where they can share adorable footage of their pets and animal rescues.

These groups’ administrators can plan meetups so that members can interact in person. Don’t pass up the opportunity to join these Meetups because it might be really exciting to finally meet someone in person.

They are a fantastic method to make new friends and deepen your relationships with those you already have online.

16. Community Centers

Nearly every city has a community center where events like slam poetry, book launches, and political debates are held.

Visitors to these locations are curious to learn more about topics that interest them. Make sure to attend any discussions that are being held at adjacent centers.

17. Airport

Have you ever experienced a missed flight or a missed connection? The idea of spending a lot of time at the airport can be terrifying. When you’re exhausted from traveling, the only thing you frequently consider is returning home and relaxing in your . But when life hands you a lemon, make some lemonade and sip it elegantly.

Don’t sit in the corner of an airport crying about your bad luck if you get stuck there. Talk to the other travelers. If the flight is international, you can run into foreign passengers who may have interesting topics to discuss.

You can discover more about their nation or traditions. In fact, with just a brief introduction at the airport, you might make a friend who will offer to welcome you when you decide to travel to their nation.

18. A Cultural Event

Cultural events typically include book festivals, art exhibits, readings, and other conversations. You will be happy to meet the many people who attend these activities. But don’t just wait about in silence hoping to strike up a conversation! Participate actively in the exchange of ideas.

19. Coffee Shop

Some persons who work remotely, including freelancers, frequently meet in to complete tasks. People working on computers are frequently seen in these locations.  

People may be engrossed in books at other tables. But the next time you see them seated at the counter, either ahead of you or behind you, say hello and strike up a discussion.

20. Join a Fan Club for a Sports Team

Do you cherish your squad? Not by yourself! There are probably others in your city who adores your team, regardless of where they are from or the sport they play.

One of the best methods to make friends online is to join a fan club! You can definitely find a nearby tavern that is only for your team if you want to watch games together!

21. Discreet Gatherings

It is beneficial to surround yourself with individuals who can relate to your challenges and respect the fact that you are working for a better future while you are battling an addiction.

Friendships formed at group therapy sessions are particularly close since they helped you when you needed it most in their own lives.

22. Study Groups

Even though you can now learn almost anything you want to know online, nothing beats a when a group of people gets together to learn about a certain subject.

Study groups are frequently held by activists, who asked participants to attend and learn more about various topics. These are fantastic chances for you to connect with others who share your interests.

23. Religious Groups or Cultural Clubs

Joining organizations where you can find others who share your values and ideas, such as religious organizations, is one of the finest methods to meet new people.

Visit your neighborhood church or place of worship and sign up for the group that most closely matches your personality. For instance, you could join the choir to lead worship or serve as an altar knight.

If you are not particularly religious, you might want to seek out cultural clubs that share your unique ideas.

Together, you may start something new in your community as you discover and experience new things in your new circle.

24. Protests 

Protests bring together and give them the opportunity to fight for a cause, whether you’re speaking out against the demolition of a historic building or trying to spread awareness about recent price increases.

Protests also teach you more about a topic and provide insight into why a certain issue is significant to a particular set of people.

If you ever learn of a planned demonstration that interests you, set aside some time to attend it. You’ll enjoy the vibe and have a better chance of making new friends.


Even though acclimating to a new city can be challenging, never forget that you’re not doing it alone! Whenever you ask yourself, ” where to meet people” check out a few of the suggestions in this post.

Be yourself, exude confidence, and be open to making new friends. You’ll quickly feel at home and make real friendships with people who share your interests.

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