Records Management in Federal College of Education, Zaria

Records Management in Federal College of Education, Zaria.


This attempted to provide an understanding of the of records in the Federal College of Zaria. The study discussed , records management, records management , its benefits and how these records are managed in the College.

It also highlighted the types of records created, method of distribution, storage, retrieval, access, and problems. Survey method was used to conduct the study using questionnaire, interview, and observation.

Several types of records were being created and received with Students Academic Achievement 320 (91.4%) and Academic Activities as major records created. Records were mostly distributed to internal users by sending duplicate copies 255 (7.92%) and to external users by hand delivery 270 (77.1%).

The study revealed that paper-based records of the College are mostly kept on wooden shelves 319 (91.1%) and in files314 (89.7%).

There is restriction of access to some records like those of finance, examination results, certificates and staff personal files. Self discretion was mainly used to appraise records for retention and disposition as there was no written policy to guide this practice.

The study recommended provision for adequate, modern, safe and functional storage facilities, sufficient and regular funding, recruitment of trained personnel, on the job training for existing staff, computerization of all College records, and uninterrupted power supply to all parts of the College as a means of ensuring proper records management.


Cover page ………….. i
Title page ……… ii
List of Tables …..
ABSTRACT …………….. xii


1.1 Background to the Study ….. 1
1.1.1 Brief History of Federal College of Education Zaria ….. 4
1.2 Statement of the Problem …………………….. 6
1.3 Research Questions …. 7
1.4 Objectives of the Study …….. 7
1.5 Significance of the Study …….. 8
1.7 Scope/Delimitation of the Study ……8
1.8 Operational Definition of Terms ….. 9


2.1 Introduction. ………….13
2.2 The Concept of Records ……….13
2.3 The Need for Records Management. …………16
2.4 Records Creation, Storage, Access and Retrieval ……23
Records Creation ………23
Records Storage and Maintenance …….23
Records Access and Retrieval ………24
2.5 Archiving and Disposition of Records ….24
Records Retention and Disposition ………..25
2.6 Record Management in Schools ….26
Using school record as a management strategy ………..30
(i) Planning for resource acquisition and utilization….30
(ii) Student and Staff Personnel Service .31
(iii) Financial Management ……………..31
(iv) Improvement of Instructional Program ……..32
(v) Maintenance of Effective Interpersonal Relationship with the Community……32
and External Agencies …………32
2.7 Records Management Program………35
Retention Scheduling: …………35
Records Storage and Conversion: ………………….36
Advantages of Digital Imaging of Paper Records: ………36
Disadvantages of Digital Imaging of Paper Records: ……….36
Microfilming of Paper and Electronic Records Pros: …..37
Microfilming of Paper and Electronic Records Cons: …….37
Vital Records:………………37
Disaster Prevention & Recovery: ……………37
Disposition: …….39
Policies and Procedures: …………….39
1. Principle of Accountability ……40
2. Principle of Integrity ……………40
3. Principle of Protection ……….40
4. Principle of Compliance ……40
5. Principle of Availability ….40
6. Principle of Retention …..40
Records management provides:……..41
2.8 Records Management in Tertiary Institutions …………42
2.9 Importance of Records Management in Tertiary Institutions- ………49
2.10 Summary of the Review ……52


3.1 Introduction ……..59
3.2 Research Method adopted ……………59
3.3 Population of the study ………….60
3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique .61
3.5 Research instruments ……….62
3.5.1 Questionnaire ……62
3.5.2 Interview …….63
3.5.3 Observation …….63
3.6 Validity of the Instrument ………….64
3.6.1 Content Validity ……….64
3.6.2 Reliability of the Instrument ………64
3.6.3 Procedure for Data Collection …65
3.7 Procedure for Data Analysis ………….65


4.1 Introduction …..67
4.2 Response Rate ……68
4.3 Data Presentation, Analysis and Discussion ….69
4.3.2 Types of Records Created ……….70
4.3.3 Distribution of records to Internal and external Users …75
4.3.4 There are two sections for this question: ……76
4.3.5 Method of Organizing Records: …78
How are records accessed? ………79
4.3.6 Records Protection ….83
4.3.7 Research Question number seven …..84


5.1 Introduction …..91
5.2 Summary of the Study…..91
5.3 Summary of the Findings ……92
5.3 Conclusion……….94
5.4 Recommendations ……95
APPENDIX ……….104


1.1 Background to the Study

Records are generated in all organizations, educational institutions inclusive. These records document the activities and functions of these organizations and institutions.

Different types of records are created using various media for their creation and different methods and equipment are also used for their storage, retrieval, use, and eventual disposal.

According to University of California Record Management Program (Revised 2004), a record is defined as any writing, regardless of physical form or characteristics, containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used, or retained by an institution or any of its units or employee for the benefit of the institution.

“Writing” means any handwritten, typewritten, printed, photograph, photocopying, electronic format or facsimile, and any other means of recording data or any form of communication or representation, including letters, words, pictures, sounds, or symbols, or combination of both, and any record thereby created, regardless of the manner in which the record has been stored.

Record also refers to any information kept about any activity, business or function so that it can be used or studied later.

To keep a record is to write down details of such activity, business or function that has been done so that it may be preserved for later use or can be passed to an individual or organization for continued action or as a follow-up to a previous activity.


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