Bibliometric Analysis of Postgraduate Research Reports in Library And Information Science in Nigerian Universities

Bibliometric Analysis of Postgraduate Research Reports in Library And Information Science in Nigerian Universities.


The research study is a Bibliometrics analysis of post graduate research report in Library and Information Science in Nigerian universities, from 1993 to 2006. The survey research technique was used and the design of the study is cross-sectional survey design. The population was made up of 747, postgraduate research reports.

Seven research question were raised and four null hypotheses formulated to guide the study. Related literature were  reviewed in order to explore all facets of Bibliometrics  studies.  The instrument for data collection is Document Analysis Guide (DAG). The instrument was validated through expert opinion.

Documentary research methods, frequency tables, bar charts, Bradford-Zipf ‘bibliograph’ {R(n)=and b (1≤n≤c), N log n/s C1≤n≤N)} were used to provide answers to the research questions.

The findings of the study were: there are variations in the productivity output of masters’ and doctoral research reports in library and information science in Nigeria universities, no research was carried out on the states – Gombe, Jigawa, Katsina, Sokoto, Taraba and Zamfara, museums and private libraries were the least researched.

No research was carried  out  on these subjects – manuscript collection, thesaurus, patents etc, library management, information management, information recourses, library resources were the core subject studied, Oyo State, Enugu State, Lagos State, Akwa-Ibom State, Delta State and Edo State were the core geographical areas studied.

The implications of the findings were discussed.  The recommendations based on the findings were that: research centres for Library and Information Science or departmental libraries should be established to improve organization, management and documentation of these research reports.

There should be a documentation librarian in the list of staff at postgraduate schools of various universities whose duty should be tracking down these research reports, ensure proper documentation and upward  delivery to the university libraries, efforts should be made to carry out research on the states.

Subjects and libraries that have not  been studied  in order to shed light into their situations for better effective coverage on and management and to direct better future researches.


Title Page     –          –       –          –          –          –          -i

Approval Page-       –          –          –    –          –          –          -ii

Certification Page –          –          –       –          –          –          –          -iii

Dedication   –          –          –       –          –          –          –          –          -iv

Acknowledgements-               –          –          –          –          –          -v

Table of contents   –          –     –          –          –          –          -vii

List of Tables          –          –                –          –          –          –          –          -ix

List of Figures         –          –          –          –          –          –          –          –          -xi

List of Appendices            –          –          –          –          –          –          –          -xii

Abstract        –          –          –          –          –          –          –          –          –          -xiv


Background to the Study –          –          –          –          –          –          –          -1

Statement of the Problem –         –          –          –          –          –          –          -8

Purpose of the Study        –          –          –          –          –          –          –          -10

Research Questions –        –          –          –          –          –          –          –          -11

Significance of the Study –         –          –          –          –          –          –          -12

Scope of the Study –          –          –          –          –          –          –          –          -14

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW –       –          –          –          –16

Conceptual Framework –           –          –          –          –          –          –          –17

Meaning and Scope of Bibliometrics  –          –          –          –          –          -17

History of Bibliometrics –           –          –          –          –          –          –          -22

Bibliometric and Bibliography  –          –          –          –          –          –          -27

Bibliometrics as Inter-disciplinary and Multi-disciplinary Science       – 30

Objects of Bibliometrics –          –          –          –          –          –          –          -31

Applications of Bibliometrics    –          –          –          –          –          –          -32

Research in Library and Information Science as a Field of Study          – 37

Theoretical Foundations of Bibliometrics  –           –          –          –          –42

Empirical Laws of Bibliometric –          –          –          –          –          –          -43

Empirical Review of Related Studies           –          –          –          –          -51

Studies on Bibliometric Analysis of Postgraduate Theses in Library and Information Science –  -51

Summary of Literature Review          –          –          –          –          –          –56

CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODS –              –          –          –58

Research Design     –          –        –          –          -58

Area of the Study  –          –          –           –          –          -59

Population of the Study-  –          –          –                –          –          -59

Sample and Sampling Technique          –          –          –          –          –          -61

Instrument for Data Collection         –          –          –          –          -61

Validation of the Instrument –         –          –          –          –          -64

Method of Data Collection –                   –          –          -65

Method of Data Analysis            –          – –          –          –          -67




Discussion of Results-     –          –          –     –          –          -111

Summary –  –           –          –          –   –          –          -120

Implications of Study       –              –          –          -120

Recommendations –          –          –          –                  -121

Suggestions for Further Research         –       –          -123

Limitations  of Study        –          –          –             –          -124

Conclusion  –          –          –          –          –          -124

REFERENCES      –            –          –          –          -127

APPENDICES        —        –          –                 -137


1.1 Background to the Study

is a systematic observation of events or in order to determine the of an idea. According to Best and Kahn (1998:228) “research is the and objective analysis and recording of controlled observation that may lead to the development of generalizations, principles, theories resulting in predication and ultimate control of many events that may be or causes of specific activities”. Hence,  the ultimate aim of  any research is to increase knowledge of the subject and to  use  the results  of the research to improve on the existing situation or to seek solutions  to problems. Ivowi (1999) lists three uses of research: research leads to further studies and knowledge, serves as a powerful tool for solving problems through better understanding of a given situation, and normally leads to development  and then actual production of goods or services for societal improvement.

Research, particularly in the sciences and  social sciences, is considered  to be a formal, systematic and intensive process of applying the scientific method of analysis. Research can be of various types: applied, historical, empirical, state of the art review, basic, descriptive and theoretical.


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