He Is So Busy Quotes

Do you know someone so busy? This person, who always complains about being busy, never has time and attention for you? Life is too fast-paced for them to enjoy it.

It can often be disheartening to see someone whose attention you crave so much get involved in other things that you are neglected. That feeling is not a pleasant one. It becomes worse when the excuse is always ‘I am busy’- it gives one a feeling that second fiddle.

So you’ve noticed your friend is antisocial lately, always working and never taking the time to hang out. Interesting, right? Well, that’s exactly why you are here. These he is so busy quotes relate very well to the situation when someone is busy or claims to be so busy or he doesn’t have time or attention for others. So, let’s read together.

You can’t get his attention. He is busy working on something that will make him a lot of money. It’s been days since I’ve seen him. I can’t get a hold of him. That’s his life- he is so busy that seeing him is by chance.

1. I often can’t believe I have to wait for him to text me back. He’s so busy he doesn’t even have time to answer my texts.

2. He is so busy you can’t get his attention. He’s busy doing something super important.

3. No one has ever come too close to knowing his free time because he is so busy. You can’t get his attention. He’s too busy.

4. When you talk about someone so busy, you should have my boyfriend’s name in mind because he is so busy that he doesn’t even read his messages.

5. Who is this man so busy I can’t even get his attention? You can’t get his attention. It’s like he’s not even here. You’ve got to do something about it—right now!

6. He’s so busy he won’t even see this. You can’t seem to catch his attention. You’ll have to find a new way to get his attention right now.

7. You have been trying to get his attention for the past two hours, but he can’t seem to hear you. That’s the story of someone so busy.

8. Just when you think he’s going to hear you, he’s busy. We don’t know when he’ll get back to us.

9. He is so busy; I don’t even know how to get his attention anymore. I can’t tell you how busy he is all the time. I want him to talk to me, at least for a minute.

10. He is a busy man. He could not be reached for comment. If you’re trying to get his attention, it might be time to try something else.

11. You can’t get him to notice you. What’s wrong? That’s okay. I can’t get his attention either.

12. The man you want to see is always busy and cannot be bothered. He is never home, and you can’t get his attention.

13. You can’t get his attention, can you? You can’t get his attention. He’s so busy; he’ll never see you.

14. He is so busy with work; he barely has time to waste on anyone.

15. He is so busy that he barely remembers our anniversary. This makes me sad, and I don’t know what to do about it.

16. He’s so busy; he doesn’t even know you exist. Can’t you get his attention? He is so busy you can’t get his attention.

17. He is busy so I couldn’t get his attention like I haven’t been getting for quite some time now.

18. The big boss is busy—you can’t get his attention. It’s not that he’s ignoring you. He is just so busy there is no way he can hear your call, text or email.

19. Oh no! He’s so busy with work he can’t take time off to see you.

20. It’s not that he’s ignoring you; he’s just so busy. You can’t get his attention, so why try?

21. It’s not you. It’s his nature. He’s so busy with his new business that he can’t find time to check in with you.

22. Having tried all possible best to make him realize that his attention is needed and all to no avail, I’ve conceded to the fact that he’s so busy and will ever be busy.

23. How can you have a guy so busy that he doesn’t even call? I am supposed to accept that and believe he’s so busy.

24. He’s so busy with work; he won’t even remember to eat his food.

25. I can’t believe he’s always busy. I thought we had set a time to hang out, but he never seemed to have time for me.

26. I am torn between accepting that he’s so busy he’s avoiding me because how can someone be so busy that he will not even return your calls?

27. I tried getting his attention by calling him multiple times and sending him messages, but he will not respond. I guess he’s so busy, as usual.

28. When someone evades you for too long, you have to accept that he is so busy, even though he is busy with other things or people.

29. Don’t bother trying to reach out to him. He’s been so busy that he can’t even hear you.

30. You can’t get his attention. He is always busy, and you are never sure when he’ll see this or respond.

31. He’s so busy you can’t even reach out to him! He’s too busy to talk. You’ll have to wait until he has time.

32. He’s so busy this morning. I had to take an alternate route to work to avoid him.

33. I need my husband to be home for dinner, but he’s too busy. This could be painful, but I have to accept it as it comes.

34. I tried to get his attention, but he was busy. I try to send a text, but it goes right to his voicemail. I try calling, but he’s probably busy.

35. Some days, it’s just not in the cards to get a reply from him. He is a busy man; you can’t blame him.

36. Everyone has this person in their lives who are so busy that it is difficult to reach out to him. He is the type who is known for his busy schedule. 

37. He is so busy today that he can’t even find the time to text you back. You’ve got to know he’s busy when he can’t return your calls.

38. You can’t get his attention. He barely sees me. I want to know if he’s out with someone else. You keep trying to get his attention, but he’s too busy.

39. Sometimes, we try to get through to some people, but they are never there because they are so busy. This could be hurting sensitive people.

40. He is so busy that you can’t get his attention. I understand. He’s a busy man, and he’s hard to reach.

41. If you want to reach him, you’ve got to book an appointment with him because he is so busy. You can’t get his attention because he is so busy.

42. You can’t get his attention; he’s so busy that I don’t even know when he will call me back.

43. When you have tried to talk to him, and he’s not giving you any feedback, you have to accept that you can’t get him because he’s too busy.

44. That guy you were trying to get ahold of? He’s busy. He’ll call you back.

45. We know he’s busy, but can we get him to see this? I don’t know if he’s ignoring me because I’m new or just not interested.

46. He’s so busy you can’t get him at all. I wonder when he sleeps because he eats at every point in time; he keeps saying he’s busy.

47. You can’t get a hold of him. He is so busy that he won’t even hear you. I’m sorry you can’t get his attention. Maybe he’s busy? 

48. I wish I could be more like him. He is so busy I can’t even get in his way. Can’t get his attention? What are you waiting for? I can’t get a hold of the man. He’s too busy to talk.

49. He keeps you waiting for hours to leave you hanging. You’re not going to get his attention. He’s so busy that if he could, he would ignore you.

50. I cannot get his attention- he’s so busy. I need him to pay attention to me.

51. He is too busy to answer your text. This should be a red flag for any person going into any relationship.

52. Having a friend who is so busy could energy- draining. I can’t keep wondering why he’s so busy. 

53. He is always busy. You can’t get his attention. You can try and text him, but he is so busy you can’t get his attention.

54. You can’t get a hold of him because he is so busy. I can’t believe he didn’t get back to me.

55. You can’t even get him on the phone. I would try calling back later, and he was in a meeting. That’s always how he is- he’s so busy.

56. I can’t believe he’s so busy, but I’ll still love him regardless, yet, I don’t know how this will end.

57. He’s so busy; he could manage a text message from you, but if you try to call, you will be ignored.

58. Whenever I try to reach out to express my feeling, all I get is the same. You can’t get his attention. He’s a busy man.

59. Oh, he’s so busy. I can’t get his attention. He is so busy with work that you must wait for him to call you back.

60. You tried to get his attention, but he was too busy to give you a call.

61. Hey, you can’t get his attention. He’s so busy he doesn’t even have time to read your text message!

62. He has a million things going on. We hardly see him anymore.

63. I can’t believe he’s ignoring me! He is so busy, and I bet he doesn’t even know I exist.

64. What’s wrong with the guy? He’s always busy, never replies to my texts, and has no time for his friends. I should have kept my big mouth shut.

65. When he’s not with us, he’s busy. He’s so busy- always is.

66. He’s so busy you can’t get his attention; he just doesn’t get it. Don’t bother him anymore. He is a busy man who doesn’t have time for you.

67. I’m sorry. I can’t seem to get his attention. He’s so busy that I don’t know when he’ll be around again.

68. Someone calls the janitor. He is so busy he can’t even get out of his chair to clean up this mess. I can’t believe he is so busy, and I can’t get his attention.

69. He’s a busy man; he can’t get to me. You can’t reach him. He’s busy.

70. I called this morning and left a voicemail. No response. I’ve been trying to reach him all day, and still no answer. You know, I’ve been trying to reach him all day. Maybe he’s sleeping? But No, he’s so busy.

71. I might as well text him and tell him I’m done. He is the busiest man I know. It’s like trying to get a fly to land on your fingertip.

72. It’s hard for me to get my man’s attention these days. It’s not that he’s busy. He doesn’t care what you have to say.

73. All the time he’s been spending with you, what have you been up to? Because these days, he’s so busy to even attend to anyone.

74. He is so busy, busy! You can’t get his attention. Somehow I can’t get his attention. He is so busy you can’t get his attention.

75. You can try all day, but it will take more than a few hours to get the attention of this busy man. It’s okay. He’s busy. Just give him a minute.

76. You’re not going to see him today because he is so busy. You’re not going to get this guy’s attention. He’s so busy.

77. You can’t even get him to hear you. I can’t believe that he never told me his plans. Hey, I’m busy. I can’t talk right now.

78. He’s so busy and in a hurry, you can’t even get his attention. You are trying to reach out to him, but he is too busy.

79. He isn’t here; he’s busy. This guy is so busy that even when you ask him if you can borrow his phone, he doesn’t remember.

80. He’s got a lot on his plate, so I’ll let him know you’re here.

81. Oh no! I can’t believe I’ve been bugging this busy guy for days, and he still hasn’t helped. 

82. You’re always waiting for him, but you never see him.

83. He is so busy, you can’t be with him. The more you try, the more you will be disappointed. It’s better to let him be.

84. The man is a loner; you can’t get to him. He’s so busy with other things but never with human beings.

85. It’s a busy man’s world. He is so busy you can’t get his attention.

86. He’s such a busy man. He can’t stop for you.

87. He is so busy that you must email him daily and wait for a response.

88. He is the busiest man I know, but he’s never around.

89. He is so busy that you’re left wondering if he even cares about you.

90. I’m sorry, he’s been so busy that I couldn’t get his attention.

91. He might not be able to pick up the phone right now, but he’s definitely thinking about you. He’s just super busy and can’t talk right now.

92. He was overwhelmed with work, so he responded in a tone that suggested that you should have expected this.

93. You should know him better than anyone- he is so busy that I couldn’t get a hold of him even if I wanted to.

94. Some people will always be so busy that the best is to crash in on them because they are so busy that they won’t ever schedule anything with you. 

95. Waiting on someone busy can be very painful and disappointing, but that is the best thing to do.

96. When he’s busy, you’ve got to admit that he’s busy. Anything other than that is a call to trouble.

97. If he says he’s so busy, wait for him. If you can’t be patient, then walk away.

98. I know who was always sincerely busy. He is so busy that he sometimes forgets his birthdays.

99. When you are with someone always busy, stay busy too on your lane and adjust your sails to the storm.

100. He’s so busy; fix something for yourself and watch him return to you.

101. No one can be too busy for the one he loves. What are you waiting for if he’s so busy that he doesn’t know you exist? That’s a RED flag.

Being busy is good, but we can’t be busy all the time to deprive others and sometimes ourselves of the needed attention. These he is so busy quotes are for you to share across your social space.

Have you ever been truly busy that you forgot the things that matter? Share your experience in the comment box below.

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